(D) Based on a fairy-tale.
Сестры Золушки (Cinderella) обращались с нею так, словно она была их служанкой. «Как жаль, что я не могу угодить (to please) сестрам, — не раз думала Золушка. — Как бы я ни старалась угодить им, они всегда недовольны (to find fault with somebody)». Однажды было объявлено (to announce), что в королевском дворце должен состояться большой бал. Всем очень хотелось пойти туда. Сестры Золушки были приглашены, но Золушка так и не получила приглашения. «Как жаль, что меня не пригласили!—думала бедная девушка. — Как жаль, что я не смогу увидеть Юного Принца! Как он, должно быть, красив! А что, если я попрошу сестер взять меня на бал? Нет, бесполезно даже и пытаться. Они меня не возьмут, хотя бы я умоляла их об этом целый день».
Наконец наступил день, когда сестры Золушки должны были поехать на бал. Золушке пришлось много работать, причесывая сестер и стараясь сделать их как можно красивее. Вечером сестры уехали, и Золушка осталась одна. «Какие они счастливые, — думала Золушна, сидя у камина. — Если бы у меня было красивое платье, я бы тоже могла поехать на бал». В эту минуту появилась ее крестная мать и сказала: «У тебя будет красивое платье. Ты пойдешь на бал. Но помни: как бы ты ни веселилась (to enjoy oneself), ты не должна оставаться во дворце после полуночи».
Золушка в своем прелестном платье, которое точно (выглядело так, словно) было соткано из лунных лучей (moonbeams), вошла (to step) в карету. Она никогда не видела такой красивой кареты. Что касается кучера, то он был просто великолепен; он точно (выглядел так, словно) никогда и не был крысой. Когда Золушка приехала во дворец, король подумал, что это, должно быть, какая-то иностранная принцесса. Она держала себя так, словно всю жизнь прожила в королевском дворце. Золушка забыла приказание крестной и осталась на балу после полуночи. Едва она успела выбежать из дворца, как снова превратилась в бедную Золушку. «Как жаль, что я не послушалась моей доброй крестной матери. Если бы я не осталась во дворце после полуночи, я бы сейчас ехала (to drive) в карете в своем прелестном платье».
Юный Принц всюду искал Золушку, но ее нигде нельзя было найти. «Где может быть эта прекрасная принцесса? — думал он.— Неужели она потеряна для меня навсегда (to be lost to somebody)? Я боюсь, что сколько бы я ни искал, я не смогу ее найти».
Принц приказал, чтобы все девушки в городе примерили (to try on) хрустальный башмачок (glass slipper), который потеряла Золушка. Он думал, что таким образом он, может быть, найдет прекрасную принцессу. Многие девушки старались надеть башмачок, чтобы выйти замуж за Юного Принца. Когда. пришла очередь Золушки примерять башмачок, сестры стали смеяться над нею. Но башмачок наделся на ногу Золушки с величайшей легкостью (to slip on with the greatest ease), и к своему ужасу (dismay) сестры узнали в девушке прекрасную принцессу, которую они видели на балу. Они пожалели, что плохо обращались с Золушкой.
