Мой рассказ о извесном и потрясающем офтальмологе, лауреате Сталинской перевод - Мой рассказ о извесном и потрясающем офтальмологе, лауреате Сталинской английский как сказать

Мой рассказ о извесном и потрясающе

Мой рассказ о извесном и потрясающем офтальмологе, лауреате Сталинской премии, герое социалистического труда - Владимире Петровиче Филатове.
Это не профессия, а его призвание. Ведь с каким вниманием он относился к своим пациентам – принимал их даже дома и тратил на каждого по многу времени. Он считал что главное – это моральная поддержка и старался даже самым безнадежным больным давать надежду.
Он говорил : «Каждый человек должен видеть солнце»! Своих пациентов после операции он вел на берег моря и лишь там снимал бинты с глаз. Первое, что видел человек, были море и солнце.
Он изобрел множество медецинских инструментов. До сих пор пользуются известностью метод пересадки роговицы, материалом котороего является донорская роговица. Разработал метод пересаживания роговицы глаз трупов. Предложил множество методов лечения различных болезней глаз.
Памятью о Филатове остались его халаты, перчатки и шапочки. В его честь открыто музеи, названо улицы.
Этот доктор заслуживает похвалы.
Я бы хотела в своей дальнейшей практике быть достойным доктором.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My story about izvesnom and the stunning lot, laureate of Stalin Prize, hero of Socialist Labor-Vladimir Petrovich Filatove.This is not a profession, and his vocation. After all the attention with which he treated his patients-took them even at home and spent on each for long time. He believed that the main thing is moral support and tried even the most hopeless patients give hope.He said: "everyone should see the Sun! Their patients after the operation he led on the sea coast and only there was shooting eye bandages. The first thing I saw were the sea and the Sun.He invented numerous medical instruments. Until then enjoy the fame method corneal transplantation, material kotoroego is the donor cornea. Developed a method for replantation of the cornea of the eye. Suggested many methods of treating various eye diseases.Memory of Filatove remained his robes, gloves and hats. In his honor, open museums, named streets.This doctor is commendable.I would like to in their future practice be worthy doctor.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My story about quadrupeds and stunning ophthalmology, Stalin Prize winner, Hero of Socialist Labor - Vladimir Petrovich Filatov.
It's not a profession, but his vocation. After all, how carefully he treated his patients - even taking them home and spend a lot of time for everyone. He believed that the most important - is the moral support and trying to even the most hopeless patients to give up hope.
He said: "Everyone should see the sun!" His patients after surgery he was on the beach and only when shooting with an eye bandage. The first person he saw, were the sea and the sun.
He invented many Food Stamp tool. Until now, use the known methods of corneal transplant, a material that was in the donor cornea. A method of transplanting corneas corpses. Offer a variety of methods of treatment of various eye diseases.
Memory of Filatov left his robes, gloves and hats. In his honor, it opened a museum, named the streets.
This doctor is commendable.
I would like to further their practice to be worthy doctor.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My story of the извесном and stunning офтальмологе, only deepen Lecture award, hero socialist labor - Vladimir Петровиче Филатове.
this is not profession, and his vocation.But the care he took to their patients - took them even at home and spend on each for long time.He was of the opinion that the main thing is the moral support and tried to even the most desperate patients to give hope.
he said : "Every person should be able to see the sun"!Their patients after the operation he was at sea and only there filmed bandages with your eyes. The first, that he had seen people, were sea and sun.
He invented many digital health tools.Still enjoyed by well-known corneal transplantation method, material котороего is donor LASIK technique. Developed a method chairs eye corneal corpses.There are many proposed methods of treatment of diseases eye.
memory on the Филатове remained his robes, gloves and slippers. In his honor is open museum, named the street.
this doctor deserves praise.
I would like to have in its further practice be a worthy doctor.
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