Я все понимаю. И рада что этот непростой период у тебя прошел без проб перевод - Я все понимаю. И рада что этот непростой период у тебя прошел без проб английский как сказать

Я все понимаю. И рада что этот непр

Я все понимаю. И рада что этот непростой период у тебя прошел без проблем. Я не могу вести более тесного общения до окончания развода. Потому что єто будет изменой перед Богом. Но после 19 июля это не будет проблемой.
В субботу и воскресение у меня в гостях был друг из Одессы. Мы провели с ним замечательные выходные. В моем районе где я живу есть городской ботанический сад. Я часто там гуляла с ребенком по работе. Но сегодня с другом мы обнаружили огромные участки не заасфальтированного леса на территории сада. Именно с ним у меня и не получилось пойти в "дикий" поход. Но сегодня он состоялся. Мы очень часто по местности вспоминали наши походы с ним по Крыму.
Меня пригласили в адвентист следопытский лагерь в палатках 10 дней 800 грн. = 33 доллара . Я из Киева выезжаю в 21:25 3 августа (весь день буду на работе), и еду до Кировограда. Там покупаю билет на электричку в 7:45 и еду 5 часов до Вознесенска, маршрутка и я в лагере (90+50+15=155 грн.= 7 долларов). Ты можешь поехать со мной в лагерь. Но это детский лагерь. В том году моему руководителю в конференцию церкви пришло сообщение от одного парня. Который просил взять его в лагерь разнорабочим чтобы находится в среде говорящих на русском. У него была характеристика из его церкви. Оказался отличный парень. Он был просто гостем. Его не просили работать. Он после лагеря подарил 250 долларов на развитие следопытского движения. Но если ты поедешь со мной то не сможешь увидеть остальные места о которых говорил. Тебе нужна моя помощь и сопровождение во Львов (я еще там не была, но нашла место - гостиница местной конференции, где можно остановится - 60 грн. за день = 3 доллара). Билеты из Киева на Львов - ехать 5-9 часов 350 грн. = 15 долларов. Так же и до Одессы. Там сутки проживания от 300 грн = 13 долларов. Дорога в Крым только на попутной машине. Довольно удобно - 600 грн = 30 долларов в одну сторону 12 часов. Там знакомых для ночлега нет. Аренда на сутки - от 600 грн.= 27 долларов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I understand everything. And glad that you have this difficult period has passed without problems. I can't maintain closer communication before the end of the divorce. Because this is treason to God. But after 19 July this will not be a problem.In Saturday and Sunday I had a friend visiting from Odessa. We spent a wonderful weekend with him. In my area where I live there are city botanical garden. I often walked with a child. But today with a friend we found vast tracts of forest zaasfal′tirovannogo not in the garden. It is with him and I couldn't go in the "wild" camping. But today it took place. We very often on terrain our hikes it remembered in the Crimea.I was invited in adventist sledopytskij camp in tents 10 days 800 UAH. = 33 dollars. I travel from Kiev in 21:25 August 3 (all day going to work), and some food before Kirovograd. There buy a train ticket in 7:45 and food 5:00 to Voznesensk, minibus and I camp (90 +50 +15 = 155 UAH = 7 dollars). You can go with me in the camp. But this is a children's camp. That year my head in Church Conference received a message from one guy. Who asked to take him to camp as a laborer to is in Russian-speaking Wednesday. He had a characteristic of his Church. Turned out to be a great guy. He was just a guest. He was not asked to work. He gave $ 250 after camp on the development of the sledopytskogo movement. But if you go with me that you can't see the rest of the places mentioned. You need my help and support in Lviv (I still was not there, but found a place local to the Conference Hotel, where you can stop-60 UAH per day = 3 dollars). Tickets from Kiev to Lviv-to go 5-9 hours 350 UAH. = $ 15. In the same way and to Odessa. There the night from 300 UAH = 13 dollars. The road to Crimea only at a passing car. Pretty handy-600 UAH = $ 30 one way 12:00. There are familiar to sleep there. Accommodation-from 600 UAH = $ 27.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I understand. And glad that this difficult period you have passed without any problems. I can not keep closer communication before the divorce is complete. Because? To be a betrayal of God. But after July 19 it will not be a problem.
On Saturday and Sunday I had a friend visiting from Odessa. We spent a wonderful weekend with him. In my area where I live there is a city botanical garden. I often walked there with her ​​baby at work. But today, with a friend, we found huge areas are not asphalted forest on the territory of the garden. It was with him and I could not go to the "wild" camping. But today he was held. We are very often remembered our countryside hiking with him to the Crimea.
I was invited to Adventist sledopytsky camp in tents 10 days 800 USD. = $ 33. I am from Kiev, I leave at 21:25 on August 3 (all day will work), and food to Kirovohrad. There buy a ticket on the train at 7:45 and 5:00 to food Voznesensk, taxi and I'm in the camp (90 + 50 + 15 = 155 USD. = $ 7). You can come with me to the camp. But it is the children's camp. In that year I received a message from the head of a guy in a conference of the Church. Who asked to take him to the camp to a laborer is among speakers of Russian. It was characteristic of his church. It turned out to be a great guy. He was just a guest. He was not asked to work. He then presented the camp of 250 dollars for the development of sledopytskogo movement. But if you come with me that you can not see the rest of the place was talking about. You need my help and support to the city (I have been there, but found a place - local conference hotel, where to stay - 60 UAH per day = $ 3.). Tickets from Kiev to Lviv - to go 5-9 hours 350 USD. = $ 15. In the same way to Odessa. There per night from USD 300 = $ 13. The road to the Crimea is only a passing car. Pretty convenient - 600 UAH = $ 30 one way 12 hours. There are no friends to spend the night. Rent for a day -. 600 = USD $ 27.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i understand everything. and i"m glad that this difficult period you have passed without problems. i can"t be more close communication before the divorce. because it would be cheating before god. but after july 19, it won"t be a problem.on saturday and sunday, i have guests was a friend of odessa. we spent a wonderful weekend with him. in my area where i live there are the urban botanical garden. i often went with the child to work. but today, with a friend, we found large areas not заасфальтированного forests throughout the garden. with me and couldn"t go to the "wild" tour. but today he was held. we too often take our camping areas with him to the crimea.i was invited to адвентист следопытский camp in tents, 10 days 800 hrn. = $33. i"m from kiev away in 21: 25 august 3 (all day will work), and food to kirovohrad. there is buy a ticket to the station at 7: 45 and the food 5 hours before вознесенска, the shuttle"s and i at camp (90 + 50 + 15 = 155 grn. = 7 dollars). you can come with me to the camp. but this summer camp. that year my head in the conference the church there is a message from a guy. who asked me to take him to the camp as is environment to speaking english. it was characteristic of his church. was a great guy. he was just a guest. he wasn"t asked to work. after the camp, he gave $250 for the development of следопытского movement. but if you come with me, you can"t see the other seats were described. you want my help and support in lviv (i still wasn"t there, but i found a place - the local conference where you can stop - 60 usd. one day = $3). tickets from kiev to lvov to 5 to 9 hours of 350 thousand. = $15. the same to odessa. there are 24 hours of residence from 300 uah = $13. the road in crimea to hitch a ride. pretty comfortable - 600 usd = $30 in one direction for 12 hours. there"s people to sleep there. rent on the day from 600 usd. = $27.
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