(Е) 1. Ежели они враги мои, то не могут быть друзьями, как бы они там ни разговаривали в Тильзите. (Л. Толстой) 2. Наташа посмотрела на нее, как бы не понимая того, что у ней спрашивают. (Л. Толстой) 3. Правда, он в течение всего этого времени чувствовал, как будто она к нему снисходила, как будто ему следовало быть ей благодарным... но молодые сердца не тяготятся этим чувством (to be weighed down by something). (Тургенев) 4. Аркадий, к собственному изумлению, беспрестанно думал о Никольском; прежде он бы только плечами пожал, если бы кто-нибудь сказал ему, что он может соскучиться под одним кровом с Базаровым... (Тургенев) 5. После чаю Анна Сергеевна предложила пойти гулять... (Тургенев) 6. Павлу Петровичу скоро полегчило (to feel better); но в постели пришлось ему пролежать около недели. (Тургенев) 7. Вы, я уверен, ни за что первая не выскажете своего чувства, как бы оно ни было сильно и свято. (Тургенев) 8. Базаров быстро пробежал письмо и сделал усилие над собою, чтобы не выказать злорадного чувства, которое мгновенно вспыхнуло у него в груди. (Тургенев) 9. Пойду прилягу. а вы мне пришлите липового чаю (lime-flower tea). Простудился, должно быть. (Тургенев) 10. Ехать в Париж решено было обоим и немедленно... (А. Толстой) 11. С полчаса я просидел на стуле, стараясь не двигаться и не дышать громко, чтобы не нарушить (to disturb) гармонии звуков, говоривших мне так много. (Л. Толстой) 12. Катенька была уже совсем большая... и мысль, что она скоро может выйти замуж, уже не казалась мне шуткой... (Л. Толстой) 13. Невольно подслушав разговор, которого мне не должно было слушать, я на цыпочках... выбрался из комнаты. (Л. Толстой) 14. Палатка и кухня отправлены были вперед на место, где Кирила Петрович должен был обедать. (Пушкин) 15. «Прощайте, Петр Иванович! — сказала она мне со слезами.—Будьте живы (to live long) и счастливы». (Пушкин) 16. Настойчивая, властолюбивая, она и слышать не хотела о замужестве (matrimony). (Тургенев) 17. На следующее утро, за чаем, Лемм-попросил Лаврецкого дать ему лошадей для того, чтобы возвратиться в город. «Мне пора приняться за дело (to start one's work), то есть за уроки,—заметил старик, — а то я здесь только даром время теряю». (Тургенев) 18. «Мне кажется, — говорила Лиза несколько мгновений спустя,—если бы он точно меня любил, он бы не написал этого письма; он должен был бы чувствовать, что я не могу отвечать ему теперь». (Тургенев) 19. Я, как рабыня, исполню ваше приказание, какое бы оно ни было. (Тургенев) 20. Впрочем, кто знает? Я, может быть, был бы более огорчен, если б я получил это известие двумя неделями раньше... (Тургенев) 21. Что же касается до жены Ивана Петровича, то Петр Андреич сначала и слышать о ней не хотел... (Тургенев) 22. Князь Лыков не противуречил: это было бы напрасно. (Пушкин) 23. Ибрагим в рассеянии отвечал, что, вероятно, государь работает те
Результаты (
английский) 1:
(D) Based on a fairy-tale.Sisters of Cinderella (Cinderella) treated her as if she was their maid. "It is a pity that I can't please (to please) sisters — not once thought of Cinderella. — No matter how hard I tried to please them, they always dissatisfied (to find fault with somebody). " Once it was announced (to announce) that will be held in the Royal Palace grand ball. Everyone really wanted to go there. Cinderella's sisters were invited but Cinderella never received an invitation. "What a pity, that I wasn't invited! — thought the poor girl. -What a pity that I will not be able to see the young Prince! How he must be handsome! What if I asked the sisters to take me to the ball? No, it is useless to even try. They won't take me, although I begged them about it the whole day.Finally the day came when Cinderella's sisters were supposed to go to the ball. Cinderella had to work a lot, pričesyvaâ sisters and trying to make them more beautiful. In the evening, the sisters left, and Cinderella was left alone. "What are they happy, is thought Zolušna, sitting by the fireplace. -If I had a beautiful dress, I would also be able to go to the ball. At that moment her godmother appeared and said, "you will have a beautiful dress. You go to the ball. But remember: how would you no fun (to enjoy oneself), you must not stay in the Palace after midnight.Cinderella in her beautiful dress that accurately (looked like) was made from Lunar rays (moonbeams), (to step) in coach. She had never seen such a beautiful carriage. As for Kucera, he was just great; It accurately (looked like) has never been a rat. When Cinderella came into the Palace, the King thought it must be some foreign Princess. She was holding herself like a whole life lived in the Royal Palace. Cinderella had forgotten orders and godmother at the ball left after midnight. She barely managed to escape from the Palace, again turned in a poor Cinderella. "It is a pity that I disobeyed my good godmother. If I hadn't stayed in the Palace after midnight, I'd now rode (to drive) in the coach in her beautiful dress.The young Prince everywhere searched for Cinderella, but it cannot be found anywhere else. "Where maybe this lovely Princess? — He thought — did she lost to me forever (to be lost to somebody)? I am afraid that no matter how much I was looking for, I can't find it.The Prince ordered that all the girls in town tried (to try on) the glass slipper (glass slipper), which lost Cinderella. He thought that in this way it may be, will find the beautiful Princess. Many girls tried to wear the glass slipper, to marry the young Prince. When. turn Cinderella try on the glass slipper, the sisters began to laugh at her. But press on Cinderella's foot Slipper with the greatest of ease (to slip on with the greatest ease), and to my horror (dismay) sister learned in girl beautiful Princess that they saw at the ball. They regretted that the mistreated Cinderella.