Оскар Уайльд родился 16 октября 1854 года в доме 21 по улице Уэстлэнд- перевод - Оскар Уайльд родился 16 октября 1854 года в доме 21 по улице Уэстлэнд- английский как сказать

Оскар Уайльд родился 16 октября 185

Оскар Уайльд родился 16 октября 1854 года в доме 21 по улице Уэстлэнд-роу в Дублине и был вторым ребёнком от брака сэра Уильяма Уайльда и Джейн Франчески Уайльд. Его брат Уильям, «Уилли», был на два года старше. Уильям Уайльд был ведущим в Ирландии ото-офтальмологом (ушным и глазным хирургом) и был посвящён в рыцари в 1864 году за службу врачом-консультантом и помощником специального уполномоченного по переписи населения Ирландии. Помимо профессиональной деятельности, Уильям Уайльд писал книги по ирландской археологии и фольклору, был филантропом и учредил бесплатный медицинский пункт, обслуживавший бедняков города. Джейн Уайльд под псевдонимом «Speranza» (с итал. — «надежда») писала стихи для революционного движения «Молодые ирландцы» в 1848 году и всю жизнь оставалась ирландской националисткой. Стихи участников этого движения она читала Оскару и Уилли, прививая им любовь к этим поэтам. Интерес леди Уайльд к неоклассическому возрождению был очевидным по обилию древнегреческих и древнеримских картин и бюстов в доме.

В 1855 году семья переехала в дом № 1 по Меррион-сквер, где год спустя пополнилась с рождением дочери. Новый дом был просторней, и благодаря связям и успеху родителей здесь воцарилась «уникальная медицинская и культурная среда». Гостями их салона были Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню, Чарльз Левер, Джордж Петри, Айзек Батт, Уильям Роуэн Гамильтон и Сэмюэл Фергюсон.

Его сестра Изола умерла в десять лет от менингита. Стихотворение Уайльда «Requiescat» (с лат. — «да покоится (с миром)», 1881) написано в память о ней.

До девяти лет Оскар Уайльд получал образование на дому, от французской гувернантки он научился французскому языку, от немецкой — немецкому. После этого учился в Королевской школе Портора, в городе Эннискиллен, графство Фермана. До двадцати лет Уайльд проводил лето в загородной вилле отца в Мойтуре, графство Мейо. Там молодой Уайльд с братом Уилли часто играл вместе с будущим писателем Джорджем Муром.

С 1864 по 1871 год Оскар Уайльд обучался в Королевской школе Портора (город Эннискиллен, близ Дублина). Он не был вундеркиндом, однако его самым блестящим талантом было быстрое чтение. Оскар был очень оживлён и разговорчив и уже тогда славился своим умением юмористически переиначить школьные события. В школе Уайльд даже получил особую премию за знание греческого текста Нового Завета. Окончив Порторскую школу с золотой медалью, Уайльд был удостоен Королевской школьной стипендии для учёбы в дублинском Тринити-колледже (колледже Св. Троицы).

В Тринити-колледже (1871—1874) Уайльд изучал античную историю и культуру, где снова с блеском проявлял свои способности в древних языках. Здесь же он впервые прослушал курс лекций по эстетике, а благодаря тесному общению с куратором — профессором античной истории Дж. П. Махаффи, утончённым и высокообразованным человеком, — постепенно стал приобретать крайне важные элементы своего будущего эстетского поведения (некоторое презрение к общепринятой морали, дендизм в одежде, симпатия к прерафаэлитам, лёгкая самоирония, эллинистические пристрастия).

В 1874 году Уайльд, удостоившись стипендии на обучение в оксфордском колледже Магдалины на классическом отделении, поступает туда. В Оксфорде Уайльд выработал кристальное английское произношение: «Мой ирландский акцент был в числе многого, что я позабыл в Оксфорде». Он также приобрёл, как и хотел, репутацию человека, блистающего без особых усилий. Здесь же оформилась его особая философия искусства. Его имя уже тогда стало озаряться различными занимательными историями, порой карикатурными. Так, согласно одной из историй, чтобы проучить Уайльда, которого недолюбливали однокурсники и которого терпеть не могли спортсмены, его проволокли вверх по склону высокого холма и только на вершине отпустили. Он встал на ноги, отряхнул с себя пыль и сказал: «Вид с этого холма поистине очаровательный».[источник не указан 1028 дней] Но это как раз и было тем, в чём нуждался эстетствующий Уайльд, который позже признавался: «Истинны в жизни человека не его дела, а легенды, которые его окружают. Никогда не следует разрушать легенды. Сквозь них мы можем смутно разглядеть подлинное лицо человека».

