Однако, существует достаточно много барьеров, обусловленных различными перевод - Однако, существует достаточно много барьеров, обусловленных различными английский как сказать

Однако, существует достаточно много

Однако, существует достаточно много барьеров, обусловленных различными причинами, в том числе политическими системами, разным экономическим и социальным уровнем развития стран. Такие барьеры существуют, например, между странами ЕС и Восточной Европы, ЕС и Россией, США и ЕС, США и Мексикой, странами ЕС и Центральной Азии, США и Японией. Кроме того, в глобальной логистике необходимо учитывать международную конкуренцию, ограничения на распределительные сети транснациональных корпораций и др. Финансовые барьеры связаны с налоговой, таможенной, торговой политикой государств, ограничениями на ввоз капитала. Близкими к ним являются ограничения в распределении товаров фирм-конкурентов из других стран.
2. Развитие информационных технологий.Требования заказчиков к качеству логистических услуг растут и ужесточаются постоянно. Чтобы им соответствовать, приходится непрерывно развиваться. На сегодняшний деньв логистической компании сфера IT в обеспечении качественного обслуживания клиентов становится просто ключевой. Имеется в виду не только автоматизации стандартных процессов, но и о принципиальном улучшении сервиса за счет внедрения новых услуг на базе IT-решений: автоматизации подбора оптимального маршрута с одновременным подбором подрядчиков, трекинга (онлайн-слежение за грузом), клиентских блоков (интеграция с информационными системами клиента) и пр.
В нашей стране только переходят к3PLлогистике, тогда как на Западе во всю набирают популярность4PLи 5PLлогистика. Забегая в перед, отмечу, что уровень чисто виртуальной логистики, когда оператор оказывает данные услуги только за счет высокоразвитой информационной системы, и может не обладая при этом собственными материальными активами. Этот вопрос я раскрою во второй главе.
3. Формирование фирменных логистических сетей и международных центров логистики (МЦЛ) – еще одна характерная тенденция рынка логистических услуг. Такие центры создаются крупнейшими корпорациями для повышения эффективности логистических функций. Например, за последние годы крупными производителями высокотехнологической продукции, такими как DЕC (Digital Еquipmеnt Corporation – США) и Sony (Япония), создан ряд МЦЛ. Создавая свой центр, DЕC исходила из того, что прямая поставка зарубежным клиентам с отдельных предприятий вызывала нерегулярность отгрузок, относительно высокие расходы по распределению и ошибки в документации вследствие недостатка информации и знаний. Все это замедляло поставки и вызывало задержки на таможнях принимающих стран. В настоящее время DЕC использует свой МЦЛ, находящийся на северо-востоке США, для управления распределением экспортных товаров. Здесь сконцентрирован высококвалифицированный персонал, подготавливающий экспортную документацию, контролирующий транзит и осуществляющий слежение за грузом. В компании Sony МЦЛ занимают центральное место в системе распределения. Каждый региональный рынок, такой как Северная Европа или Западное побережье США, обслуживается местным МЦЛ. Однако, учитывая рассредоточенную производственную базу, МЦЛ Sony функционируют также как центры комплектации и сборки, что позволяет добиваться благоприятных фрахтовых ставок. В результате задержки отправок сократились на 50 %, значительных величин достигла экономия транспортных расходов и расходов на рабочую силу [34].
4. «Контактная логистика».Несмотря на высокую степень эффективности внутрифирменных логистических цепочек, важнейшей тенденцией на рынке логистики становится аутсорсинг услуг, получивший в зарубежной практике название «контрактная логистика». Привлечение услуг извне дает максимальную гибкость, поскольку позволяет получить почти немедленный доступ к новым рынкам и предложить клиентам индивидуальное обслуживание. По оценке Cap Gеmini Еrnst & Young, к 2008 г. североамериканские компании передали на аутсорсинг в среднем 56 % своих логистических бюджетов, а западноевропейские и азиатско-тихоокеанские – 81 и 60 % соответственно [34].
Согласно последним исследованиям аналитических агентств, доля логистического аутсорсинга в той же России оценивается на уровне 20%, в Беларуси и того меньше. В то время как в развитых странах Запада этот показатель составляет 40–50%. В постсоветских странах передача логистических услуг на аутсорсинг в основном ограничивается входящей и исходящей транспортной логистикой. Во всем мире данная услуга затрагивает не только внешние сегменты деятельности предприятий, но и управление запасами и в целом цепочками поставок продукции [26].
