1. Вы должны были давно прочесть «Дни и ночи» Симонова. Ведь книга издана в 1948 году. 2. Как это вы умудрились потерять книгу? Вы должны были положить ее в портфель, тогда вы бы ее не потеряли. Теперь вам придется расстаться с какой-нибудь из своих книг. 3. Собрание должно было состояться вчера, но не состоялось. 4. Мне придется пойти к ней, у нее испорчен телефон. 5. Вам бы следовало сделать то, что я вам говорила, тогда вы не оказались бы в таком глупом положении теперь. 6. Как мы условились, я должна была зайти к ней и привести ее сюда. 7. Вы должны были мне сказать, что вы были больны. 8..Это случилось как раз в то время, когда она должна была, уехать на юг. 9. Я должен был прийти к ней в два часа, но я оставил дома ее адрес, и мне пришлось вернуться; поэтому я опоздал. 10. Вам следует помочь ей, она ведь очень устала.
Exercise 13. Comment on the meaning of modal
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. you should have long ago read "days and nights" Simonova. Because the book was published in 1948 year. 2. As you have managed to lose the book? You should have put it in the portfolio, then you would not have lost. Now you'll have to part with any of his books. 3. a meeting was to be held yesterday but did not take place. 4. Do I have to go to her, she damaged phone. 5. you should do what I told you, then you would not have been this stupid situation now. 6. As we have agreed, I was supposed to go to her and bring her here. 7. you had to tell me that you were ill. 8. .. it happened just at the time when she was supposed to go to the South. 9. I had come to her in two hours, but I left her home address, and I had to go back; so I was late. 10. you should help her, she's very tired.Exercise 13. Comment on the meaning of modal
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. You should have a long time to read the "Days and Nights" Simonov. After the book was published in 1948. 2. How did you manage to lose a book? You should have put it in the bag, then you would not have lost it. Now you'll have to part with any of his books. 3. The meeting was to take place yesterday, but did not take place. 4. I have to go to her, her spoiled phone. 5. You ought to do what I told you, then you would not be in such an awkward situation today. 6. As we agreed, I had to go to her and bring her here. 7. You should have told me that you were ill. 8..Eto happened just at the time when she had to, to go to the south. 9. I should have come to her for two hours, but I left her home address, and I had to go back; so I was late. 10. You need to help her, because she was very tired.
Exercise 13. the Comment on the Meaning of modal
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