Однажды в трактире поселился новый постоялец — бывший моряк, которого зовут Билли Бонс. Спустя некоторое время, к нему начинают приходить странные гости. Первым пришёл моряк по кличке «Чёрный Пёс» , старый знакомый Билла. Они ссорятся, Бонс ранит Чёрного Пса, но тот спасается бегством. Затем Билли посещает страшный слепой нищий, который передал ему чёрную метку — грозное пиратское предупреждение вожакам, которые нарушают интересы команды. Билли, получив метку, решает поспешно покинуть насиженное место, но внезапно умирает от апоплексического удара. Джим и его мать, которым Билли задолжал денег за постой, обыскивают мёртвого моряка и его вещи. На дне его сундука они обнаруживают деньги и пакет бумаг. Из этих бумаг становится ясно, что Бонс был первым штурманом на корабле известного пирата Флинта и владел картой того места, где хранятся его знаменитые сокровища.
Джим едва успел забрать бумаги Флинта из-под носа слепого Пью и его головорезов, которые нападают на трактир «Адмирал Бенбоу» с целью завладеть картой. Бонс, Чёрный Пёс, слепой Пью и остальные — все они бывшие члены команды «Моржа» , пиратского судна капитана Флинта. Внезапно на помощь Джиму и его матери приходит отряд королевских таможенников. Слепой Пью трагически погибает, а остальные пираты спешно спасаются бегством — их успешный отход прикрывает команда пиратского люггера, на котором находятся их сообщники.
Джим передаёт документы и карту доктору Ливси и сквайру Трелони. Состоятельный Трелони начинает подготовку экспедиции и поручает дельцу Блендли снарядить для экспедиции подходящее судно — шхуну «Испаньола» .
Капитан «Испаньолы» Смоллетт выражает большие сомнения в надёжности команды, а в особенности не доверяет своему помощнику — штурману Эрроу, но уступает уговорам доктора Ливси и снисходительности Трелони. «Испаньола» отправляется из Бристоля к Острову сокровищ. В пути Джиму удаётся подслушать тайный разговор матроса Дика, боцманмата Израэля Хендса и кока, одноногого Джона Сильвера, по прозвищу Окорок (англ. Barbecue), он же Долговязый Джон. Оказывается, что экипаж, который нанял Трелони, большей частью состоит из бывшей команды Флинта, и Сильвер — глава заговора, цель которого — захватить сокровища…
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Once in a restaurant has settled a new occupant is a former sailor, whose name is Billy bones. After a while, it starts to come strange guests. First came a sailor nicknamed "black dog", an old acquaintance of Bill. They argue, Bones hurt Black Dog, but the fleeing. Then Billy visits the dreaded blind beggar who handed him a black label is a formidable pirate warning vožakam that violate the interests of the team. Billy, after receiving the label decides to leave home hurriedly, but suddenly dies of apoplexy. Jim and his mother, whom Billy owes money for billeting, dead sailor and searched his belongings. At the bottom of the chest they find money and securities. Of these securities, it is clear that Bones was the first mate on a ship famous Pirata Flinta and owned a card where are his famous treasures. Jim barely had time to pick up paper Flint from under the noses of Blind Pew and his thugs, who are attacking the restaurant "Admiral Benbow" to take possession of the card. Bones, black dog, Blind Pew and the rest are all former members of the team "the Walrus", a pirate ship Captain Flint. Suddenly to help Jim and his mother comes detachment of the Royal Customs. Blind Pew are tragically killed, and the rest of the pirates to flee — a successful departure covers team pirate lûggera where are their accomplices. Jim sends documents and map doctor Livesey and Trelawney skvajru. Wealthy Treloni begins training expedition and instructs the owner to equip an expedition for Blendli a suitable vessel, the schooner Hispaniola ". The captain of the Hispaniola "Smollett expresses great doubt in the reliability of command, and especially doesn't trust his assistant — Navigator Arrow, but inferior to himself, Dr. Livesey and Trelawney indulgence. "Hispaniola" sent from Bristol to Treasure Island. On the way, Jim manages to eavesdrop on secret conversation sailor Dick bocmanmata Israël Hendsa and coca, one-legged John Silvera, nicknamed the ham (Engl. Barbecue), aka long John. It turns out that the crew, who hired Treloni, mostly composed of former members of Flint, and Silver is the head of a conspiracy to seize the treasure ...
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Once I settled in the restaurant a new lodger - a former sailor, whose name is Billy Bones. After a while, begin to come to his strange guests. First came a sailor, nicknamed the "Black Dog", an old friend Bill. They quarrel, Black Dog Bones hurt, but he flees. Then Billy attends a terrible blind beggar, who gave him a black mark - a formidable pirate warning leaders that violate the interests of the team. Billy received a label decides to hurriedly leave their place, but died suddenly of apoplexy. Jim and his mother, whom Billy owes money for the post, search the dead sailor and his belongings. At the bottom of his trunk, they discover the money and a package of securities. From these papers it is clear that Bones was the first navigator of the ship famous pirate Flint and had a map of the place, which holds its famous treasures. Jim barely had time to pick up the paper Flint from under his nose Blind Pew and his thugs who attacked the restaurant "Admiral Benbow "in order to take possession of the card. Bones, Black Dog, Blind Pew and others - all of them former members of the team, "the Walrus," a pirate ship of Captain Flint. Suddenly, to help Jim and his mother comes a detachment of the royal customs. Blind Pew tragically killed, and the rest of the pirates quickly flee - they waste a successful team covers pirate lugger, which are their accomplices. Jim sends documents and maps Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawney. Wealthy Trelawney begins preparing the expedition and requests errand Blendli outfit suitable for the expedition ship - schooner "Hispaniola." Captain "Hispaniola" Smollett expresses serious doubts in the reliability of the team, and especially does not trust his assistant - navigator Arrow, but inferior to the persuasion of Dr. Livesey and indulgence Trelawney. "Hispaniola" is sent from Bristol to Treasure Island. On the way to Jim manages to overhear the conversation secret sailor Dick, boatswain's mate and coca Izrael Hands, one-legged Long John Silver, nicknamed Leg (Eng. Barbecue), also known as Long John. It turns out that the crew, who hired Trelawney, for the most part consists of the former team of Flint and Silver - the head of the conspiracy, which aims - to seize the treasure ...
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Once the pub had settled a new guest - a former seaman, whose name is Billy record label. After a short time, the strange guests are beginning to arrive. The first was seaman on extraditing "Black Hound"The old familiar Bill. They've been at each other's throats, Shells Smokey Bones honesty Black Dog, but the fleeing. Then Billy attends the horrible blind beggar, who handed him a black label - perilous pirated warning вожакам,Which violate the interests of the team. Billy, after having received the mark, to decide in haste to leave насиженное place, but suddenly dies from blackouts impact. Jim and his mother, which Billy owes money for simple,Protest dead crewmembers and his belongings. At the bottom of his chest they detect money and package securities. Of these papers, it is clear
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