Нет, мой парень индус. Но мой учитель, который будет принимать мой экзамен - буддист!!!!! Это совсем странно, потому что в России 90% православные христиане как я. Буддисты живут на территории рядом с границей с Китаем по-моему и их там немного...Мой учитель рассказывал, что он ездил в Тибет несколько раз, и ему очень там нравится. Я уважительно отношусь ко всех религиям, в конце концов у всех них одинаковый смысл и главные идеи. Но истории про то, как он был в Тибете, веселят меня=) Особенно когда они забирались на крышу гостиницы и вращались, когда над ними кружились орлы, хаха, я не могу это представить с ним=) В смысле я могу представить буддистских монахов, которые так делают, это нормально, но он, пхахаха, пхахаха, это должно выглядеть смешно=)
Нет, я вообще не слышала ничего про перерождение души до вчерашнего дня. В моей религии это невозможно, поэтому я даже не предполагала, что где-то это возможно=) Кстати, я думаю это не всегда положительно сказывается на моём парне...(Акшай)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
No, my fellow Hindu. But my teacher that will take my exam-a Buddhist! It's quite strange, because 90% of Russian Orthodox Christians like myself.No, my fellow Hindu. But my teacher that will take my exam-a Buddhist! It's quite strange, because 90% of Russian Orthodox Christians like myself. Buddhists live in the territory near the border with China and I think there's a little ...My teacher told me that he had traveled to Tibet several times, and he really likes there. I respect all religions, attention to in the end they all have the same meaning and main ideas. But the stories about how he was in Tibet, I cheer up =) especially when they climbed on the roof of a hotel and revolved when swirled above them Eagles, haha, I can't imagine it =) in the sense of I can think of a Buddhist monks who do, it's OK, but he, phahaha, phahaha, this must look funny =)
No, I have not heard anything about the rebirth of the soul until yesterday. In my religion is impossible, so I do not even imply that this is the way, =) I think it's not always good for my boyfriend ...(Akshay)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
No, my boyfriend is Indian. But my teacher who will take my exam - a Buddhist!! It's strange, because in 90% of Russian Orthodox Christians like me. Buddhists live in the territory near the border with China, in my opinion and there is a bit ... My teacher told me that he went to Tibet several times, and he really likes it there. I am respectful to all religions in the end they all have the same meaning and main ideas. But the stories about how he was in Tibet, cheer me =) Especially when they climbed onto the roof of the hotel and rotated when the eagles circling above them, haha, I can not imagine him =) I mean, I can not imagine Buddhist monks so that makes it okay, but it phahaha, phahaha it must look funny =)
No, I did not hear anything about the rebirth of the soul until yesterday. In my religion, it is impossible, so I did not imagine that somewhere it is possible =) By the way, I think it's not always a positive effect on my guy ... (Akshay)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
No, my boyfriend marry a Muslim. But my teacher, who will take my exam - Buddhist exaggeration!! This is very strange, because in Russia 90% orthodox christians as i have.No, my boyfriend marry a Muslim. But my teacher, who will take my exam - Buddhist exaggeration!! This is very strange, because in Russia 90% orthodox christians as i have.
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