1 Глава Пентагона начал вчера официальный визит в три государства Зака перевод - 1 Глава Пентагона начал вчера официальный визит в три государства Зака английский как сказать

1 Глава Пентагона начал вчера офици

1 Глава Пентагона начал вчера официальный визит в три государства Закавказья — Азербайджан, Грузию и Армению. Главной темой переговоров министра обороны с руководством этих стран станет борьба с терроризмом.

2 Вчера израильские танки в очередной раз вторглись в три палестинские деревни на Западном берегу реки Иордан. Арестованы 20 палестинцев. Накануне на переговорах недалеко от Тель-Авива представители Израиля и палестинцев так и не смогли достичь договоренности о прекращении огня.

3. В прошлое воскресение госсекретарь США после своего визита в Бейрут и Дамаск встретился с палестинским лидером и премьер-министром Израиля. Последний3 призвал к созыву ближневосточной конференции на нейтральной территории. Лидер палестинской автономии сказал, что поддержит эту идею, если Израиль выведет свои войска с палестинских территорий. Насилие на оккупированных территориях между тем продолжается.

4 Как сообщает Рейтер, премьер-министр Великобритании в интервью австралийскому телевидению назвал страну N «угрозой мировой стабильности», обвинив правящий режим этой страны в попытках создания оружия массового поражения. И добавил, что полностью разделяет точку зрения президента США, назвавшего страну N «одним из звеньев оси зла». Британский премьер заявил, что в ходе своего визита в США он намерен уточнить направление следующего удара антитеррористической кампании.

5 Искоренение террора и окончательное урегулирование на Ближнем Востоке, включая создание палестинского государства, отвечают коренным интересам израильтян и палестинцев, заявил представитель РФ при ООН. Эти цели могут быть достигнуты только мирным путем, через переговоры и при активном сотрудничестве с ООН. Сейчас, подчеркнул он, есть уникальный шанс не только остановить насилие, но и добиться всеобъемлющего урегулирования в Ближневосточном регионе.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Chapter 1 the Pentagon began today an official visit to the three countries of the Caucasus — Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. The main topic of the talks with the leadership of the Minister of defence of these countries will be the fight against terrorism. 2 yesterday, Israeli tanks invaded again three Palestinian villages in the West Bank. Arrested 20 Palestinians. On the eve of the talks near Tel Aviv, the representatives of Israel and the Palestinians failed to reach agreement on a cease-fire. 3. In past United States Secretary of State Sunday after his visit to Beirut and Damascus met with the Palestinian leader and the Israeli Prime Minister. Poslednij3 called for the convening of a Middle East Conference on neutral territory. The leader of the Palestinian Authority said that it would support the idea if Israel withdraws its troops from the Palestinian territories. The violence in the occupied territories, meanwhile, continues. 4 as reported by Reuters, the British Prime Minister in an interview with Australian television called country N "a threat to world stability, accusing the ruling regime of that country of trying to develop weapons of mass destruction. And added that it fully shared the view of the President of the United States, called the country part of the "N" axis of evil ". The British Prime Minister said that during his visit to the United States he intends to clarify the direction of the next strike anti-terrorist campaign. 5 eradication of terror and a final settlement in the Middle East, including the establishment of a Palestinian State, are in the fundamental interests of the Israelis and the Palestinians, said the representative of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION to the United Nations. These objectives can only be achieved by peaceful means, through negotiations and with the active cooperation with the UN. Now, he said, there is a unique chance to not only stop the violence, but also to achieve a comprehensive settlement in the Middle East region.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1 head of the Pentagon yesterday began an official visit to three South Caucasus states - Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia. The talks with the leadership of the Minister of Defence of these countries will be the fight against terrorism. 2 yesterday, Israeli tanks once again invaded the three Palestinian villages in the West Bank of the Jordan River. Arrested 20 Palestinians. On the eve of the talks near Tel Aviv by representatives of Israel and the Palestinians were unable to reach agreement on a cease-fire. 3. On Sunday, US Secretary of State after his visit to Beirut and Damascus, met with the Palestinian leader and Israeli Prime Minister. Posledniy3 called for the convening of a Middle East conference in neutral territory. The leader of the Palestinian Authority said it would support the idea if Israel withdraws its troops from the Palestinian territories. The violence in the occupied territories in the meantime continues. 4 As reported by Reuters, the British prime minister in an interview with Australian television called to N «threat to world stability," and accused the regime of that country in attempts to develop weapons of mass destruction. He added that he fully shared the views of the US president, who called to N «one of the links in the axis of evil." The British Prime Minister said that during his visit to the United States he intends to clarify the direction of the next strike campaign against terrorism. 5 eradication of terror and a final settlement in the Middle East, including the establishment of a Palestinian state, serves the fundamental interests of both Israelis and Palestinians, said the representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations. These goals can only be achieved through peaceful means, through negotiations and with the active cooperation with the UN. Now, he said, there is a unique opportunity not only to stop the violence, but also to achieve a comprehensive settlement in the Middle East.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1 head of the pentagon started yesterday, an official visit to the three states of the caucasus, azerbaijan, georgia and armenia. the main topic of talks, the minister of defence with the leaders of these countries will be the fight against terrorism.

2 yesterday, israeli tanks once again invaded three palestinian villages in the west bank. arrested 20 palestinians.on the eve of the talks near tel aviv, representatives of israel and the palestinians have not been able to reach agreement on a ceasefire.

3.on sunday, secretary of state after his visit to beirut and damascus met with palestinian leader and prime minister of israel.последний3 had called for the convening of this conference on neutral territory. the leader of the palestinian authority, said that supports this idea, if israel withdraws from palestinian territories.the violence in the occupied territories between continues.

4 as reported by reuters, the british prime minister, in an interview with australian television called country n "threat to world stability.accusing the regime of the country trying to build weapons of mass destruction. and added that fully shares the view of the president of the united states to the country one of the series of n "axis of evil".the british prime minister said that during his visit to the united states he intends to clarify the direction of the next impact counter-terrorism campaign.

5 elimination of terror and the final settlement in the middle eastincluding the establishment of a palestinian state, serves the fundamental interests of the israelis and the palestinians, said the representative of the russian federation with the united nations. these goals can only be achieved through peaceful means,through negotiations, and with the active cooperation of the united nations. now, he said, there is a unique opportunity not only to stop the violence, but also to achieve a comprehensive settlement in the middle east region.

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