11. Оставшись один с Марьей Николаевной, Левин обратился к ней. (Л. То перевод - 11. Оставшись один с Марьей Николаевной, Левин обратился к ней. (Л. То английский как сказать

11. Оставшись один с Марьей Николае

11. Оставшись один с Марьей Николаевной, Левин обратился к ней. (Л. Толстой)12. Увидав мужа, она [Долли] опустила руки в ящик шифоньерки, будто отыскивая что-то... (Л. Толстой)13. Вронский внимательно слушал Левина..., очевидно интересуясь его словами. (Л. Толстой)14. Анна, взглянув вниз, узнала тотчас же Вронского. (Л. Толстой)15. Прочтя письмо, он поднял на нее глаза. (Л. Толстой)16. Наконец, как бы сделав усилие над собой, она [Анна] поднялась и оттолкнула его. (Л. Толстой)17. Он [Вронский] приказал подбежавшему к нему из второго класса немцу-лакею взять вещи и ехать, а сам подошел к ней. (Л. Толстой)18. И мать, сопутствуемая доктором, вошла в гостиную к Кити. (Л. Толстой)19. Войдя в маленький кабинет Кити..., Долли вспомнила, как убирали (to decorate) они вместе прошлого года эту комнатку, с каким весельем и любовью. (Л. Толстой)20. И покрытое слезами милое лицо спряталось в юбке платья Дарьи Александровны. (Л. Толстой)21. У ней [Долли] похолодело (turned cold) сердце, когда она увидела Кити, сидевшую на низеньком... стуле и устремившую неподвижные глаза на угол ковра. (Л. Толстой)22. Часто, читая вслух, когда он доходил до патетического места, голос его начинал дрожать... (Л. Толстой)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
11. Left alone with Mary Nikolaevna, Levin wrote to her. (L. Tolstoy) 12. When her husband, she [Dolly] lowered her hands in a box šifon′erki, if looking for something. (L. Tolstoy) 13. Vronsky of Levin listened ... obviously referring to his words. (L. Tolstoy) 14. Anna, glancing down, learned immediately Vronsky. (L. Tolstoy) 15. After reading the letter, he looked at her eyes. (L. Tolstoy) 16. Finally, how would making an effort, she [Anna] stood up and pushed him away. (L. Tolstoy) 17. He [Vronsky] ordered the code to it from second class German-lackey to take things and go, and approached her. (L. Tolstoy) 18. And mother, Dr. soputstvuemaâ, entered the living room to the Kitty. (L. Tolstoy) 19. Entering the small cabinet Kitty ..., Dolly remembered how cleaned (to decorate) they last year this room, with some fun and love. (L. Tolstoy) 20. And covered with tears sweet face hid in a skirt dresses Darya Alexandrovna. (L. Tolstoy) 21. Do it [Dolly] poholodelo (turned cold) heart when she saw Kitty sitting on nizen′kom ... Chair and ustremivšuû fixed eye to corner of the mat. (L. Tolstoy) 22. Often, reading aloud, when he reached the pathetic places his voice began to tremble. (L. Tolstoy)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
11. Left alone with Marya Nikolaevna, Levin turned to her. (Leo Tolstoy) 12. On seeing her husband, she [Dolly] put her hands in the chiffonier box as if searching for something ... (Leo Tolstoy) 13. Vronsky listened attentively to Levin ... obviously interested in his words. (Leo Tolstoy) 14. Anna glancing down at once recognized Vronsky. (Leo Tolstoy) 15. After reading the letter, he looked up at her. (Leo Tolstoy) 16. Finally, as if making an effort, she [Anna] got up and pushed him away. (Leo Tolstoy) 17. He [Vronsky] ordered ran up to him from the second class of the German-waiter to take things and go, and he went up to her. (Leo Tolstoy) 18. And the mother, accompanied by the doctor, entered the drawing room to Kitty. (Leo Tolstoy) 19. Going into the little office ... Kitty, Dolly remembered cleaned (to decorate) them together last year, this small room, with what joy and love. (Leo Tolstoy) 20. And covered with tears lovely face hid in the skirt dress Daria Alexandrovna. (Leo Tolstoy) 21. At her [Dolly] went cold (turned cold) heart when she saw Kitty sitting on a low stool and stared ... eyes fixed on a corner of the carpet. (Leo Tolstoy) 22. Often, reading aloud, when he reached the pathetic place, his voice beginning to tremble ... (Leo Tolstoy)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
11. left alone with марьей николаевной, levin wrote to her. (l). fat) 12. looking at her husband, [that] gave up in the box шифоньерки like trying something. (l). fat) 13. vronsky listened carefully to levin, apparently curious about his words. (l). fat) 14. anna, look down to know immediately vronsky. (l). fat) 15. after reading the letter, he raised her eyes. (l). fat) 16. finally, as if making effort on it [anna] up and pushed him. (l). fat) 17. he [vronsky has подбежавшему thereto from the second class of german - lackey take things go, and he walked up to her. (l). fat) 18. and mother, сопутствуемая doctor, went into the living room to the kitty. (l). fat) 19. come in a little office kitty, dolly remembered how to deal with decorate) they together last year, this room, with some fun and love. (l). fat) 20. and covered with tears, sweet face hidden in the skirt dress darya alexandrovna. (l). fat) 21. her [] (double dolly grew cold cold heart, when she saw the back of сидевшую on низеньком... the chair and устремившую fixed eyes on the corner of the carpet. (l). fat) 22. often, reading aloud, when he reached патетического places, his voice began to tremble. (l). fat)
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