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Прения сторонПрежде чем исследованн

Прения сторон
Прежде чем исследованные в предшествующей стадии судебного разбирательства материалы дела будут анализироваться в совещании присяжных, они обсуждаются в процессе судебных прений, где государственный обвинитель и защитник, используя профессиональные знания и навыки, восстанавливают связь между доказательствами, позволяя судьям от общества сделать свободный выбор между обвинением и оправданием под-судимого.
Позиции обвинения и защиты в суде присяжных строятся не только на основе принципа состязательности, но и на основе принципа презумпции невиновности: невиновность подсудимого предполагается, а виновность доказывается обвинителем.
Судья вправе прервать речь, возражение или замечание стороны, если в них содержатся:
• сведения, не имеющие прямого отношения к делу;
• обстоятельства, оскорбительные для чьей-либо чести и
• данные, не проверенные в ходе судебного следствия;
• ссылки на исключенные из дела доказательства;
• сведения о прежней судимости обвиняемого;

• иные обстоятельства, влияющие на объективность присяжных.
Судья в своем напутственном слове объясняет присяжным заседателям, что при вынесении вердикта они должны:
• руководствоваться здравым смыслом;
• руководствоваться принципом презумпции невиновности, согласно которому подсудимый не обязан доказывать
свою невиновность: бремя доказывания вины подсудимого лежит на государственном обвинителе;
• оценивать исследованные в суде доказательства (показания подсудимого, потерпевшего, свидетелей, заключения
экспертов и др.) в их совокупности, согласовывая их одно
с другим;
• не принимать во внимание доказательства, вычеркнутые
из протокола;
• не воспринимать как доказательства доводы, прозвучавшие в речах сторон.
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Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
ArgumentsBefore the investigated in the earlier stage of the trial the materials of the case will be reviewed in the meeting of the jury, they are discussed in the judicial debate, where public prosecutor and advocate, using the professional knowledge and skills, to restore communication between the evidence allowing judges from the society make a free choice between the prosecution and justification of the convicted.The prosecution and the defence in the trial by jury are based not only on the basis of the principle of competition, but also on the basis of the principle of the presumption of innocence: the innocence of the defendant's guilt is proved, as expected by the Prosecutor.The judge may interrupt it, objection or comment, if they contain:• information not directly related to the case;• circumstances offensive to someone's honor anddignity;• data not proven during the trial;• links to excluded from the case evidence;• information about previous criminal record of the accused; • other circumstances affecting the fairness of the jury.The judge at his word therefore explained to the jury that the verdict they should:• be guided by common sense;• be guided by the principle of presumed innocence, under which the defendant is not obliged to provehis innocence: the burden of proving the defendant's guilt lies with the public prosecutor;• assess the evidence in court (studied testimony of the defendant, the victim, the witnesses, the conclusionsexperts, etc.) in their totality, harmony onewith the other;• do not take into account the evidence outof the Protocol;• do not perceive as evidence of the arguments made in the speeches of the parties.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

before explored in an earlier stage of the proceedings the case file will be analyzed in the meeting of the jury, they are discussed in the course of judicial debate where the public prosecutor and defense counsel, using professional knowledge and skills, and restore the connection between the evidence, allowing judges from the community to make a free choice between accusation and justification under-judged.
The positions of the prosecution and defense before a jury are not built only on the basis of the principle of competition, but also based on the principle of presumption of innocence: the innocence of the accused is expected, and proved the guilt of the prosecutor.
The judge has the right to terminate it, the objection or a side note, if they include:
• information that is not directly related to the case;
• circumstances offensive to someone's honor and
• the data are not proven during the trial;
• links to excluded from the evidence of the case;
• information on the previous convictions of the accused ; • other circumstances that affect the objectivity of the jury. The judge in his summing-explained to the jurors that the verdict they should: • common sense; • the principle of the presumption of innocence, according to which the defendant is not obliged to prove his innocence: the burden of proving the defendant's guilt It lies on the public prosecutor; • evaluate the evidence examined in court (testimony of the defendant, victim, witnesses, conclusions of experts, etc.) in their entirety, matching them one to another; • does not take into account the evidence erased from the minutes; • not be taken as evidence of the arguments voiced in the speeches of the parties.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Debate parties
before explored in the preceding stage of the trial proceedings in this case will be analyzed in the meeting a jury, they are discussed in the judicial debate,Where the public prosecutor and the defense counsel, using professional knowledge and skills, restore communication between the evidence,
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