Результаты (
английский) 3:
LESSON 24topic:the rights of the child.text:the convention on the rights of theChild.t e x tthe convention on the rights of the childthe human rights of children and the standards to which all govern ments must aspire in realizing these rights for all children, are formulat ed in the convention on the rights of the child. the convention is the most universally accepted human rights instrument in history - it has been ratified by every country in the world except two. by ratifying this instrument, national governments have committed themselves to pro tecting and ensuring children's rights.built on varied legal systems and cultural traditions, the convention on the rights of the child is a universally agreed set of non negotiablestand ards and obligations. the subjects are the basic human rights that children everywhere - without discrimination, have the right to survival; to develop to the fullest, to protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation, and to participate fully in family, cultural and social life.every right is out in the convention is inherent to the human dignity and carinthian hospitality development of every child. the conventionprotects children's rights.setting standards in health care, educationand legal, civil and socialservices. these standards are the benchmarksagainst which progress can be similarly. states that are party to theconvention are obliged to develop and undertakeall actionsand policies in the light of the best interests of the child.the convention on the rights of thechildhotelcarefullydraftedover the course of 10 years (1979 - 1989) with theinput ofrepresentatives fromall societies, all religions andallcultures.theconventionhas become the most widely accepted human rights treaty ever.somepeople assume that the rightsofchildrenborninwealthyin england, where schools, language and juvenile justice systems are in place and are never violated, that these children have no need for the protection and care called for in the convention. but that is far from the truth. to varying degrees, at least some children in all nations face unemployment, homelessness, violence, poverty and other issues that dramatically affect their lives.all of us are born with human rights is a principle of the convention on the rights of the child is very clear. they belong to each and every one of us yet equally. children living in developing countries have the same rights as children in wealthy). the convention places equal emphasis on all of the rights for children.252because of its near universalacceptance by the community of na tions, the convention on the rights of the child has brought into sharp focus for the first time the fundamental human dignity of all children and the urgency of ensuring theirwell - beingand development. theconvention on therights of the child specifically refers to the familyasthe fundamentalgroupofsociety and the natural environmentforthe growth and the beingof its members, particularly children.under the convention,states are obliged torespect parents' primaryresponsibility forprovidingcare and guidancefor their childrenandto support parents in this regard, providing material assistance and sup port programmes. states are also obliged to prevent children from being separated from their families judged unless the separation is necessary for the child's best interests.the convention on the rights of the child confirms that children have a right to express their views and to have their views taken seriously and given due weight, but it does not state that children's views are the only ones to be considered. the convention also states that children have a responsibility to respect the rights of others, especially those of parents.the principle of non discriminationis included in all the basic hu man rights instruments and has been carefully defined by the bodies responsible for monitoring their implementation.the convention on the rights of the child was adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by general assembly resolution 44 / 25 of 20 november 1989. it entered into force on 2 september 1990, in accordance with article 49.
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