Драма в полном смысле слова, возможно вы никогда больше не увидите ничего подобного. Фильм, подтверждающий, что у каждого должен быть отец. Да, он прямой, да, он жесткий, местами даже жестокий, нет, он не чужой. Он учит своих сыновей, передает жизненный опыт: никогда не ной, никогда не ври, всегда давай отпор, всегда отвечай за свои поступки. И они меняются, становятся подготовленными, пускай даже ценой собственных страданий и жизни папы. Жаль, что они осознали это, лишь когда потеряли отца. На этот раз навсегда.
Больше о фильме говорить не стоит, это надо смотреть, это надо пережить…
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Drama in the full sense of the word, you may never see anything like this. The movie, confirming that each must be the father. Yes, he's direct, Yes, he is hard, sometimes even brutal, no, he's not a stranger. He teaches his sons, transmits experience: never, never lie, always come back, always answer for their actions. And they are changing, becoming prepared, even at the cost of their own suffering and the life of the Pope. It is a pity that they became aware of it only when the lost father. This time forever.More about the film say it's not worth it, it is necessary to watch, that we need to survive.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Drama in the full sense of the word, you may never see anything like it. The film, proving that everyone should have a father. Yes, he's straight, yes, he's tough, sometimes even brutal, no, he is not a stranger. He teaches his sons, transfers experience: never, Noah, never lie, always to fight back, you are always responsible for their actions. And they change, are prepared, even if the cost of their own lives and the suffering of the Pope. It is a pity that they are aware of it only when lost father. This time for good. Most of the movie say no, it is necessary to look, it is necessary to go through ...
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Drama in the fullest sense of the word, it is possible you will never see nothing of the kind. The film, confirming that each must be the father. Yes, it was a direct, yes, it was hard, places even brutal, no, it is not a bullet.He has taught their sons, transmits experience of life: never Noi, never SDI) - tailored, always let's face, always hearken unto me for their acts. And they are changing, they are trained,Even though price their own suffering and life of Pope. It is regrettable that they have realized this, only when have lost their father. At this time forever.Lord more about the film is not worth it, but watch it, but survive ...
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