Когда наступает лето, у меня сразу поднимается настроение. Ура! Не нужно никуда идти, вставать рано в школу, готовить каждый день уроки.
Летом я занимаюсь всем тем, на что не хватает времени в школьные будни. Люблю проводить время с друзьями, долго спать и есть мороженое. Еще мне нравится, что летом можно позагорать, побегать босиком по траве и играть в футбол или баскетбол.
Часть лета я провела на даче с родителями. Тут приходится работать не только моим родителям, но и нам с братом. Мы поливаем овощи и убираем сорняки. Мы стараемся переделать всю работу побыстрее, чтобы можно было дольше отдыхать на природе.
Так незаметно пролетело мое лето, и начались суровые будни!
Результаты (
английский) 1:
When summer comes, I have immediately lifted the mood. Hooray! No need to go anywhere, to get up early to school to cook every day. In the summer I do all that is not enough time during the school week. I love spending time with friends, long sleep and eat ice cream. I also like that you can sunbathe in summer, run barefoot on grass and play football or basketball.Part of the summer I spent in the country with their parents. Here one has to work not only to my parents, but also to us with his brother. We pour the vegetables and remove weeds. We tried to redo all the work quickly, so that you can last longer to relax in nature.So my summer has flown by imperceptibly, and the rigors of everyday life!
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
When summer comes, my mood rises immediately. Hooray! No need to go anywhere to get up early for school, cooking lessons every day.
In the summer I am doing all that, what is not enough time in the school routine. I like to spend time with friends, long sleep and eat ice cream. I also like that you can enjoy sunbathing in the summer, to run barefoot on the grass and play football or basketball.
Part of the summer I spent in the country with their parents. Here it is necessary to work not only my parents but also to my brother. We water the vegetables and remove weeds. We tried to remake the job quickly, so that you can last longer rest on the nature.
So quietly flew my summer, and severe everyday life began!
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