Самая известная часть семитомной фэнтези-эпопеи «Хроники Нарнии»

Самая известная часть семитомной фэ

Самая известная часть семитомной фэнтези-эпопеи «Хроники Нарнии» "Лев, Колдунья и Платяной шкаф", опубликованные в 1950 году, является одной из моих любимых историй. Она была написана замечательным британским ирландским писателем, поэтом и учёным, Клайвом Стэйплзом Льюисом. Это рассказ полон приключений и очень удивительными персонажами.«Лев, Колдунья и Платяной шкаф» является одним из лучших образцов классического фэнтези, по моему мнению. История повествует о четырёх детях Пэвэнси - Питере, Сьюзен, Эдмунде и Люси. Их отправляют к другу семьи профессору Дигори Керку из-за бомбёжек Лондона. Во время игры в прятки Люси прячется в Платяном шкафу, через который попадает в Нарнию, где знакомится с фавном Тумнусом. Он ей рассказывает, что Нарния находится под властью злой Белой Колдуньи. Позже все четверо детей попадают в Нарнию, обнаруживают, что Тумнуса забрала полиция. Детей встречает мистер Бобр и рассказывает о том, что Аслан уже в пути, а значит, начинает сбываться древнее пророчество о том, что придет Аслан, кончится Долгая зима и четыре человека станут правителями Нарнии. Питер, Сьюзен, Люси и Бобры отправляются к Аслану. По дороге их встречает Санта-Клаус и вручает им подарки, которые должны им помочь: Питеру — меч и щит, Сьюзен лук, стрелы и рог, Люси — кинжал и волшебное снадобье. Дети встречаются с Асланом у Каменного Стола, Аслан посвящает Питера и Эдмунда в рыцари и нарнийцы начинают готовиться к битве. Аслан и девочки появляются только в конце битвы, но именно они приносят победу и укрепляют боевой дух воинов. Люси излечивает волшебным эликсиром тяжело раненных воинов и своего брата, который окончательно исцеляется не только от ран, но и от своих дурных наклонностей. Дети остаются в Нарнии и становятся её королями и королевами – Питером Великолепным, Эдмундом Справедливым, Сьюзен Великодушной и Люси Отважной. Они забывают о мире, из которого пришли, но однажды уже взрослые братья и сёстры устраивают охоту за белым оленем, исполняющим желания, и случайно натыкаются на нарнийский фонарь и дверцу платяного шкафа. Влекомые оленем, Пэвенси пробираются сквозь еловую чащу и попадают в ту самую комнату и в тот самый момент, с которого начиналось их путешествие. В Англии за пятнадцать лет их отсутствия не прошло ни минуты.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The most famous part of the semitomnoj fantasy epic "the Chronicles of Narnia," "the lion, the Witch and the wardrobe", published in 1950, the year is one of my favorite stories. It was written by a remarkable British Irish writer, poet, and scientist, Clive Stèjplzom Lewis. This is a story full of adventure and very amazing characters. " The lion, the Witch and the wardrobe "is one of the best examples of classic fantasy, in my opinion. The story of four children Pèvènsi-Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. They are sent to family friend Professor Digory Kirk because of the bombings in London. During a game of hide and seek, Lucy hides in the closet, through which falls into Narnia, where he met with favnom Tumnusom. He tells her that Narnia is ruled by the evil White Witch. Later all four children enter Narnia, discovering that the police took away Tumnusa. Children meets Mr Beaver and tells that Aslan is on the way, and thus begins to come true an ancient prophecy that will come to Aslan, the end of a long winter and the four men become rulers of Narnia. Peter, Susan, Lucy and Beavers are sent to Aslan. On the way they are greeted by Santa Claus and presents them gifts, that should help them: Peter is a sword and shield, Susan's bow, arrows and a horn, Lucy is a dagger and magic potion. The children meet Aslan at the stone table, Aslan devotes Peter and Edmund was knighted and narnijcy begin to prepare for battle. Aslan and girls only appear at the end of the battle, but they bring victory and strengthen the morale of the soldiers. Lucy heal a magical elixir seriously wounded warriors and his brother, who finally heals not only from wounds but also from their evil inclinations. The children remain in Narnia and become its kings and Queens-Peter, Edmund, Susan and Generous Fair Lucy Gallant. They forget about the world from which they came, but once already adult brothers and sisters arrange hunting for white deer, desires, and accidentally stumble on the narnijskij lamp and door wardrobe. Male deer, Pèvensi make their way through the thicket elovaya and fall into the same room and at the very moment at which to begin their journey. In England for 15 years, their absence has not passed.