Наверное так подумает каждый первокурсник или выпускник школы. Но я ду перевод - Наверное так подумает каждый первокурсник или выпускник школы. Но я ду английский как сказать

Наверное так подумает каждый первок

Наверное так подумает каждый первокурсник или выпускник школы. Но я думаю совсем по-другому. Ведь становясь студентом тебе предстоит долгий путь, который полон сюрпризов. Сидеть допоздна учить темы и правила, а завтра рано утром идти в университет. Для меня студенческие годы это как бы один из этапов во взрослую жизнь, которую мы все должны пройти. Я отношу себя к ленивым, хоть и пытаюсь побороть в себе эту лень. Иногда мне это удается, но длиться это не долго. Например я не делаю утреннею зарядку, мне просто порой бывает лень встать с кровати. У меня нет четкого распорядка дня, все происходит хаотично. Если я составляю свой план на день, то обязательно что-то происходит и уже все идет не по плану. Поэтому у меня и нет распорядка дня, я ведь обходился без него все эти годы. Но у меня есть одно правило, я не засиживаюсь допоздна за домашними заданиями. Я просто не могу работать ночью в плане умственной нагрузки. Мой мозг уже так сказать отказывается работать в это время, поэтому я стараюсь делать задания после прихода из университета. Как правило я успеваю сделать задания, все зависит от того, сколько нам задали. Я ложусь спать в полночь, это уже вошло в мою привычку. На утро я ставлю будильник, иногда я просыпаюсь раньше будильника. Странно то, что когда я ложусь рано, например в 9 или 10 часов вечера, то я не могу встать и выгляжу сонным. Ну а когда ложусь поздно, то просыпаюсь рано и бодрым. Но как правило к полудню я чувствую усталость и сонливость. Лень нужно побороть, заставить себя открыть глаза утром. Утром я стараюсь мыться холодной водой, это помогает мне взбодриться и настроиться на предстоящий день. Лень присуща каждому и каждый борется по своему.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Probably so thinks every freshman or graduate school. But I think quite differently. Indeed, by becoming a student you have a long way to go, which is full of surprises. Sit late night to teach themes and rules and early tomorrow morning to go to University. For me it's like a student one step into adulthood, which we all must pass. I am one lazy though and try to overcome this laziness. Sometimes I succeed, but it does not last long. For example I do not utrenneû charging, I just sometimes laziness get out of bed. I have no clear agenda, everything happens chaotically. If I write your plan for the day, then something happens and everything is not going according to plan. Therefore, I have no agenda, I've managed without it all these years. But I have one rule, I'm not sitting late for homework. I just cannot work at night in terms of mental load. My brain is already so say refuses to work at this time, so I try to do the job after coming from the University. Usually I get to do the job, it all depends on how much we asked. I go to bed at midnight, it has been my habit. In the morning I put the alarm clock, sometimes I wake up before the alarm goes off. The strange thing is that when I lie down early, such as 10:00 or 9 pm, I can't stand up and look sleepy. Well, when I go late, wake up early and vigorous. But usually by noon I feel fatigue and drowsiness. You must overcome laziness, force yourself to open your eyes in the morning. In the morning I try to wash with cold water, it helps me cheer up and tune in for the coming day. Laziness is inherent in each and every one of his fights.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Probably so think every freshman or graduate school. But I think quite differently. After becoming a student you have a long way, which is full of surprises. Sitting up late to learn topics and rules, and tomorrow early in the morning to go to university. For me as a student, it would be one of the stages of adult life, we all have to go. I consider myself a lazy, though I try to resist the laziness that. Sometimes I do it, but it does not last long. For example, I do not do morning exercises, I just sometimes it is too lazy to get out of bed. I do not have a clear daily routine, everything is chaotic. If I make a plan for the day, make sure that something is going on and everything is going according to plan. Therefore, I do not have a daily routine, I've managed without it all these years. But I do have one rule, I do not stay up late for homework. I just can not work in terms of mental workload at night. My brain refuses to say so already working at the time, so I try to do the job after coming out of the university. Usually I have time to do the job, it all depends on how much we asked. I go to bed at midnight, it's already become my habit. In the morning, I set the alarm clock, sometimes I wake up before the alarm. The strange thing is that when I go to bed early, like 9 or 10 o'clock at night, I can not get up and look sleepy. Well, when I go late, I wake up early and vigorous. But usually by noon, I feel tired and sleepy. Laziness is necessary to overcome, to get his eyes open in the morning. In the morning, I try to wash with cold water, it helps me to cheer up and to tune in for the day. Laziness is inherent in each and every fight its own way.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i think that every student or graduate school. but i think quite differently. if you are a student, it"s a long journey, which is full of surprises. stay up late to study the theme and rules, and early tomorrow morning to go to the university. for me, a student, this is like one of the stages of adult life, which we all must take. i"ll take you to the lazy, even trying to beat a sloth. sometimes i do that, but it didn"t last long. for example, i don"t do morning exercise, i just sometimes too lazy to get up from the bed. i don"t have a clear schedule, it is chaotic. if i make my plan for the day, there"s always something going on and it all goes wrong. however, i have no schedule, i can live without him all these years. but i have one rule, i"m not up late for homework. i just can"t work at night in terms of mental workload. my brain is like refusing to work at that time, so i try to do the homework after the arrival of the university. as a rule i can do the job, it all depends on how much we asked. i go to bed at midnight, it became my habit. in the morning i put the alarm clock, i sometimes wake up before the alarm. the weird thing is that when i go to bed early, for example in 9 or 10 o"clock in the evening, i can"t stand up and look sleepy. well, when stay up late, wake up early and cheerful. but as a rule to the noon, i feel tired and sleepy. i need to get myself to open my eyes in the morning. in the morning, i try to wash with cold water, it helps me to wake up and get the next day. laziness is each and every fight on their own.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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