1. Боюсь, как бы нас не заставили бродить по всему городу в поисках до перевод - 1. Боюсь, как бы нас не заставили бродить по всему городу в поисках до английский как сказать

1. Боюсь, как бы нас не заставили б

1. Боюсь, как бы нас не заставили бродить по всему городу в поисках дома отдыха.
2. Мы услышали, как треснула ветка, и увидели, что кто-то подходит сквозь густой туман к нашей палатке, которую мы разбили на берегу озера, рядом с рощей.
3. Неужели он согласился, что это скорее допустимое решение проблемы, а не разумный выход из положения?
4. Она сказала, что желательно, чтобы я тщательно перемешала масло, яйца и цукаты, а потом добавляла муку.
5. Если бы не этот сказочный уголок и настоящая сельская гостиница со старинными решётчатыми окнами и причудливыми петляющими коридорами, я бы наверняка предложила остановиться в другом месте, т.к. местные блюда едва ли можно назвать шикарными.
6. Она с серьёзным и задумчивым видом посоветовала, чтобы мы обливались холодной водой каждый день, особенно в случае, если день душный и жара невыносимая. - Неужели она привыкла откалывать подобные шуточки?
7. В твоей квартире жуткий беспорядок уже неделю. Будь я здесь хозяйкой, я бы давно соскоблила грязь с ковра, выбросила обрезки бумаг и остатки мебельного гарнитура и вымыла посуду.
8. Не удержи ты меня на скользкой винтовой лестнице, я бы упала и сломала или ногу, или руку, не так ли?
9. Зря ты ему сказала, что еле сводишь концы с концами. Теперь он наверняка будет сплетничать об этом с соседями.
10. Заметив, как племянник отдирает кору с берёзы, она быстро вдела нитку в иголку, заплела волосы в косы, закрутила их вокруг головы и побежала во двор.
11. Кроме Джека, который крепко спал, мы всю ночь не сомкнули глаз, так как искали фонарик, спальные мешки, непромокаемые рюкзаки, консервные ножи и кухонную утварь.
12. Увидев, как Елена нырнула с громким всплеском в воду, я не мог не вздрогнуть, т.к. к тому времени сырой ветер принёс тучи, и над речкой накрапывал мелкий дождик.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I'm afraid, as though we are not forced to wander around the city in search of holiday homes. 2. We heard how cracked branch and saw that someone is coming through the thick fog to our tent, we crashed on the shore of the Lake, near the Grove. 3. Does he agreed, that this is rather a valid solution to the problem, rather than a reasonable way out of the situation? 4. She said that it is desirable that I thoroughly intermixed butter, eggs and candied fruits, and then add the flour. 5. If not this fairy nook and this rural hotel with ancient lattice Windows and fanciful winding corridors, I would certainly be invited to stay elsewhere, because local food can hardly luxurious. 6. She was serious and thoughtful views suggested that we poured cold water every day, especially if the day stifling and heat unbearable. -Did she used to cut these jokes? 7. In your apartment spooky mess for a week. Whether I'm here mistress, I'd long soskoblila dirt from the carpet, trim and threw the remains of furniture and washed the dishes. 8. don't hold me on slippery spiral staircase, I would fell and broke her leg or arm or, isn't it? 9. In vain he said that drive barely make ends meet. Now he is sure to be a gossip about it with neighbours. 10. Noticing how nephew otdiraet with birch bark, she quickly vdela thread in the needle, so, I made the hair in braids, the word written by them around the head and ran into the yard. 11. In addition to Jack, who fast asleep, we would not have closed the whole night eye, because looking for flashlight, sleeping bags, waterproof bags, can openers and utensils. 12. Seeing as Elena Dove with a loud splash in the water, I could not help but flinch, because by the time the raw wind brought clouds, and above the river nakrapyval vaporisation.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I am afraid that we are not forced to wander around the city in search of a holiday home.
2. We heard a twig snapped, and saw that someone comes through the thick fog to our tent, which we pitched on the shore of the lake, near the forest.
3. Does he agree that it is more feasible solution to the problem, not a reasonable way out of the situation?
4. She said that it is desirable that I thoroughly mix the oil, eggs and candied fruit, and then add the flour.
5. If it was not this fabulous area and a real country inn with old lattice windows and quaint winding corridors, I would certainly have offered to stay elsewhere because Local dishes are hardly plush.
6. It is a serious and thoughtful look advised us to pour cold water every day, especially if the day of sweltering heat and unbearable. - Did she used to chipping like jokes?
7. In your apartment a terrible mess for a week. If I were here mistress, I would have to scrape off the dirt from the carpet, he threw scraps of papers and the remains of a suite of furniture and washed the dishes.
8. You can not keep me on the slippery spiral staircase, I would have fallen and broken or leg, or arm, is not it?
9. You should not have told him that barely make ends meet. Now he will certainly talk about it with their neighbors.
10. Seeing as the nephew rips the bark from birch, she quickly put his thread a needle, braided hair in braids, twisted them around the head and ran into the yard.
11. In addition to Jack, who was fast asleep, all night we did not sleep a wink, as sought flashlight, sleeping bags, waterproof bags, can openers and cooking utensils.
12. Seeing Elena dived with I could not loud splash into the water, do not flinch, because by the time damp wind brought clouds over the river and it was drizzling drizzle.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i'm afraid if we don't have to wander around town looking for holiday homes.2. we heard how cracked ", and saw someone coming through the thick fog to our tent, we were on the shore of the lake, near the grove.3. he agreed that it is more likely to be the solution, not a way out?4. she said that it is desirable that i thoroughly scrambled eggs and butter, succade and then add the flour.5. if not a magical place and a rural hotel решётчатыми antique windows and corridors of петляющими, i'd be invited to stay somewhere else since. the local cuisine is hardly a big.6. she was serious and thoughtful views suggested that we обливались cold water every day, especially if the day is hot and the heat is unbearable. - did she used to откалывать such jokes?7. a terrible mess in your apartment for a week. if i'm late, i'd соскоблила dirt from the carpet, threw shards securities and balances the furniture parts and wash the dishes.8. don't keep you on a slippery spiral staircase, i fell down and broke or the leg, or arm, isn't it?9. you shouldn't have told him that can barely make ends meet. now he must be talking about this with the neighbours.10. seeing as the nephew отдирает bark with берёзы, she quickly вдела thread a needle braided her hair in braids, twisted it around my head and ran into the yard.11. except jack, who was fast asleep, we all night do not close the eyes, like looking for a flashlight, sleeping bags, waterproof bags, tin knives and utensils.12. when elena dive with a loud splash in the water, i could not help but tremble, because. by the time the raw wind brought clouds and over the world накрапывал drizzle.
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