Он сделал ей предложение. Она надменно вскинула голову.

Он сделал ей предложение. Она надме

Он сделал ей предложение. Она надменно вскинула голову. "Ты, последовал ее презрительный ответ, — ты хочешь жениться на мне!" "Да", — пробормотал молодой человек. "Но мой дорогой мальчик, — продолжала она, — ты ведь знаешь меня всего три дня!" "Нет, значительно дольше, чем три дня!" — сказал он. "Уже два года я работаю в банке, где у вашего отца счет."
to toss one's head — тряхнуть головой;
haughtily — надменно;
scornful — презрительный;
to murmur — бормотать.
2. "Почему ты разорвала свою помолвку с Томом?" "Он обманул меня. Он сказал мне, что он специалист по печени и почкам, а потом я обнаружила, что он работает в мясном магазине".
deceive — обмануть;
liver — печень;
kidney — почка.
3. "Что она сказала, когда ты сделал ей предложение?" "Я не сделал ей предложения. Прежде чем я успел открыть рот, она сказала мне, что любит Эмерсона, Лонгфелло и По. У меня не было ни единого шанса. Могу ли я получить согласие у девушки, которая уже влюблена в троих молодых людей?".
have a chance — иметь шанс;
to be in love — быть влюбленным.
4. Жена: "Дорогой, ты помнишь, что в этот день 25 лет назад мы были помолвлены?" "Двадцать пять лет назад, — воскликнул рассеянный профессор, — господи, почему же ты мне не напомнила раньше. Конечно, нам уже давно пора пожениться."
absent-minded — рассеянный.
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
He made her an offer. She arrogantly threw her head. "You, followed her scornful reply — you want to marry me!" "Yes," murmured the young man. "But my dear boy, she continued, you know me just three days!" "No, considerably longer than three days!" he said. "For two years I work in a Bank, where your father through."to toss one's head is the rock head; haughtily is arrogant; scornful-condescending; to murmur-mumble.2. "why did you broke off your engagement with Tom?" "He deceived me. He told me that he is on the liver and kidneys, and then I found that it works in a butcher shop. "deceive-fool; liver-liver; Kidney-kidney.3. "what she said, when you did it?" "I have not made proposals. Before I could open my mouth, she told me that the likes of Emerson, Longfellow and. I had no chance. Can I get the consent of a girl who already has a crush on three young people? ".have a chance — have a chance;to be in love is to be in love.4. Wife: "honey, do you remember that day 25 years ago we were engaged?" "Twenty-five years ago, cried the diffuse Professor — Lord, why did I not recalled earlier. Of course, it is long overdue for us to marry. "absent-minded is diffused.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
He proposed to her. She raised her head haughtily. "You followed her contemptuous answer - do you want to marry me!" "Yes," - murmured the young man. "But my dear boy, - she continued, - you know me only three days!" "No, much longer than three days!" - he said. "For two years I have been working in a bank, where your father's expense."
To toss one's head - to shake his head;
haughtily - haughtily;
scornful - contempt;
to murmur - mumble.
2. "Why are you broke her engagement to Tom?" "He lied to me. He told me that he was an expert on the liver and kidneys, and then I found that it works in a butcher shop".
Deceive - cheat;
liver - liver;
kidney - the kidney.
3. "What did she say when you asked her to marry?" "I do not propose to her. Before I could open my mouth, she told me that she loves Emerson, Longfellow and Poe. I did not have a chance. Can I obtain the consent of the girl, which is already in love with the three young men? ".
I have a chance - to have a chance;
to be in love - being in love.
4. Wife: "Honey, do you remember that on that day 25 years ago, we were engaged?" "Twenty-five years ago - said absent-minded professor, - my God, why have you not reminded me before. Of course, it is high time to get married."
Absent-minded - scattered.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
he proposed to her. she and вскинула head. " you followed her disdainful answer, do you want to marry me! " yes, "he muttered something young man." but, my dear boy, has she- you know me only three days! " no, significantly longer than three days. " he said. " for two years, i work in the bank, where is your father. "
to toss one 's head - shake your head;
haughtily - pride;
scornful scornful.relating to mutter.
2. " why you broke off your engagement to tom? " he lied to me. he told me that he's a specialist in the liver and the kidneys, and then i found out that he is working in a butcher shop. "
deceive to

; liver - liver;kidney, kidney.
3. " what did she say when you proposed to her? " i gave her a proposal. before i could open my mouth, she told me that she loves emerson, longfellow and. i didn't have a chance.
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