1.Когда мы были студентами, мы всегда помогали друг другу.2.Когда я за перевод - 1.Когда мы были студентами, мы всегда помогали друг другу.2.Когда я за английский как сказать

1.Когда мы были студентами, мы всег

1.Когда мы были студентами, мы всегда помогали друг другу.
2.Когда я заглянул на кухню, моя сестра помогала маме готовить обед. 3. Он слушал последние новости. Они были интересными. 4. Мы вышли из метро. Шел сильный дождь. 5. Был январь. В университете было много студентов. Они сдавали экзамены. 6. Мы не могли понять, что она говорила, так как она говорила очень быстро. 7. Он вечно что-то жевал. Это меня очень раздражало. 8. — Ты ходил к врачу? Что он сказал? — Как обычно, он дал мне много советов, и мне придится теперь им следовать. 9. Они прожили в Риге двадцать лет, а затем переехали в Москву. 10. В воскресенье мы два часа гуляли в парке. Когда мы гуляли, мы увидели нескольких белок. 11. — Сколько времени ты готовился к контрольной работе вчера? — Я занимался три часа. Ты позвонил мне как раз тогда, когда я учил формы глаголов. 12. — Я подождал тебя и ушел. Почему ты не приехала? — Я стояла в автомобильной пробке. 13. Мы вошли в караоке-клуб.Все пели и танцевали. Мы пробыли там несколько часов. 14. Фильм длился два часа. Во время фильма некоторые люди входили и выходили;кто-то ел попкорн,кто-то спал. 15. Я десять лет учился в школе, пять лет учился в университете, а сейчас я получаю второе высшее образование. Надеюсь, что я сумею это сделать. 16. Мы получили эту эсэмэску на днях и сразу же отправили факс. У Вас в это время были переговоры. 17. Он пять лет учился в Лондоне и прекрасно знает этот город. 18. Мой брат и я имели обыкновение много драться, но затем мы выросли, и сейчас мы большие друзья.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. When we were students, we have always helped each other.2. When I peeked into the kitchen, my sister helped mom prepare lunch. 3. He listened to the latest news. They were interesting. 4. We got out of the subway. Was going to rain. 5. Was January. There were a lot of students at the University. They passed the exams. 6. We could not understand what she said, because she spoke very quickly. 7. He forever something chewed. This made me very annoyed. 8. you went to the doctor? What he said? -As usual, he gave me a lot of advice, and I priditsâ now. 9. They lived in Riga for twenty years, and then moved to Moscow. 10. Sunday we walked two hours in the Park. As we walked, we saw several squirrels. 11.-how much time you're preparing to control the work today? — I was three hours. You called me just when I taught a form of verbs. 12.-I waited and gone. Why don't you come? I stood in the traffic jam. 13. We entered in a karaoke club. All sang and danced. We stayed there for a few hours. 14. The film lasted two hours. During the movie some people included and go; someone ate popcorn, someone was asleep. 15. I have ten years at school, he studied at the University for five years, and now I'm getting the second higher education. I hope I succeed to do it. 16. We got this èsèmèsku the other day and immediately sent the fax. You have at this time there were talks. 17. He studied for five years in London and knows the city. 18. My brother and I used to fight a lot, but then we grew up and now we are big friends.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. When we were students, we always helped each other.
2. When I looked into the kitchen, my sister helped her mother prepare dinner. 3. He was listening to the latest news. They were interesting. 4. We got out of the subway. There was a heavy rain. 5. It was January. The university had a lot of students. These exams. 6. We could not understand what she was saying as she spoke very quickly. 7. He's always something to chew on. It makes me very irritated. 8. - You went to the doctor? What did he say? - As usual, he gave me a lot of advice, and I'll come now they follow. 9. They have lived in Riga for twenty years and then moved to Moscow. 10. On Sunday, two o'clock we were walking in the park. When we were walking, we saw a few squirrels. 11 - How long did you prepare for tests yesterday? - I worked for three hours. You just called me when I was teaching verbs. 12. - I waited for you and left. Why did not you come? - I was standing in a traffic jam. 13. We went to a karaoke klub.Vse sang and danced. We stayed there for a few hours. 14. The film lasted two hours. During the film, some people came and went, someone eating popcorn, some slept. 15. I am ten years in high school, he studied for five years at the university, and now I get a second degree. I hope I'll be able to do it. 16. We have received the text messages the other day and immediately sent a fax. You were at the time the negotiations. 17. He studied for five years in London and knows this city. 18. My brother and I used to fight a lot, but then we have grown, and now we are great friends.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.When we were students, we have always helped each other.
2.When i am stuck in the kitchen and my sister helped mum to prepare lunch. 3. He listened to the latest news. They were interesting. 4. We have emerged from the subway station. There has been heavy rain. 5.Was January. The university has many students. They passed examinations. 6. We will not be able to understand, that she spoke, as she spoke very quickly. 7. He forever the ". I was very aggravated. 8. - You went to the doctor?What he said? - As usual, he gave me many tips, and i придится now abide by them. 9. They have lived in Riga twenty years, and then moved to Moscow. 10. On Sunday we walked about two hours in the park. When we walked,We saw a few protein. 11. - How much time are you prepared for the verification work yesterday? - I was involved in three hours. You telephoned me at a time when I taught form verbs. 12. - I waited thee and resigned.Why don't you came here? - I was in the car plug. 13. We entered the karaoke club.All were singing and dancing. We spent a few hours there. 14. The film lasted two hours. During the movie some people included and went.Someone ate popcorn,who slept. 15. I ten years went to school, the five years went to university, and now I'm getting the second higher education. I hope that I am able to do this. 16.We have received this эсэмэску on days and immediately sent a fax. You have at this time were negotiations. 17. He worked five years in London and knows full well the city. 18. My brother and I have been wont many mccline,But then we grew up, and now we are friends.
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