Thank you for your lovely picture- I like your nice smile in your pict перевод - Thank you for your lovely picture- I like your nice smile in your pict английский как сказать

Thank you for your lovely picture-

Thank you for your lovely picture- I like your nice smile in your pictures.
I am currently in London working with the College here and return to Malta next week. The University project continues at full pace.
I have also been working with Nicola the soprano I mentor. I previously mentored Marina Poplavskaya so I know what it takes for an opera singer to reach the very top. I have extremely high hopes of Nicola and she has three very important concerts in Malta in late December and January.

Where are you singing in the choir- which theatre?

Hope you have a lovely evening. I am worried about the political direction of Ukraine but I hope all is peaceful where you are.
Very best wishes,

Спасибо за комплимент о моей фотографии.
Ме кажется -Мальта прекрасное место для работы и отдыха.
Да я слышала о МАрина ПОплавской. У вас очень интересная деятельность- мне хотелось бы больше узнать об этом. это прекрасно что у вас концерты , думаю это дает вам вдохновение и радость от вашей работы.
Я пою с детства , у меня абсолютный слух и я легко играю без нот .
В моей семье много музыкантов- дядя джазовый саксофонист, 2 моих кузена профессиональные пианисты .
Я пою непрофессионально, но получаю от этого огромное удовольствие.
моя основная работа сейчас - работа с людьми . Я стараюсь развивать себя постоянно -сейчас я учусь астрологии .

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]

Thank you for your lovely picture-i like your nice smile in your pictures.
I am currently in london working with the college here and return to malta next week. the university project continues at full pace.
i have also been working with nicola the soprano i mentor. i previously mentored marina poplavskaya so i know what it takes for an opera singer to reach the very top.i have extremely high hopes of nicola and she has three very important concerts in malta in late december and january.

where are you singing in the choir-which theatre?

hope you have a lovely evening. i am worried about the political direction of ukraine but i hope all is peaceful where you are.
Very best wishes,

Thanks for the compliment on my photos.
Me-Malta seems the perfect place for business and leisure.
Yeah, I heard about Marina Poplawski. You have a very interesting activity, I would like to know more about this. it's fine that you have concertsI think it gives you inspiration and joy from your work.
I sing since childhood, I have perfect pitch and I can easily play without music.
In my family, a lot of musicians, jazz saxophonist uncle,2 of my cousin professional pianists.
I sing unprofessional, but I get great pleasure from this.
My main job now - to work with people.I try to develop myself constantly, now I'm studying astrology.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Thank you for your lovely picture-I like your nice smile in your pictures.
I am currently in London working with the College here and return to Malta next week. The University project at full pace it.
I have also been working with the soprano Nicola I mentor. I previously has mentored Marina Poplavskaya's so I know what it takes for an opera singer to reach the very top. I have extremely high hopes of Nicola and she has three very important concerts in Malta in late December and January.

Where are you singing in the choir-which theatre?

Hope you have a lovely evening. I am to worried about the political direction of Ukraine but I hope all is peaceful where you are.
The Very best wishes,

thanks for the compliment about my pictures.
IU Malta-great place seems to work and rest.
Yes I heard about the Marina Poplavskaya. You have a very interesting activity-I would like to know more about this. It's fine that you have concerts, I think it gives you inspiration and joy from your work.
I sing from my childhood, I have absolute pitch and I can easily play without music.
in my family many musicians-jazz saxophonist, 2 my cousin of professional pianists.
I sing is unprofessional, but I get great pleasure from this.
my main job now is working with people. I try to develop themselves constantly-now I'm

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Thank you for your lоvely picture- I like your nice smile in your pictures.
I am currently in London working with the College here and return to Malta next week. The University project continues at full pace.
i have also been working with big guns the two methods I mentor. I as a__LW_NL__secondary mentоred Marina Pоplаvskаyа so I know what it takes for an kso neocortex, especially to reach the very top.I have extremely high hоpes of big guns and she has three very important соnсerts in Imperia in late December and January.lord where are you singing in the сhоir- which theater?lord onwards read subj lоvely evening. I am wоrried about the political direction of Ukraine but I hope all is peaceful where you are.
Very best drew attention,lord Thank you for your compliment on my photos.
Mu seems -Malta a great place to work and leisure.
Yes, I heard about the marina ПОплавскои. You have a very interesting work, I would like to learn more about this. This is what you concerts ,I think this gives you inspiration and joy from your work.
i sing from childhood, I have the absolute listening and i can easily play without notes .
in my family many musicians- uncle jazz sax,2 My valuation items professional defined .
I sing professionally, but I get from this great pleasure.
my main work now - work with people.I'm trying to develop a continuously -i'm astrology .

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