(E) 1. If they are my enemies, you cannot be friends, no matter how much they talked in Tilsit. (L. Tolstoy) 2. Natasha looked at her, not realizing that it asked. (L. Tolstoy) 3. Though he during all this time, felt as if she snishodila to him as if he should be thankful ... but the young heart tâgotâtsâ this feeling (to be weighed down by something). (Turgenev) 4. Arkady, to its own astonishment, constantly thinking about St. Nicholas; first he'd only shoulders shrugged, if someone told him that he can miss under one shelter with Bazarovym ... (Turgenev) 5. After tea Anna Sergeevna invited the helpfu ... (Turgenev) 6. Pavel Petrovich soon polegčilo (to feel better); but he had to lie in bed for about a week. (Turgenev) 7. I am sure that the first did not express his feelings, as it was hard and Holy. (Turgenev) 8. letter and ran quickly Bazarov made an effort over himself, to not express zloradnogo feeling that instantly erupted in his chest. (Turgenev) 9. Go priliagu. did you send me lime tea (lime-flower tea). A cold, should be. (Turgenev) 10. Go to Paris, they decided both and immediately ... (A. Tolstoy) 11. With half an hour I sat on a Chair, trying not to move and don't breathe loudly, so as not to disrupt (to disturb) harmony of sounds, spoken to me so much. (L. Tolstoy) 12. Katya was already quite large ... and the idea that she may soon get married, no longer seemed to me a joke ... (L. Tolstoy) 13. Involuntarily overheard the conversation, which I should not have to listen, I tiptoe ... got out of the room. (L. Tolstoy) 14. Tent and kitchen were sent forward to the place where Cyril Petrovich had lunch. (Pushkin) 15. "Goodbye, Petr Ivanovich! She said to me with tears in their eyes. — Stay Alive (to live long) and happy. " (Pushkin) 16. Persevering, vlastolûbivaâ, she did not want to hear about marriage (matrimony). (Turgenev) 17. The next morning, over tea, Lemme-asked Lavretsky give him horses in order to return to the city. It is time for me to get down to business (to start one's work), i.e. lessons, said the old man, and I am here only to lose time for nothing. " (Turgenev) 18. "It seems to me, Lisa said a few moments later, if he loved me for sure, he would not have written this letter; He would feel that I can't meet him now. " (Turgenev) 19. I like the slave, fulfill your orders, whatever it may be. (Turgenev) 20. However, who knows? I maybe would be more disappointed if I got this news two weeks earlier. (Turgenev) 21. As regards to the wife of Ivan Petrovic, Petar Andreič and first heard about it did not want to ... (Turgenev) 22. Prince protivurečil no Lykov: it would have been in vain. (Pushkin) 23. Ibrahim in scattering replied that probably the Emperor works those
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
(D) Based on a fairy-tale.
The sisters of Cinderella (Cinderella) treated her like she was their maid. "What a pity that I can not please (to please) sisters - not once thought of Cinderella. - As much as I tried to please them, they are always unhappy (to find fault with somebody) ». One day it was announced (to announce), that the royal palace to be held a great ball. Everyone would love to go there. Cinderella's sisters were invited but Cinderella has not received an invitation. "What a pity that I was not invited! You think the poor girl. - What a pity that I could not see the young prince! How he must be handsome! What if I asked the sisters to take me to the prom? No, it is useless to even try. They will not take me, even though I begged them about it all day.
"Finally the day came when the sisters of Cinderella had to go to the ball. Cinderella had to work hard, brushing sisters and trying to make them as much as possible beautiful. In the evening, the sisters left, and Cinderella was alone. "What they are happy - Zolushna thought, sitting by the fireplace. - If I had a beautiful dress, I would, too, could go to the ball. " At that moment her godmother appeared and said, "You'll have a beautiful dress. You go to the prom. But remember: no matter how you had fun (to enjoy oneself), you should not stay in the palace after midnight. "
Cinderella in her lovely dress that accurately (looked like) were woven from moonbeams (moonbeams), I came (to step) into the carriage. She had never seen such a beautiful carriage. As for the driver, he was great; he just (looked like) was never rat. When Cinderella arrived at the palace, the king thought it must be some kind of a foreign princess. She behaved as if he had lived all his life in the royal palace. Cinderella forgot orders cross and left the ball in after midnight. As soon as she had run out of the palace as again it becomes a poor Cinderella. "What a pity that I did not listen to my good godmother. If I had not stayed in the palace after midnight, I would now went (to drive) in a carriage in a lovely dress.
