Когда Неля пришла в школу, ее одноклассники полили цветы. 2. Мы читали перевод - Когда Неля пришла в школу, ее одноклассники полили цветы. 2. Мы читали английский как сказать

Когда Неля пришла в школу, ее однок

Когда Неля пришла в школу, ее одноклассники полили цветы. 2. Мы читали книгу, которую я купил в подземном переходе. 3.Учитель сказал, что он проверил наши диктанты. 4. Ученик перевел текст к десяти часам. 5. Когда мы вернулись домой, ребенок уже заснул. 6.мой брат писал, что он уже сдал экзамены 7.он поблагодарил меня за то что я для него сделал. 8. Ученик прочитал вслух рассказ, который он написал дома. 9.В прошлым году его отец ездил в деревню, где он провел свое детство. 10. Вчера аня пришла домой в пять часов. ее младший брат выполнял домашние задания, а отец и мать еще не вернулись с работы. 11. Она была уверена, что видела эту женщину раньше, но не могла припомнить, где она ее видела. 12. его отец начал работать на заводе, когда ему было двадцать лет. до этого он жил в деревне. 13. после того как мой товарищ ушел домой, я вспомнил, что забыл показать ему свои новые марки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When Nelya came to school, her classmates poured flowers. 2. We have read the book which I bought in the underpass. 3. the teacher said he checked our dictations. 4. Apprentice translated text to 10 hours. 5. When we came home, the child is asleep. 6. my brother wrote that he had passed the exams 7. He thanked me for what I did for him. 8. the pupil read aloud a story he wrote home. 9. In the past year, his father traveled to the village where he spent his childhood. 10. Today Anya came home at five o'clock. her younger brother, acted as homework, and father and mother have not yet returned to work. 11. She was sure that she had seen this woman before, but couldn't remember where she had seen. 12. his father began working at the plant when he was twenty years old. prior to that, he lived in the village. 13. after my friend had gone home, I remembered that I forgot to show him their new brand.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When Nelly went to school, her classmates have watered the flowers. 2. We read the book, which I bought in the underpass. 3.Uchitel said he checked our dictations. 4. The student has translated the text by ten o'clock. 5. When we returned home, the child has fallen asleep. 6.moy brother wrote that he had already passed the exams 7.on thanked me for what I had done for him. 8. The student read aloud the story that he wrote home. 9. In the past, his father went to the village where he spent his childhood. 10. Yesterday, Anya came home at five o'clock. her younger brother to do homework, and the father and mother have not yet returned to work. 11. She was convinced that she had seen the woman before, but could not remember where she had seen her. 12. His father started working at the factory, when he was twenty years old. before that, he lived in the village. 13. after my friend left home, I remembered that I forgot to show him his new brand.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when неля came to school, her classmates полили flowers. 2. we read the book, which i bought at the subway station. 3.учитель said he checked our dictation. 4. a translated text by ten o'clock. 5. when we returned home, the baby is asleep. 6.мой brother wrote that he passed the exam 7.он thanked me for what i've done. 8. the student read aloud the story, which he wrote home. 9 (b) last year, his father went to the village where he spent his childhood. 10. last night i came home at five o'clock. her younger brother is doing homework, and my father and mother have not yet returned to work. 11. she was sure to have seen this woman before, but i couldn't recall where she saw her. 12. his father began to work at the factory when he was twenty years old. prior to that, he lived in the village. 13. after my friend had gone home, i remembered that i forgot to show him my new stamps.
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