я люблю читать.Мой любимый писатель Рэй Брэдбери.Что может быть лучше, перевод - я люблю читать.Мой любимый писатель Рэй Брэдбери.Что может быть лучше, английский как сказать

я люблю читать.Мой любимый писатель

я люблю читать.Мой любимый писатель Рэй Брэдбери.
Что может быть лучше, чем вечер за страницами книги любимого писателя? Наверное ничего, так как мы не заметно попадаем в иной мир , отрываясь от трудных будней. Углубившись в книгу, мы наполняем наш внутренний мир новыми впечатлениями и мечтами, забываем о всех проблемах.

Моим любимым писателем является Рэй Бредбери. Ему удалось написать много интересных сочинений. С помощью фантастики писатель хотел показать проблемы современности. Главная идея его сочинений – тема борьбы добра и зла, света и тьмы, знания и варварства.

Роман Рэя Бредбери «451 градус по Фаренгейту» дотронулся до самых глубоких струн моей души. В нем автор показал новое, будущее общество , где властвует тоталитаризм и полный контроль над людьми. Это ужасно, поскольку разговор идет о мире, где чтение – уголовный поступок, а сохранение книги может обернуться смертью.

Большое впечатление на меня на меня воспроизвела новела Рэя Бредбери «Улыбка».Читатель мысленно переносится в будущее, в 2061 год. Люди пережили ядерную войну. Перед глазами появляется разрушенный город.

В своих сочинениях Рэй Бредбери высветил очень актуальные проблемы. Писатель показывает людям, каким может быть их будущее, если они и далее не будут обращать внимание на культуру и духовность. Памятника писателю еще нет, но я уверенна, что его обязательно сведут, потому, что он его заслуживает. Я уверенна, что он смог донести каждому читателю самое тайное и подарить частичку себя, что есть самым главным для каждого писателя.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I love reading my favorite author Ray Bradbury.What could be better than an evening for the pages of the book of your favorite writer? Probably nothing, because we are not noticeably fall into a different world, breaking away from difficult routine. Poring over the book, we fill our inner world of new impressions and dreams, forget about all the problems.My favorite writer is Ray Bradbury. He was able to write a lot of interesting compositions. Using fiction writer wanted to show problems. The main idea of his works-the theme of struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, knowledge and barbarism.A novel by Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" touched the deepest strings of my soul. In it the author showed new, future society where totalitarianism and wield complete control over people. It's terrible, because the conversation is about a world where reading is a criminal act, but saving a workbook may result in death.A great impression on me for me to recreate the hotel of Ray Bradbury "smile." the reader mentally is transported into the future, in the year 2061. People have survived a nuclear war. Appears before my eyes ruined city.Ray Bradbury in his writings highlighted a very topical problem. Writer shows people what may be their future if they continue to not be paying attention to culture and spirituality. Monument to writer yet, but I am sure that it will be nullified, because he deserves it. I'm sure that he was able to bring every reader the most secret and give a piece of myself, that is the most important thing for every writer.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I love chitat.Moy favorite writer Ray Bradbury.
What could be better than an evening of pages of the book favorite writer? Probably nothing, since we do not find ourselves in a much different world, breaking away from the difficult everyday life. Absorbed in the book, we fill our inner world of new experiences and dreams, forget about all the problems.

My favorite author is Ray Bradbury. He was able to write a lot of interesting works. With fiction writer wanted to show the problems of the present. The main idea of his works -. The theme of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, knowledge and barbarism

novel by Ray Bradbury "Fahrenheit 451" touched the deepest strings of my soul. In it the author has shown the new, the future society ruled by totalitarianism and full control over the people. It's terrible, because we are talking about a world where reading - a criminal act, and the preservation of books may result in death.

The big impression on me, on me reproduced novela Ray Bradbury "Smile". The reader mentally transported to the future, in 2061. People have survived a nuclear war. Before my eyes there is a ruined city.

In his writings, Ray Bradbury has highlighted a very topical issue. Writer shows people how their future can be if they are to continue to not pay attention to culture and spirituality. Monument to the writer yet, but I am confident that it necessarily will drive, because it deserves it. I'm sure that he was able to bring every reader the most secret and give a part of himself, that is, the most important for every writer.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i love читать.мой favorite writer ray bradbury.what could be better than the night for the related books, favorite writer? it"s probably nothing, so we don"t have go into another world, disconnecting from the difficult day. by analyzing the book, we fill our inner world of new experiences and dreams, forget all the troubles.my favorite writer is ray bradbury. he was able to write more interesting compositions. with the help of fiction writer wanted to show the problems of modernity. the main idea of the essay is the theme of struggle of good and evil, light and darkness, knowledge and barbarism.a novel ray bradbury "451 degrees on фаренгейту» touched the string to the deepest of my heart. in it the author showed a future society where the secret is totalitarianism and full control over the people. it"s awful, because it is a world where reading is a criminal act, but the books can result in death.a great impression on me, on me новела ray bradbury"s "улыбка».читатель thoughts passed into the future, in 2061. people survived the nuclear war. in front of a ruined city.in their writings, ray bradbury has highlighted a very pressing problem. the writer shows people what could be their future, if they continue to be pay attention to culture and spirituality. the writer yet, but i"m sure it will drive, because he deserves it. i"m sure he could make every reader the most secret and give a part of me that is the most important for every writer.
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