история о там как я научился кататься на велосипеде.не помню сколько м перевод - история о там как я научился кататься на велосипеде.не помню сколько м английский как сказать

история о там как я научился катать

история о там как я научился кататься на велосипеде.
не помню сколько мне было тогда лет но это и не важно, когда я не умел кататься на велосипеде, у моего брата уже давно был велосипед и каждое лето он радостно на нём катался по улицам. ой что-то я отбился от темы, ну вообщем однажды мне захотелось научится кататься, учить меня конечно никто не хотел и не мог и небыло времени и можно найти 100500 причин на оправдание, я взял велик своего брата, он конечно был для меня большой и если бы я сел на него то я бы сразу и упал, соотвецтвенно я решил учиться кататься на одной педали как на самокате, просто я где-то слышал что чем дольше я смогу проехаться на одной педали, тем проще мне будет научиться кататься на велосипеде, ну ясное дело я 100 раз падал но всё же не сдавался, так прошло два или три месяца, но однажды мне надоело так учиться и я решли сесть на велик и поехать хотя и знал что упаду, но случилось чудо, я какимто образом поехал, но на первом же повороте я упал, но это не столь важно ведь я уже как бы ехал, а это значит что я уже научился кататься на велосипеде.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
There is the story of how I learned to ride a bike.I don't remember how old I was then years but it is not important when I couldn't ride my bike, my brother has long been the bike and every summer it gladly on it went for a drive through the streets. Oh something I strayed from the topic of, well, so one day I wanted to learn how to skate, to teach me of course nobody wanted and couldn't and no time and you can find reasons to justify 100500, I took his brother's great, he was great to me and if I sat on him then I would immediately and fell, sootvetstvenno, I decided to learn to ride a pedal like on a skateboardjust I heard somewhere that the longer I will be able to take a ride on a pedal, the easier it will be to learn to ride a bike, well of course I'm 100 times falling but still did not give up, so it has been two or three months, but once I got bored so I learn and Reschly, take the large and although it knew that fall, but the miracle happenedany way, I drove off, but at the first turn I fell, but it is not so important because I like riding, and it means that I have already learned to ride a bike.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
there is a story about how I learned to ride a bike.
I do not remember how old I was then years but it does not matter when I did not know how to ride a bike, my brother has long been a bike and every summer he happily on it rode through the streets. oh something I strayed from the topic, well, in general once I wanted to learn to ride, teach me, of course nobody wanted and could not nebylo time and can be found 100,500 reasons to justify, I took great his brother, he certainly was for me a great and if I sat on it I would immediately and fell sootvetstvenno I decided to learn to ride a pedal like a scooter, I just heard somewhere that the longer I can take a ride on one pedal, the easier it will be to me to learn how to ride a bike, Well of course I fell 100 times but still did not give up, so took two or three months, but once I got bored so I learn and reshli sit on high and to go even though he knew that the fall, but a miracle happened, I kakimto way to go, but on the first turn I fell, but it does not matter because I like traveling, and it means that I have learned to ride a bike.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The history of the ibid. , as I learned about riding a bike.
do not remember how much I was then years but this is and is not important, when I did not knew how riding a bike,My brother has long been a bicycle and each summer he delighted the Tulalip Casino in the streets. nd the Zoological museum annually from the topic, Mr. disgusts once i wanted learn to ride,Teach me but no one would like and could not and небыло time and you can find 100500 reasons to justify, i took big his brother, he of course was for me a great and if I sat on it i would immediately and fell,Соотвецтвенно i decided to learn to ride the one pedal as well as on the scooter, simply i've heard that the longer i can free ride on one pedal, the easier it will be to learn how to ride the bicycle,His clear case i 100 times fell but also not yielded, so it has been two or three months, but one day I just want to learn, and so I have to sit down at the large group raced ahead and go though and knew that can feel it, but it's happened a miracle, i какимто way went,But on the first turn i fell, but this is not so important because I have already as to riding, and this means that I have already learned about riding a bike.
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