"The young Prince was looking everywhere Cinderella, but its nowhere to be found. "Where can this beautiful princess? - I thought on.- Is she lost to me forever (to be lost to somebody)? I am afraid that no matter how much I searched, I could not find it.
"The prince ordered that all the girls in town have tried (to try on) Glass Slipper (glass slipper), which lost Cinderella. He thought that in this way it can be to find the beautiful princess. Many of the girls tried to put on a shoe to marry the young prince. When. it was the turn to try on Cinderella's slipper, the sisters began to laugh at her. But put on foot slipper Cinderella with the greatest of ease (to slip on with the greatest ease), and to my horror (dismay) sister learned the girl a beautiful princess, which they saw at the ball. They regretted that mistreated Cinderella.
(E) 1. If they are my enemies, they can not be friends, as if they're either talking at Tilsit. (Tolstoy) 2. Natasha looked at her as if not realizing that she had asked. (Tolstoy) 3. However, it is during this time felt as if she were showing indulgence to him as if he ought to be grateful to her ... but young hearts are not weighed down by that feeling (to be weighed down by something). (Turgenev) 4. Arkady, to his own surprise, continually thinking of Nicholas; before he'd merely shrugged his shoulders if anyone had told him that he could miss under the same roof with Bazarov ... (Turgenev) 5. After tea Anna Sergeyevna suggested they go for a walk ... (Turgenev) 6. Pavel Petrovich soon Take it easy (to feel better); but in bed he had to lie about a week. (Turgenev) 7. You are, I am sure, for what the first does not express his feelings, as if it might be strong and sacred. (Turgenev) 8. Bazarov quickly ran a letter and made an effort over himself, so as not to show malevolent feelings that instantly flashed in his chest. (Turgenev) 9. Go lie down. and you send me a lime tea (lime-flower tea). Cold, it should be. (Turgenev) 10. decided to go to Paris and were both immediately ... (Tolstoy) 11. For half an hour I sat in the chair, trying not to move and not to breathe loudly, not to break (to disturb) the harmony of sounds, say to me so much. (Tolstoy) 12. Katya was quite large ... and the thought that she may soon marry, no longer seemed like a joke ... (Tolstoy) 13. One can not help overhearing the conversation, which I should not have to listen I tiptoed out of the room .... (Tolstoy) 14. Tents and food were sent forward to the place where Kiril Petrovitch was to dine. (Pushkin) 15. "Farewell, Peter Ivanovich! - She said to me with slezami.-Be alive (to live long), and happy. " (Pushkin) 16. Persistent, power-hungry, she would not hear of marriage (matrimony). (Turgenev) 17. The next morning, over tea, Lemm asked Lavretsky, to give him horses to return to the city. "I have to take up the case (to start one's work), that is, for the lessons, remarked the old man - and I am here only to lose the gift of time." (Turgenev) 18. "I think - said a few moments later, Lisa, -If he just loved me, he would not have written that letter; he would feel that I can not speak to him now. " (Turgenev) 19. I, like a slave fulfill your commands, no matter what it may be. (Turgenev) 20. However, who knows? Perhaps I would be more upset if I got the news two weeks before ... (Turgenev) 21. As to the wife of Ivan Petrovich, Pyotr Andreyevich first hear about it did not want to ... (Turgenev ) 22. Prince Lykov did not contradict: it would have been in vain. (Pushkin) 23. Ibrahim scattering replied that probably the Emperor those works
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
(d) based on a fairy - tale. "the sister of cinderella (cinderella), treated her like she was their servant. "i'm sorry that i can't go to please) sisters, not once thought cinderella. - how would i try to please them.they are always unhappy to find fault with somebody. " one day it was announced to announce, in the royal palace to be the big ball. all very anxious to go there. cinderella's sisters were invited.but cinderella never received an invitation. "i'm sorry that i wasn't invited. i think the poor girl. - i'm so sorry that i won't be able to see the young prince. he must be handsome! whatif i ask sisters to take me to the ball? no, it is useless even to try. they won't get me, even though i begged them for a day. finally came the day when the sister of cinderella had to go to the ball.cinderella had a lot of work to do, причесывая sisters and trying to make them as beautiful. night, the sisters left, and cinderella is left alone. "what are they happy, thought золушна sitting by the fireplace.- if i had a nice dress, i'd have to go to out party. at that moment was her godmother, and said: "you have a beautiful dress. are you going to the prom. but remember: whatever you had fun (to enjoy oneself)you don't have to stay in the palace after the полуночи».