В Оксфорде Уайльд слушал лекции теоретика искусства Джона Рёскина и ученика последнего — Уолтера Пейтера. Они оба восхваляли красоту, однако Рёскин видел её только в синтезе с добром, в то время как Пейтер допускал в красоте некую примесь зла. Под обаянием Рёскина Уайльд находился на протяжении всего периода в Оксфорде. Позже он напишет ему в письме: «В Вас есть что-то от пророка, от священника, от поэта; к тому же боги наделили Вас таким красноречием, каким не наделили никого другого, и Ваши слова, исполненные пламенной страсти и чудесной музыки, заставляли глухих среди нас услышать и слепых — прозреть».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Oscar Wilde was born on 16 October 1854 the year in house 21 Ujestljend-Rowe Street in Dublin and was the second child of Sir William Wilde and Jane Francesca Wilde. His brother William "Willie" was two years older. William Wilde was Ireland's leading OTO-ophthalmologic (ear and eye) surgeon and was knighted in the year 1864 for service as medical adviser and Assistant Commissioner to the censuses of Ireland. In addition to professional activity, William Wilde wrote books on Irish Archaeology and folklore, was a philanthropist and established a free medical clinic, served the poor of the city. Jane Wilde under the pseudonym "Speranza" (Italian-"hope") wrote lyrics to the revolutionary movement "Young Irishmen" in year 1848 and remained all his life an Irish nacionalistkoj. The young irelanders ' poetry to Oscar and Willie, instilling in them a love of these poets. Lady Wilde's interest in the neo-classical revival showed an abundance of ancient Greek and Roman paintings and busts in the House.In the year 1855, the family moved into the House No. 1 on Merrion Square, where one year later replenished with the birth of his daughter. The new house was bigger, and thanks to the relations and the success of parents here prevailed "unique medical and cultural Wednesday". Guests of their salon were Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Charles Lever, George Petrie, Isaac Butt, William Rowan Hamilton and Samuel Ferguson.His sister, Isola, died from meningitis at the age of ten. Wilde's poem "Requiescat" (from LAT. — Yes lies (with the world) ", 1881), written in memory of her.Up to nine years of Oscar Wilde received education at home, from a French governess, he learned to speak French, the German-German. After this he studied at the then attended Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, in County Fermanagh. Up to twenty, Wilde summered in the Villa of his father in Mojture, County Mayo. There the young Wilde with his brother Willie played with writer George Moore.From 1864 to 1871 year Oscar Wilde studied at the then attended Portora Royal School (town of Enniskillen, near Dublin). He was not a child prodigy, but his most brilliant talent was fast reading. Oscar was very active and talkative and even then was famous for his ability to humorously tampered with school events. In high school, Wilde even received a special award for knowledge of the Greek text of the New Testament. After graduating from Portorskuju secondary school with a gold medal, Wilde was awarded the Royal school scholarships for studies at Trinity College Dublin (College St. Trinity).At Trinity College (1871-1874) Wilde studied ancient history and culture, where again brilliantly demonstrated their abilities in ancient languages. Here he first listened to lectures on aesthetics, and through close communication with the curator is a Professor of ancient history, j. P. Mahaffey, sophisticated and highly educated person — gradually began to acquire critical elements of their future behavior by the Aesthete (some contempt for generally accepted morals, Dandyism in clothing, liking prerafajelitam, self-irony, Hellenistic addiction).In the year 1874, Wilde, receiving scholarships to study at Magdalen College, Oxford in the classical Department, comes back. In Oxford, Wilde formulated a brilliant English pronunciation: "my Irish accent was one of the great things that I forgot in Oxford. He also acquired, as wanted reputation, brilliant effortlessly. Here was his particular philosophy of art. His name was already ozarjat'sja a variety of entertaining stories, sometimes karikaturnymi. So, according to one of the stories to teach Wilde, whom were classmates and which could not tolerate athletes, it provolokli up on the slope of the high Hill and only on top. He got to his feet, dusted with dust and said: «the view from this Hill is truly charming. [1028] but it was just what he needed jestetstvujushhij Wilde, who later confessed: "True in human life was not his case, and the legends that surround it. You should never destroy the legend. Through them we can vaguely discern the true face of man. "In Oxford, Wilde attended lectures art theorist John Ruskin and the Apprentice last — Walter Pejtera. They both praised the beauty, but Ruskin saw her only in the synthesis with good, while Pejter allowed in the beauty of a certain admixture of evil. Under the charm of Ruskin, Wilde was at Oxford during the entire period. Later he would write it in a letter: "you have something from the Prophet, from the priest, from a poet; Besides the gods gave you such eloquence, which do not have bestowed on anyone else, and your words, full of fiery passion and wonderful music, deaf among us hear and blind-sighted. "
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Oscar Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in the house at 21 Westland Row street in Dublin and had a second child from the marriage of Sir William Wilde and Jane Francesca Wilde. His brother, William "Willie", was two years older. William Wilde was leading in Ireland GRT ophthalmologist (ear and eye surgeon) and was knighted in 1864 for services consulting physician and assistant commissioner for Ireland Census. In addition to professional work, William Wilde wrote a book on Irish archeology and folklore, was a philanthropist and established a free medical center serving the city of the poor. Jane Wilde under the pseudonym "Speranza" (Italy -. "Hope") wrote a poem for the revolutionary movement "Young Irish" in 1848 and remained all his life an Irish nationalist. Verses participants in this movement she read Oscar and Willie, instilling in them a love of these poets. Lady Wilde's interest to neoclassical revival was evident by the abundance of ancient Greek and Roman paintings and busts in the house.

