Не выходи из комнаты, не совершай ошибку.
Зачем тебе Солнце, если ты куришь Шипку?
За дверью бессмысленно все, особенно -- возглас счастья.
Только в уборную -- и сразу же возвращайся.
О, не выходи из комнаты, не вызывай мотора.
Потому что пространство сделано из коридора
и кончается счетчиком. А если войдет живая
милка, пасть разевая, выгони не раздевая.
Не выходи из комнаты; считай, что тебя продуло.
Что интересней на свете стены и стула?
Зачем выходить оттуда, куда вернешься вечером
таким же, каким ты был, тем более -- изувеченным?
О, не выходи из комнаты. Танцуй, поймав, боссанову
в пальто на голое тело, в туфлях на босу ногу.
В прихожей пахнет капустой и мазью лыжной.
Ты написал много букв; еще одна будет лишней.
Не выходи из комнаты. О, пускай только комната
догадывается, как ты выглядишь. И вообще инкогнито
эрго сум, как заметила форме в сердцах субстанция.
Не выходи из комнаты! На улице, чай, не Франция.
Не будь дураком! Будь тем, чем другие не были.
Не выходи из комнаты! То есть дай волю мебели,
слейся лицом с обоями. Запрись и забаррикадируйся
шкафом от хроноса, космоса, эроса, расы, вируса.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Not come out from the room, not to make a mistake. Why do you need the Sun, if you smoke Šípků? Behind the door is pointless, especially all-exclamation of happiness. Only in the washroom-and immediately come back. Oh, do not come out of the room, not challenge your motor. Because the space was from corridor and ends with the counter. And if you go down live Milka, Maw razevaâ, not tack stripping. Not come out from the room; assume that you purged. What is more interesting for the light walls and chairs? Why go from there where coming back in the evening in the same manner you were, the more-mutilated? Oh, do not come out of the room. So catching, Bossa Nova the naked body of coats, shoes on his bare leg. In the hallway smells of cabbage and cream ski. You wrote a lot of letters; another would be superfluous. Not come out from the room. Oh, let the room only know what you look like. And in General incognito ergo sum, as the form in the hearts of the substance. Not come out from the room! On the street, tea, not France. Don't be a fool! Whether what others were not. Not come out from the room! That is, let the will of the furniture, slejsâ face with wallpaper. Confine yourself and zabarrikadirujsâ wardrobe from the God Chronos, Eros, space race, virus.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
Do not go out of the room, do not make mistakes.
Why do you want the sun, if you smoke Shipka?
Behind the door all pointless - especially the cry of happiness.
Only in the bathroom - and immediately come back.
Oh, do not go out of the room, does not cause the engine.
Because space is made of the corridor
and ends with a counter. And if you will live
Milka, jaws gaping, Cast out not stripping.
Do not go out of the room; consider that you chill.
What is interesting in the light of the wall and a chair?
Why to go there, where you come back in the evening
the same as you were, the more - mutilated?
Oh, do not go out of the room. Dance, catching, bossa nova
in a coat over his naked body, with slippers on his bare feet.
In the hallway smells of cabbage and ointment ski.
You wrote a lot of letters; another is superfluous.
Do not go out of the room. Oh, let alone room
guess what you look like. In general Incognito
ergo sum, as noted in the form of hearts substance.
Do not go out of the room! On the street, tea, not France.
Do not be a fool! If so, what others were not.
Do not go out of the room! That is, let the will of the furniture,
Merge face with wallpaper. Lock the zabarrikadiruysya and
wardrobe from chronos, space, eros, race, virus.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
don"t leave the room, don"t make a mistake.why are you the sun, if you smoke шипку?the door doesn"t make sense, especially - in happiness.just go to the bathroom, and then go back.oh, don"t leave the room, don"t call the engine.because the space is made out of the hall.and over a meter. and if it comes alive.milk, mouth разевая, get not getting naked.don"t go out of the room; consider what you catch a draft.what interesting in light of the wall and the chair?why to go out, where to go tonightthe same as you were, the more - mutilated?oh, don"t go out of the room. dance with, bossa novathe coat on the naked body, wearing with the leg.in the hallway smells like cabbage and on the ski.you write a lot of letters; another would be superfluous.don"t go out of the room. oh, he"s only roomknow what you look like. and anyway...ergo sum form, as noticed in the hearts of the substance.don"t go out of the room. on the street, tea, not france.don"t be a fool! if the other were not.don"t go out of the room. so let go of furniturelink person with wallpaper. lock it and barricade yourselfbookcase from chronos, eros, the space race, the virus.
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