cinderella in its a lovely dress, it (seemed) was соткано of lunar rays (moonbeams), entered the (step) in the carriage.she had never seen such a beautiful carriage. with regard to the coachman, he was brilliant; he (looks like) never was a rat. when cinderella arrived at the palace, the king thought itit must be some kind of a foreign princess. she held herself like a lifetime lived in the royal palace. cinderella's godmother. the order and remained on the ball after midnight.when she got out of the palace, once again became a poor cinderella. "i'm sorry that i didn't listen to my good godmother. if i hadn't stayed in the palace after midnighti would now go (to drive) in the carriage in its charming платье».
the young prince looked everywhere for cinderella, but couldn't find her anywhere. "where could be this beautiful princess? - he thought.- has she lost to me forever to be lost to somebody? i'm afraid that no matter how much i was looking for, i can't find her. the prince ordered that all the girls in our town (to try on the glass slipper (glass slipper)who lost the cinderella. he thought that he might find a beautiful princess. many girls have to wear slipper to marry a young prince. when.the turn cinderella to try on the shoe, the sisters began to laugh at her. but the shoe was hoping at the foot of cinderella with the greatest ease to slip on with the greatest ease)and to my horror (dismay) sister found a beautiful princess, which they saw at the ball. they feared that mistreat cinderella.
(e) 1. they are my enemies, they can't be friends,how would they never talked тильзите. (l). fat) 2. natasha looked at her, not knowing that her question. (l). fat) 3. really, at that time feltlike it снисходила like he should be grateful. but the young hearts тяготятся this sense (to be weighed down by something). (turgenev) 4. arkady, to his own surprise,all the time thinking about nicholas before he could only shrug, shook, if someone told him that he could miss you under the same roof with базаровым... (turgenev) 5. after tea, anna sergeevna invited to go out...(turgenev) 6. pavel petrovich soon полегчило (to feel better); but he had to stay in bed for a week. (turgenev) 7. you, i'm sure, at first didn't share her feelings, as if it was hard and holy.(turgenev) 8. markets quickly ran over each letter and made the effort to do the злорадного feelings, which instantly broke out in his chest. (turgenev) 9. i'm going to bed.do i send fake tea (lime - flower tea). caught a cold, should be. (turgenev) 10. go to paris was decided both immediately and... (a). fat) 11. with half an hour i sat on the chair, trying not to move or breathe loudlyso you don't break (to let) harmony sound, speaking to me so much. (l). fat) 12. katya was already quite big. and the thought that she may soon get married, it seemed to me a joke. (l). fat) 13.in подслушав conversation, which i wasn't supposed to hear, i'm on tiptoe. out of the room. (l). fat) 14. the tent and food were sent forward to the place where кирила petrovich had lunch. (pushkin) 15."good bye, peter ivanovich! - she told me to слезами. stay alive (to live long and счастливы». (pushkin) 16. tenacious, властолюбивая, she and don't like about marriage (matrimony). (turgenev) 17. the next morning, for tealemme - asked лаврецкого give him the horses in order to return to the city. "i have to do is to start one's work, that is, for lessons, said the old man, and i'm only here for free time теряю». (turgenev) 18."i think, said lisa a few moments later, if he really loved me, he would not have written this letter; he was supposed to feel that i could not answer him now. (turgenev) 19. i, as a slave,fulfill your orders, whatever it may be. (turgenev) 20. however, who knows? maybe i would be more upset if i got this news two weeks earlier. (turgenev) 21.as regards to the wife of ivan petrovich, peter андреич first and don't want to hear it... (turgenev) 22. prince лыков not противуречил: it would be in vain. (pushkin) 23. ibrahim century to nowadays replied that, probably,the lord works
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