9. Сэм закрыл дверь заВильджоком и сел у камина. 10. Когда Сари вошла  перевод - 9. Сэм закрыл дверь заВильджоком и сел у камина. 10. Когда Сари вошла  английский как сказать

9. Сэм закрыл дверь заВильджоком и

9. Сэм закрыл дверь за
Вильджоком и сел у камина. 10. Когда Сари вошла в кухню, Сэм уже закрыл
дверь за Вильджоном и мешал огонь в камине. 11. В доме было тихо. Дети
уснули. 12. В доме было тихо. Дети спали. 13. Когда я проснулся, солнце уже
взошло. 14. Когда я проснулся, солнце уже ярко светило. 15. Когда я вышла
из дома, ветер уже стих и светило солнце. 16. На днях, когда я провожала
брата, я встретила на вокзале приятельницу, с которой вместе училась в
школе и которую не видела много лет. 17. Когда Тавров пришел, Ольга
сидела в столовой. Она читала статью, которую написала для журнала.
Тавров еще не читал статьи и попросил Ольгу показать ему ее. 18. Когда
мальчик вошел в комнату, его отец сидел у камина и читал письмо, которое
он получил в его отсутствие. 19. На улице было еще светло, но в конторе уже
горели лампы. Коростелев уже вернулся.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
9. Sam closed the door forVil′džokom and sat by the fireplace. 10. When Sari walked into the kitchen, Sam has already closeddoor behind Vil′džonom and interfering with the fire in the fireplace. 11. The House was quiet. Kidsfall asleep. 12. The House was quiet. Children slept. 13. When I woke up, the Sun hadascended. 14. When I woke up, the Sun was shining brightly. 15. When I gotfrom home, wind has already dropped and the Sun was shining. 16. The other day when I saw offbrother, I met a friend at the station, which together studied inschool and that she had not seen for many years. 17. When the Taurus came, Olgasitting in the dining room. She read an article that she wrote for the magazine.Tauris have not yet read the article and asked her to show him Her. 18. Whenthe boy entered the room, his father sat by the fireplace and read a letter thatHe got in his absence. 19. It was still light, but in Office has alreadyburning lamps. Korostelev returned already.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
9. Sam closed the door behind
Vildzhokom and sat by the fireplace. 10. When Sari walked into the kitchen, Sam has already closed
the door behind Vildzhonom and prevented the fire in the fireplace. 11. The house was quiet. Children
slept. 12. The house was quiet. The children slept. 13. When I woke up, the sun had
risen. 14. When I woke up, the sun was shining brightly. 15. When I came
out of the house, the wind has a verse and the sun was shining. 16. A few days ago, when I accompanied
a brother, I met a friend of a train station, with whom he studied at the
school and who have not seen for many years. 17. When Tavrov came Olga
sat in the dining room. She read an article written for the magazine.
Tavrov have not read the article and asked Olga to show it to him. 18. When the
boy came into the room, his father was sitting by the fireplace and read a letter which
he had received in his absence. 19. The street was still light, but the office is already
burning lamp. Korostelev already returned.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
9. sam closed the door for
вильджоком and sat by the fireplace. 10. when sari walked into the kitchen, sam has already closed the door behind вильджоном
and let the fire in the fireplace. 11. the house was quiet. "the children are asleep. 12. the house was quiet. the kids were asleep. 13. when i woke up,the sun is
rises. 14. when i woke up, the sun is shining brightly. 15. when i came out of the house. the wind's verse and the sun was shining. 16. the other day, when i walked
brother, i met at the train station, girlfriend,which together went to
school and seen many years. 17. when тавров came, olga
sat in the dining room. she read the article that wrote for the magazine.тавров have not read the article and asked olga to show it to him. 18. when
the boy walked into the room, his father sat by the fire reading a letter. he received in his absence. 19. the street was still light, but in the office already.burning lamp. коростелев back already.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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