In 1855 the family moved to the house number 1 on Merrion Square, where a year later enlarged with the birth of his daughter. The new house was spacious, and through linkages and the success of the parents here reigned "a unique medical and cultural environment." The guests of the salon were Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Charles Lever, George Petrie, Isaac Butt, William Rowan Hamilton and Samuel Ferguson.

His sister died Isola ten years from meningitis. Wilde's poem "Requiescat" (from the Latin - "yes. At rest (in peace)", 1881), written in memory of her.

Up to nine Oscar Wilde received education at home, from the French governess, he learned French, the German - German. After that he studied at the Royal School Portora in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh. Until twenty years Wilde spent his summers in the countryside villa father Moyture, County Mayo. There's a young Wilde with his brother Willie often played together with the future writer George Moore.

From 1864 to 1871 he studied at the Oscar Wilde Portora Royal School (Enniskillen, near Dublin). He was not a child prodigy, but his most brilliant talent was fast reading. Oscar was very talkative and quickened, and already famous for his ability to change everything humorously school events. The school Wilde even received a special award for the knowledge of the Greek text of the New Testament. After graduating Portorskuyu school with a gold medal, Wilde was awarded the Royal School Scholarship to study at Trinity College Dublin (College of the Holy. Trinity).

The Trinity College (1871-1874) Wilde studied ancient history and culture, where once again brilliantly showed his abilities in ancient languages. Here he first listened to the lectures on aesthetics, and through close dialogue with the curator - a professor of ancient history JP Mahaffey, sophisticated, highly educated person, -. Gradually began to get extremely important elements of their future behavior aesthetically (a disdain for conventional morality, dandyism clothing, sympathy for the Pre-Raphaelites, light self-irony, Hellenistic addiction).

In 1874, Wilde, having received a scholarship to study at Oxford Magdalen College in the classical department comes back. At Oxford Wilde developed Crystal English pronunciation: "My Irish accent was one of the many things that I had forgotten in Oxford." He also acquired, as well as like a reputation for shining without much effort. Here it was formed a special philosophy of art. His name was already light up various entertaining stories, sometimes comical. Thus, according to one of the stories to teach Wilde, who disliked and classmates who could not tolerate athletes, dragged him up the slope of a high hill and only released at the top. He rose to his feet, dusted himself off and said. "The view from this hill is truly amazing," [citation needed 1028 days] But it was precisely in what is needed esthete Wilde, who later admitted: "The truth in life man is not his business, and the legends that surround it. You should never destroy a legend. Through them we can vaguely see the true face of man. "