Наряду с операторами 3PL, на международном рынке стал активно использоваться термин «4PL-технология». Более подробно этот вопрос я рассмотрю во 2 главе.Однако, забегая вперед,поясню:4PL- оператор является организатором всей логистической цепи предприятия, сочетая функции консалтинговой компании, менеджмента логистических бизнес-процессов и 3PL-провайдера. Секрет успеха 4PL-провайдера ̶ в предоставлении оптимальных решений для клиента за счет высокого уровня своих профессиональных компетенций и привлечения к сотрудничеству надежных и квалифицированных подрядчиков ̶ 3PL-провайдеров. Преимущества 4PL-подхода ̶ в оптимизации затрат фирмы и увеличении эффективности за счет сокращения операционных затрат, трудовых ресурсов, оборотного и основного капитала. Минимизация складских запасов, сокращение затрат на логистические ресурсы способствует сокращению цикла «заказ–деньги» [37].
Крупнейший европейский рынок логистических услуг предоставляет Германия (28% общего), за ней следуют Франция (20%) и Великобритания (17%).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
However, there is quite a lot of barriers arising from various causes, including political systems, economic and social development level of countries. Such barriers exist, for example, between EU countries and Eastern Europe, the EU and Russia, the United States and the EU, United States and Mexico, the EU and Central Asia, the United States and Japan. In addition, global logistics should take into account international competition, restrictions on the distribution networks of transnational corporations, etc. Financial barriers related to tax, customs, trade policy States, restrictions on the import of capital. Close to them are restrictions in distribution of goods firms-competitors from other countries.2. The development of information technology. Customers ' requirements for quality logistics services grow and constantly tightened. To meet them, we have to continuously evolve. Today den′v logistic company sphere IT in providing quality customer service is the key. I have in mind not only the automation of standard processes, but also about fundamental improvement of the service through the introduction of new services based on IT solutions: automate the optimal route selection with simultaneous selection of contractors, tracking (online cargo tracking), the client blocks (integration with client systems), etc.In our country only pass k3PLlogistike, whereas in the West the entire recruiting populârnost′4PLi 5PLlogistika. Jumping in before, I would like to note that the level of purely virtual logistics, where the operator provides data services only through a highly developed information system, and can not having own tangible assets. This question I will reveal in the second chapter.3. formation of branded logistics networks and international logistics centres (MPT) is another characteristic trend of the market of logistical services. Such centres are created by the largest corporations to improve the efficiency of logistics functions. For example, in recent years, major manufacturers of high-tech products, such as DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation, United States) and Sony (Japan), a number of MPT. Creating your Center, DEC has proceeded from the premise that direct delivery to foreign clients with individual enterprises caused irregular shipments, the relatively high costs of distribution and documentation errors due to lack of information and knowledge. All this slowed deliveries and caused delays at Customs offices in host countries. Currently, DEC uses your MPT, located in the North-East of the United States, to control the distribution of exports. Here concentrated highly qualified personnel, preparing export documentation, controlling the transit and cargo tracking. Sony MPT are central to the distribution system. Each regional market, such as Northern Europe or the West coast of the United States, served by local MPT. However, given the dispersed production facilities, Sony also function as MPT centers equipment and assemblies to achieve favourable freight rates. As a result of delayed shipments had decreased by 50%, significant values achieved savings in transport costs and labour costs [34].4. "contact logistics. Despite a high degree of efficiency of internal logistics chains, the most important trend in the logistics market is becoming an outsourcing of services, which in foreign practice called" contract logistics ". Involvement of outside services gives maximum flexibility, because you can get almost immediate access to new markets and offer our customers a personalized service. Cap Gemini assessment Ernst & Young to 2008 g. North American company transferred to outsource an average 56% of their logistics budgets, and Western European and Asia-Pacific-81 and 60%, respectively [34].According to recent research, analytical agencies share of logistics outsourcing in the same Russia is estimated at 20%, in Belarus and even less. While in developed Western countries, the figure is 40-50%. In post-Soviet countries, the transfer of logistic services for outsourcing is mainly limited to inbound and outbound transportation. Worldwide this service involves not only external segments of activity of the enterprises, but also inventory management and total supply chain management products [26].Along with the operators of 3PL, on the international market became increasingly used the term "4PL-technology". This question in more detail I'll discuss in Chapter 2. However, going forward, let me explain: 4PL-operator is the organizer of the entire logistics chain enterprises, combining the functions of the consulting company, management of logistics business processes and 3PL provider. The secret of the success of the 4PL provider ̶ in providing optimal solutions for the customer due to the high level of their professional competencies and attracting to cooperation of reliable and qualified contractors ̶ 3PL-провайдеров. Advantages of 4PL-̶ approach in cost optimization firm and increase efficiency by reducing operating costs, labour, revolving and fixed capital formation. Minimize inventory, reducing the cost of logistic resources to reduce order cycle is money "[37].The largest European market for logistics services provides Germany (28 per cent), followed by France (20%) and United Kingdom (17%).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
