14. Вдруг Рода увидела, что на обложке нот написано имя Эмилии. 15. Она не знала, что это было имя, которое нельзя было произносить в доме Осборнов, и попросила девушек рассказать ей все, что они знали об Эмилии.
14. Suddenly kind of saw that on the cover of the sheet music is written the name Emilia. 15. She did not know that it was the name that it was impossible to pronounce in the House the Osbournes, and asked the girls to tell her everything they know about Emilia.
14. Suddenly, Rod saw that on the cover of the music is written the name of Emilia. 15. She did not know that it was a name that can not be spoken in the house Osbournes, and asked the girls to tell her everything they knew about Emily.
14. if the kind of saw that on the cover note's name is amelia. 15. she didn't know it was a name that was not to say in the house osbourne, and asked the girls to tell her everything they know about amelia.