Я очнулся в какой-то хижине. Повсюду были черепа, развешено множество  перевод - Я очнулся в какой-то хижине. Повсюду были черепа, развешено множество  английский как сказать

Я очнулся в какой-то хижине. Повсюд

Я очнулся в какой-то хижине.
Повсюду были черепа, развешено множество всяких трав, на полках стояли колбы с каким-то зельем…
Не понимал, что происходит и как я тут очутился.
Как оказалась позже, это хижина пустынного шамана, который поднял меня на ноги с помощью своих отваров и заговоров.
Через некоторое время ко мне начала возвращаться память.
Я вспомнил, что был в пустыне... меня настигла песчаная буря, и я не в силах был противостоять этой стихии.
Скорее всего я потерял сознание.
Но самое удивительное, что я был всего в шаге от спасения!
В момент когда меня настигла буря, я находился всего лишь в паре километров от каньона, за которым стояло небольшое поселение.
Вот тут-то и нашел меня полумертвого местный бедуин и притащил к шаману.
Он рассказал, что нашел меня посреди бескрайних пустынных просторов под раскаленным солнцем.
Мое тело было засыпано песком.
Это был единственный шанс на миллиард...и Пустошь мне его дала. В который раз.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I woke up in a hut. There were skulls, razvešeno all sorts of herbs on the shelves were the bulb with a potion of ... Did not understand what was happening and how I ended up here. Both turned out later, this hut desert shaman, who lifted me to my feet with the help of their broths and conspiracies.After a while I began to return to memory. I remembered that he was in the desert ... the sandstorm, overtook me and I was unable to resist the elements. Most likely I lost consciousness. But the most amazing thing is that I was just a step away from rescue! At the time when I caught up with the storm, I was only a couple of kilometres away from the Canyon, which was a small settlement. Here and found me half-dead local Bedouin and lugged to the shaman. He said that in the midst of boundless found me under the hot sun of the desert expanses. My body was filled with sand. It was the only chance in a billion of ...and it gave me a wasteland. In that time.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I woke up in some shack.
Everywhere were the skull, hanged all sorts of herbs, standing on the shelves of the flask with some potion ...
I do not understand what is happening and how I ended up here.
As it turned out later, this hut desert shaman, who raised me on their feet with their concoctions and charms.
After a while I started to come back to memory.
I thought that was in the wilderness ... I caught a sandstorm, and I was unable to resist this element.
Most of all, I lost consciousness.
But the most amazing thing that I was just a step away from the rescue!
At the time when I caught up with the storm, I was just a couple of kilometers from the canyon behind which stood a small village.
It was then, and found me half dead a local Bedouin and brought to the shaman.
He said that he found me in the midst of vast expanses of the desert under the burning sun.
My body was covered with sand.
It was the only chance in a billion ... and Heath gave it to me. In that time.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I awoke in the hut.
Everywhere were skull, развешено many any herbs, on the shelves stood bulb with the unheeded ...
do not understand what is going on and as I had imagined.
As proved later,This shack desert shaman, who raised me to the legs with the help of their concoctions also available and conspiracies.
after some time to me to return to the memory.
I remembered that it was in the desert ... i am ambulance sandstorm,And I am not in the force was to resist this natural disaster.
As soon as possible, I lost consciousness.
But the most amazing that I was just a step to salvation!
AT THE time when i am ambulance operation Storm,I was only a couple of kilometers away from the canyon, which was a small settlement.
Here and found me полумертвого Vodopyanovâ local bedouin and the shaman has directed.
He said,That found me in the midst sweating desert wildernesses under hot irons the sun.
My body was : sandy beach.
This was the only chance for a billion ... and landscape i gave. For the first time.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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