However, there are a lot of barriers, due to various reasons, including political systems, different levels of economic and social development of the countries. Such barriers exist, such as between the EU and Eastern Europe, the EU and Russia, the US and the EU, the US and Mexico, the EU and Central Asia, the US and Japan. In addition, the global logistics need to consider international competition, restrictions on the distribution networks of transnational corporations and others. Financial barriers associated with tax, customs, trade policy, restrictions on the importation of capital. Close to it are limitations in the distribution of products of competing firms from other countries.
2. The development of information tehnologiy.Trebovaniya customers to the quality of logistics services are growing and constantly tightened. To meet them, we have to continuously evolve. Today denv Logistics IT sphere in providing quality customer service becomes a key. This refers not only to automate standard processes, but also about a fundamental improvement of service through the introduction of new services based on IT-solutions: automate the selection of the optimal route while the selection of contractors, tracking (online tracking of the load), the client blocks (integration with information client systems) and so forth.
In our country, only go k3PLlogistike, while in the West during the entire gain populyarnost4PLi 5PLlogistika. Running in front of, I will note that the level purely virtual logistics, where the operator provides these services only through a highly developed information system, and can not at the same time enjoying their own tangible assets. This issue I will cover in the second chapter.
3. Formation of brand logistics networks and international logistics center (MPT) - another characteristic tendency of the market of logistics services. These centers are the largest corporations to improve the efficiency of logistics functions. For example, in recent years, major manufacturers of high-tech products, such as DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation - USA) and Sony (Japan), created a number of MPT. When creating your center, DEC came from the fact that foreign direct delivery to customers with individual businesses cause irregular shipments, the relatively high costs of distribution and documentation errors due to lack of information and knowledge. All this slows down the delivery and causes delays at customs of host countries. Currently, DEC uses its MPT, located in the northeast of the United States to control the distribution of export goods. It focuses highly qualified staff, preparing export documentation, monitoring and carrying out transit cargo tracking. In Sony's MPT occupy a central place in the distribution system. Each regional markets, such as Northern Europe or the US West Coast, serving local MPT. However, given the dispersed manufacture base, MPT Sony also function as centers for packaging and assembly, which allows us to achieve favorable freight rates. As a result of the delay of shipments fell by 50%, significant values ​​achieved savings in transport costs and labor costs [34].
4. "Contact Logistics" .Despite a high degree of efficiency of in-house supply chain, an important trend in the logistics market is becoming the outsourcing of services received in foreign practice called "contract logistics". Attracting external services provides the most flexibility, as it allows to obtain almost immediate access to new markets and to offer customers personalized service. According to Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, in 2008 North American companies to outsource an average of 56% of their budgets, logistics, and Western European and Asia-Pacific - 81 and 60%, respectively [34].
According to recent studies of analytical agencies, the share of logistics outsourcing in the same Russia is estimated at 20%, in Belarus and less. While in developed Western countries, the figure is 40-50%. In post-Soviet countries, the transfer of logistics outsourcing is largely limited to incoming and outgoing transport logistics. Throughout the world, this service involves not only segments of enterprises, but also inventory management and overall supply chain of production. [26]
In addition to the operators 3PL, on the international market began to actively use the term «4PL-technology." More details on this issue I will discuss in two glave.Odnako, looking ahead, I will explain: 4PL- operator is the organizer of the entire enterprise supply chain, combining the functions of consultancy, management of logistics business processes and 3PL-provider. The secret of success 4PL-provider ̶ to provide optimal solutions for the customer due to the high level of their professional competence and attraction to cooperation of reliable and qualified contractors ̶ 3PL-providers. Benefits 4PL-̶ approach to optimize costs and increase the efficiency of the company through the reduction of operating costs, labor, working and fixed capital. Minimizing inventory, reducing the cost of logistics resources helps to reduce cycle "order-money". [37]
The largest European market, Germany offers logistics services (28% of the total), followed by France (20%) and the UK (17%).
