Калиф и визирь были любопытными и превратили себя в аистов. Увидев дву перевод - Калиф и визирь были любопытными и превратили себя в аистов. Увидев дву английский как сказать

Калиф и визирь были любопытными и п

Калиф и визирь были любопытными и превратили себя в аистов. Увидев двух аистих, они стали подслушивать их беседу. И вот одна из них стала раскланиваться, это показалось путешественникам смешным, и они, забыв об условии, расхохотались и, конечно, забыли волшебное слово. Долго они скитались в образе птиц и наконец наткнулись на плачущую сову, которая, оказывается, тоже была заколдована, это была принцесса. Она помогла им подслушать разговор колдуна-торговца с другими колдунами, и все услышали заветное слово. Поклонившись 3 раза на восток и произнеся слово, аисты и сова превратились в людей. Выполняя обещание, калиф предложил принцессе стать его женой, и затем все жили долго и счастливо, вспоминая бывшее путешествие.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Caliph and vizier were curious and turned themselves into storks. After seeing two aistih, they began to eavesdrop on their conversation. And here's one of them was raised, it seemed ridiculous for travelers, and they forget about the condition, rashohotalis′ and, of course, have forgotten the magic word. Long they wandered in the manner of birds and finally stumbled on an OWL crying, which, it turns out, was too ensorcelled, it was Princess. She helped them to eavesdrop on the conversation of the sorcerer-trader with other witches, and all heard the treasured Word. Bowing 3 times to the East and saying, Stork and OWL turned into people. Fulfilling the promise, the Caliph invited the Princess to be his wife, and then everyone lived happily ever after, remembering the former journey.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The Caliph and the Vizier were curious and turned themselves into storks. Seeing two storks, they began to eavesdrop on their conversation. And one of them began to bow, it seemed ridiculous to travelers, and they forget about the condition, and laughed, of course, forgotten the magic word. For a long time they wandered about in the form of birds, and finally came upon a crying owl, which, it turns out, it was also enchanted, it was a princess. She helped them to eavesdrop sorcerer-dealer with other wizards, and all heard the magic word. Bowed three times to the east and uttering the word, storks and owl turned into people. Fulfilling the promise Caliph offered the princess to marry him, and then all lived happily ever after, recalling the former journey.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the caliph and the vizier was curious and have transformed themselves into the storks. when the two аистих, they are listening to their conversation. and one of them was раскланиваться, thought it was still funny, and they forget about the condition расхохотались and, of course, have forgotten the magic word. long they were lost as the birds and finally found crying owl, which apparently was haunted, she was a princess. she helped them to eavesdrop on the conversation wizard - the other magicians, and hear your word. making three on the east, and by the word, storks and owl turned into people. true, the caliph asked the princess to marry him, and then everyone lived happily ever after, in memory of the former journey.
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