The new girl in your class seems very interesting and you would like t перевод - The new girl in your class seems very interesting and you would like t английский как сказать

The new girl in your class seems ve

The new girl in your class seems very interesting and you would like to get to know her better. The guy at the skate park does some amazing tricks and you would like him to show you how. But. whenever the opportunity to talk to them comes up, you can't think of anything to say. Your palms sweat, you blush, and you look away.

Whether you are starting a new school, going to a party where you don't know anyone or want to approach a person you fancy, you often need to break the ice in order to start a friendly conversation. Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you don't know very well. The reason you feel this way is that you don't know how the other person will react, but don't let it get you down.

You shouldn't worry. Almost everyone feels uncomfortable when they first meet other people. If you feel this way. the following tips can help you out.

Smile: When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. They are also very likely to smile back and help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation.

Develop passions: The best way to have interesting conversations is to be an interesting person! Get involved in activities and talk about them. Make sure you have something to add to a conversation.

Be positive: Everybody likes to be around happy people. Try to always look on the bright side of life and to see something positive even in negative situations. People will enjoy your positive energy and benefit from it. Also, be confident. If you like yourself, others will probably like you too.

Be a good listener: Develop listening skills. Don't take over the conversation and don't only speak about yourself. Ask other people questions about themselves too. This way they'll know you're interested in them.

Get out there: Don't avoid being around new people just because you feel uncomfortable. If you stay in a situation, you'll get used to it. It's not easy, but it's worth it. After all, the other person may want to talk to you as well -but be too shy to break the ice!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The new girl in your class seems very interesting and you would like to get to know her better. The guy at the skate park does some amazing tricks and you would like him to show you how. But. whenever the opportunity to talk to them comes up, you can't think of anything to say. Your palms sweat, you blush, and you look away.Whether you are starting a new school, going to a party where you don't know anyone or want to approach a person you fancy, you often need to break the ice in order to start a friendly conversation. Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you don't know very well. The reason you feel this way is that you don't know how the other person will react, but don't let it get you down.You shouldn't worry. Almost everyone feels uncomfortable when they first meet other people. If you feel this way. the following tips can help you out.Smile: When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. They are also very likely to smile back and help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation.Develop passions: The best way to have interesting conversations is to be an interesting person! Get involved in activities and talk about them. Make sure you have something to add to a conversation.Be positive: Everybody likes to be around happy people. Try to always look on the bright side of life and to see something positive even in negative situations. People will enjoy your positive energy and benefit from it. Also, be confident. If you like yourself, others will probably like you too.Be a good listener: Develop listening skills. Don't take over the conversation and don't only speak about yourself. Ask other people questions about themselves too. This way they'll know you're interested in them.Get out there: Don't avoid being around new people just because you feel uncomfortable. If you stay in a situation, you'll get used to it. It's not easy, but it's worth it. After all, the other person may want to talk to you as well -but be too shy to break the ice!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The new girl in your class seems very interesting and you would like to get to know her better. The guy at the skate park does some amazing tricks and you would like him to show you how. But. whenever the opportunity to talk to them comes up, you can not think of anything to say. Palms a sweat Your, you blush, and you look away the. Whether the you are starting a new A school of, going to a party where clause you do not the know anyone or want to Approach a person of fancy you, you need to often the break statement the of ice in order to start a friendly conversation. Breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or uncomfortable around someone you do not know very well. Reason you feel of The the this way is That you do not the know how of the OTHER person will of the React, But do not the get the let you down IT. You Should not Worry. Almost everyone feels uncomfortable when they first meet other people. If you feel this way. the following tips CAN the to help you out. in a reply Smile: for When you in a reply smile, people of think you are friendly and the easy to to talk to. Also are very for They likely to to in a reply smile back and to help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation. The Develop Passions: of The: best way to have interesting conversations to the BE is an interesting person! Get involved in activities and talk about them . Sure the you have the Make something to the add to a conversation. The Be positive: for Everybody likes to the BE around happy people. Try to always look on the bright side of life and to see something positive even in negative situations. People will enjoy your positive energy and benefit from it. Also, be confident. You yourself The like the If, like: others will of Probably you of too. The Be a good the listener: the Develop listening skills. Do not take over the conversation and do not only speak about yourself. Ask other people questions about themselves too. Way for They'll This the know you're interested is in Them. The Get out there: the Do not Avoid being of people around new Because you just feel Uncomfortable. If you stay in a situation, you 'll get used to it. It's not easy, but it's worth it. After all, the other person may want to talk to you as well -but be too shy to break the ice!

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the new girl in your class was very interesting and you would like to get to know her better. the guy at the skate park with some old tricks and you would like him to show you how. but. whenever the opportunity to talk to them comes up, you can"t think of anything to say. your palms sweat, you blush, and you look away.whether you are starting a new school, going to a party where you don"t know anyone or want to approach a person you fancy, you often need to break the ice in order to start a friendly conversation. breaking the ice means saying or doing something to stop feeling shy or windows around someone you don"t know very well. the reason you feel this way is that you don"t know how the other person will react, but don "t let it get you shouldn"t worry. almost everyone feels hard when they first meet other people. if you feel this way. the following tips can help you when you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. they are also very likely to smile back and help you feel more comfortable about starting a conversation.develop passions: the best way to have interesting sites is to be an interesting person. get involved in activities and talk about them. make sure you have something to add to a positive: everybody likes to be around happy people. try to always look on the bright side of life and to see something positive even in negative situations. people will enjoy your positive energy and benefit from it. also, be confident. if you like yourself, others will probably like you a good listener, develop listening skills. don "t take over the conversation and don"t only learn about yourself. ask other people questions about themselves too. this way, they"ll know you"re interested in them.get out there, don"t avoid being around new people just because you feel hard. if you stay in a hotel, you"ll get used to it. it"s not easy, but it"s worth it. after all, the other person may want to talk to you as well - but not too shy to break the ice.
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