На моих экзамена в июле меня тоже ждёт полное бедствие, хаха Я точно знаю, что он был там, потому что он фигурирует там на всех фото. Он просто идиот. Пусть отстанет от меня
On my exam in July me too waiting for complete disaster, haha I know for sure that he was there because he was there at all. He's just an idiot. Let them lag behind me
On my exam in July I also awaits a complete disaster, haha I know that he was there because he figures there for all photos. He's just an idiot. Let me leave you alone
In my exam in July i, too will enjoy a complete distress, хаха i just know that he was there, because it was there at all. He simply potatoes. Let catchphrase of me