1. Я не знаю, когда он ушел на пенсию. Вероятно, когда ему было 62 года.
2. Я не знаю, что они планируют на лето. Возможно, они будут путешествовать.
3. Он спросил меня, в какой гостинице я собираюсь остановиться.
4. Она сказала нам, что погода не переменилась.
5. Она вышла замуж и переменила фамилию, поэтому мы могли найти ее.
6. "Узнаю ли я улицу, где я часто играл ребенком? - думал я. - Она была тогда узкой и грязной". Когда я увидел ее снова, я едва мог узнать ее. Сейчас она стала красивой и широкой улицей.
7. По пути в Астрахань, туристы посетили много больших городов. Гид рассказал им о них много интересного.
8. Врач сказал, что мальчик должен лечь (пойти) в больницу.
9. Он не знал, сколько времени ему придется провести в больнице.
10. Вы были на сельскохозяйственной выставке, не так ли? На каких других выставках вы побывали за последнее время?11он хотел знать что еще мы собираемся посмотреть по пути в москву
Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. I do not know, when he retired. Probably, when he was 62 year.
2. I do not know what they are planning for the summer. Perhaps they will travel.
3. He asked me what hotel I'm going to stop.
4. She told us that the weather has not changed.
5. She got married and changed her last name, so we can find it.
6. "I recognize I street where I used to play a kid - I thought -. She was then a narrow and dirty." When I saw her again, I could hardly recognize her. Now it has become a beautiful and wide street.
7. On the way to Astrakhan, the tourists have visited a lot of big cities. The guide told them about them a lot of interesting things.
8. The doctor said that the boy must go (go) to the hospital.
9. He did not know how long he would have to spend in the hospital.
10. You were at the agricultural exhibition, is not it? What other shows have you been lately? 11on wanted to know what else we're going to see on the way to Moscow
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. i don"t know, when he retired. apparently, when he was 62 years old.2. i don"t know what they are planning for the summer. perhaps they will be traveling.3. he asked me which hotel i"m going to stop.4. she told us that the weather changed.5. she is married and переменила name, so we could find her.6. " would i recognise the street where i used to play as a kid? - thought i. she was so narrow and dirty. " when i saw her again, i could hardly recognize her. now she has a beautiful and broad street.7. on the way to astrakhan, tourists have visited many large cities. tour guide told them lots of things.8. the doctor said that the boy must go (go) to the hospital.9. he didn"t know how much time he has to spend in the hospital.10. you were at the agricultural fair, isn"t it? what other exhibitions you been lately? 11он wanted to know what we"re going to see on the way to moscow.
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