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The most famous of the seven-volume fantasy epic "The Chronicles of Narnia," "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", published in 1950, is one of my favorite stories. It was written by the remarkable British Irish writer, poet and scholar, Clive Staples Lewis. This is a story full of adventure and very awesome characters. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is one of the best classical fantasy designs, in my opinion. History tells the story of four children Pevensi - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. They are sent to the family friend Professor Digory Kirke because of the bombing of London. During a game of hide and seek Lucy hides in a wardrobe, through which enters into Narnia, where he meets a faun Tumnus. He tells her that Narnia is under the rule of the evil White Witch. Later, all four children enter Narnia, finding that the police took Tumnus. Children and meets Mr Beaver says that Aslan is on the way, and therefore starts to come true an ancient prophecy that will come Aslan, long winter is over and the four people become the rulers of Narnia. Peter, Susan, Lucy and the Beavers sent to Aslan. On the way they meet Santa Claus and presents them with gifts, which should help them: Peter - a sword and shield, Susan bow, arrows and a horn, Lucy - a dagger and magic potion. The children meet Aslan at the Stone Table Aslan devotes Peter and Edmund was knighted and Narnians begin to prepare for battle. Aslan and the girls appear only at the end of the battle, but they bring the victory and strengthen the morale of the soldiers. Lucy heals magic elixir seriously wounded soldiers and his brother, who finally healed not only from his wounds, but also from their bad habits. Children remain in Narnia and become its kings and queens - Peter the Magnificent, Edmund the Just, Susan and Lucy generously Valiant. They forget about the world, from which came, but one has grown brothers and sisters organize the hunt for the white deer, wish-fulfilling, and accidentally stumble upon Narnian Lantern and the wardrobe door. Drawn by deer Pevensie way through the thicket of fir and fall into that same room and at the very moment at which to begin their journey. In England, in the fifteen years of their absence in less than a minute.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the most famous part of the семитомной fantasy is an epic chronicle нарнии» "the lion, the witch and the wardrobe", published in 1950, is one of my favorite stories. it was written by a british irish writer, poet and scholar, clive стэйплзом lewis. this story is full of adventure and very surprising персонажами.« the lion, the witch and the шкаф» is one of the best examples of the classic fantasy novels, in my opinion. the story tells the story of four children пэвэнси - peter, susan, edmund and lucy. they go to the friend family professor дигори керку because of бомбёжек london. during a game of hide and seek lucy hides in the wardrobe, in which falls into narnia, where meets фавном tumnus. he tells her that narnia was under the rule of the evil white witch. later, all four children enter narnia, they reveal that tumnus again picked up by the police. children meets mr. beaver and tells what aslan is on the move, and then begins to set in motion an ancient prophecy that aslan comes out of a long winter and four people become rulers of narnia. peter, susan, lucy and beaver goes to aslan. on the way it meets santa claus and gives them gifts, which should help them: peter"s sword and shield, susan bow, arrows and a horn, lucy - the magic potion. the children meet aslan at the stone table, aslan to peter and edmund in the knights and нарнийцы begin to prepare for battle. aslan and the girls only appear at the end of the battle, but they bring victory and strengthen the morale of the soldiers. lucy cures the magic elixir of badly wounded warriors and his brother, who had not only from healing wounds, but also from their evil tendencies. children in narnia and become her kings and queens is a fair peter, edmund, lucy, susan generous and courageous. they forget about the world, from which it came, but once adult brothers and sisters have a white deer, the desire, and accidentally come across narnian looking isn"t it light and door wardrobe. attracted to the deer, the pevensie get through еловую thicket and fall into the same room and at the same time, which started their journey. in england for fifteen years, their absence after one minute.
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