Я думаю, что это высказывание о людях, которые не хотят быть честными с собой, которые любят мечтать, прикладывать минимум усилий к какому-либо делу, чтобы сделать свою жизнь лучше; возможно, эти люди имеют слабую внутреннюю силу и слабый дух и считают, что они не могут жить лучше только потому, что они живут не там, где нужно. На мой взгляд, это очень русская черта. У Чехова есть хорошая формула подобного поведения человека: "Там хорошо, где нас нет". Конечно, это неоконченная цитата, продолжение звучит так: "В прошлом нас уже нет, и оно нам кажется прекрасным". И это тоже очень характерно для нас.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I think this statement about people who do not want to be honest with you, who love to dream, applying the least effort in any case, to make my life better; Perhaps these people have weak internal force and weak the spirit and feel they could not live better just because they do not live where you want. In my opinion, this is a very Russian trait. Chekhov had a good formula for such human behavior: "there's good, where we don't have." Of course, it's the unfinished quote continued: "in the past we already no, and it seems fine. And it is also very typical for us.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I think that this statement about the people who do not want to be honest with you, who love to dream, to put a minimum of effort to any case in order to make their lives better; maybe these people have weak internal strength and a weak spirit, and believe that they can not have a better life because they do not live where you want. In my opinion, this is a very Russian trait. Chekhov has a good formula similar human behavior: "There's good where we are not." Of course, this quotation unfinished, continued reads: "In the past we have not, and we think it is wonderful." And it is also very common for us.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i think this remark about the people who don't want to be honest with you, who love to dream, our minimum effort in any case, to make your life better; perhaps these people have weak internal force and weak spirit and believe that they can't live better just because they don't live there. where needed. in my opinion, this is a very small thing. they have got a good formula of such human behavior: "okay, where we don't have." of course, this is неоконченная quote, continued that "in the past we have, and we think it's beautiful." and it is also very characteristic.
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