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
however, there are quite a lot of barriers caused by different reasons, including political systems, various economic and social development of countries. these barriers exist, such asbetween eu countries and eastern europe, the eu and russia, the us and the eu, the us and mexico, eu countries and central asia, the united states and japan. in addition, the global logistics must take into account the international competitionrestrictions on the distribution networks of transnational corporations and others. financial barriers related to taxation, customs, trade policies, restrictions on the importation of capital.close to him are restricted in distribution companies competitors from other countries.
2. the development of information technology.the requirements of customers on the quality of logistics services is growing, and increased all the time. to meet, to continuously develop.at the present day logistics company scope and in ensuring the quality of customer service is just a key. includes not only the automation of standard processesbut on the principle of improving the service through the introduction of new services based on it solutions: automating the selection of optimum route with the simultaneous selection of contractors, trekking (online tracking of goods)the client blocks (integration with information systems, client) and so on. in our country, just go к3PLлогистике, whereas in the west, all had популярность4PLи 5PLлогистика. looking ahead, ithe purely virtual logistics when the operator provides data services only through the highly developed information system, and can't with their own assets.this question i will reveal in the second chapter.
3. the formation of corporate logistics networks and international logistic centers (мцл) is one of the trend of the market of logistics services.such centres are the largest corporations to improve the efficiency of logistics functions. for example, in recent years, the major producers of high-tech productssuch as DеC (digital еquipmеnt corporation, usa) and sony (japan), created a number of мцл. creating your centre, DеC proceeded on the assumption that the direct supply of foreign customers with individual enterprises has been irregular shipmentsthe relatively high cost of distribution and the errors in the documentation, due to a lack of information and knowledge. this slowed down the supply and causing delays in the offices of the host countries.in the present DеC uses his мцл, located in the northeast united states, for the management of export products. here concentrated highly qualified personnel.подготавливающий export documentation, monitoring and tracking of goods in transit. in the company of sony мцл occupy a central place in the distribution system. every regional market.such as the northern europe or the west coast of the united states, is served by local мцл. however, given the рассредоточенную production base, мцл sony also functioned as centres of the packaging and assemblythat allows to achieve a favourable freight rate. as a result of the delay load decreased by 50%, significant values achieved savings in transport costs and labour costs [34]
4."contact логистика».несмотря at high degree of effectiveness of internal supply chain, the logistics market is a trend in outsourcing servicesas in foreign practice called "contract reports. engaging the services of outside offers maximum flexibility.because it allows to obtain almost immediate access to new markets and to provide our customers with personalized service. on the evaluation of the cap Gеmini еrnst & young, in 2008.north american companies have to outsource their logistics budgets on average 56%, and the western european and asia pacific - 81 and 60%, respectively [34].according to the latest research, research agencies, the proportion of logistics outsourcing in the russia is estimated at the level of 20 per cent in belarus and less.whereas in the developed western countries, the figure is 40–50%. in the post soviet countries of the logistic services outsourcing is largely limited to incoming and outgoing transport logistics.throughout the world, this service not only affects the outer segments of the enterprises, but also the management and overall supply chain products [26]. 3PL
together with operators.in the international market has been actively used the term "4PL - technology. i address this question in more detail in 2 главе.однако, looking ahead, let:4PL operator is the organizer of the entire logistics chain enterprises, combining the functions of consulting company, management of logistics business processes and 3PL provider.the secret of success 4PL provider ̶ to provide optimal solutions for the customer by the high level of their professional competence and involvement in cooperation reliable and qualified contractors ̶the advantages of 4PL approach ̶ in cost optimization firms and increase the efficiency by reducing transaction costs, manpower, revolving and fixed capital. the minimization of stockreduce the cost of logistics resources, reduce the cycle of "заказ–деньги» [37]
the largest european market logistics services provide germany (28 per cent).followed by france (20%) and united kingdom (17%).
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