Да, маленькие дети часто смотрят программы, которые учат их неправильным вещам, с этим я совершенно согласна. Мне кажется, что в нашем телевизоре нет программ которые бы учили детей хорошим поступкам. Мне кажется, детям не нужно смотреть телевизор
Yes, small children often watch programs that teach them the wrong things, I totally agree. It seems to me that in our tv there is no program that would teach children good deeds. It seems to me that children don't need to watch tv
Yes, young children often watch programs that teach them wrong things, with this I totally agree. It seems to me that our TV does not have a program that would teach children good deeds. I think that children do not need to watch TV
yes, young children often watch programs that taught them the wrong thing, that i completely agree. i think that in our tv no programs that would teach children good actions. i think children should not watch tv