At Oxford Wilde attended lectures by art theorist John Ruskin and the last student - Walter Pater. They both praised the beauty, but Ruskin saw it only in the synthesis of a good, while Pater allowed in the beauty of some evil impurity. Under the charm Ruskin Wilde was throughout the period at Oxford. Later, he wrote in his letter: "As you have something of the prophet, the priest, by the poet; besides, the gods have given you such eloquence, not what gave no one else, and your words, full of fiery passion and wonderful music, made the deaf among us to hear and the blind - to see the light. " At Oxford Wilde attended lectures by art theorist John Ruskin and the last student - Walter Pater. They both praised the beauty, but Ruskin saw it only in the synthesis of a good, while Pater allowed in the beauty of some evil impurity. Under the charm Ruskin Wilde was throughout the period at Oxford. Later, he wrote in his letter: "As you have something of the prophet, the priest, by the poet; besides, the gods have given you such eloquence, not what gave no one else, and your words, full of fiery passion and wonderful music, made the deaf among us to hear and the blind - to see the light. " At Oxford Wilde attended lectures by art theorist John Ruskin and the last student - Walter Pater. They both praised the beauty, but Ruskin saw it only in the synthesis of a good, while Pater allowed in the beauty of some evil impurity. Under the charm Ruskin Wilde was throughout the period at Oxford. Later, he wrote in his letter: "As you have something of the prophet, the priest, by the poet; besides, the gods have given you such eloquence, not what gave no one else, and your words, full of fiery passion and wonderful music, made the deaf among us to hear and the blind - to see the light. " Under the charm Ruskin Wilde was throughout the period at Oxford. Later, he wrote in his letter: "As you have something of the prophet, the priest, by the poet; besides, the gods have given you such eloquence, not what gave no one else, and your words, full of fiery passion and wonderful music, made the deaf among us to hear and the blind - to see the light. " Under the charm Ruskin Wilde was throughout the period at Oxford. Later, he wrote in his letter: "As you have something of the prophet, the priest, by the poet; besides, the gods have given you such eloquence, not what gave no one else, and your words, full of fiery passion and wonderful music, made the deaf among us to hear and the blind - to see the light. "
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
oscar wilde was born on october 16, 1854 at 21 on the street уэстлэнд row in dublin, and was the second child of the marriage of sir william wilde and jane francesca wilde. his brother, william, "уилли», was two years older. william wilde was the lead in ireland from - офтальмологом (ear and eye surgeon) and was inducted into the knights in 1864 for service the medical consultant and assistant commissioner for census of ireland. in addition to professional activities, william wilde wrote books on irish archaeology and folklore, was a philanthropist and a free medical clinic, обслуживавший poor town. jane wilde, under the alias of "Speranza» (итал.  -  « hope") wrote lyrics for the revolutionary movement, "young ирландцы» in 1848, and the life was the irish националисткой. poetry of this movement she read oscar and willie, instilling in them the love of these poets. the interest of lady wilde to неоклассическому recovery was evident in its ancient greek and roman paintings and boobs in the house.in 1855 the family moved into the house no. 1 on the меррион square, where a year later and with the birth of a daughter. the new house was make the room any bigger, and the relations and the parents here was "the unique medical and cultural". the guests their compartment were joseph sheridan le fanu, charles lever, george petrie, isaac butt, william rowan hamilton and samuel ferguson.his sister, isola died ten years from meningitis. wilde's poem "Requiescat» (лат.  -  « yeah lies (to the world)", 1881), written in memory of her.nine years, oscar wilde received education at home from a french governess, he learned french, german - german. after that he studied at the royal school of портора, in the town of enniskillen, county fermanagh district council. before 20 years, wilde spent the summer in my father's villa in the countryside мойтуре, county mayo. there's a young wilde with his brother willie often played alongside future novelist george moore.from 1864 to 1871, oscar wilde, studied at the royal school of портора (town of enniskillen, near dublin. he was not a child prodigy, but his most brilliant talent has been rapid reading. oscar was very lively and talkative, and even then for his skill юмористически переиначить school events. in high school, wilde even got a special prize for the knowledge of the greek text of the new testament. the порторскую school with a gold medal, wilde was awarded a king's scholarship to study at trinity college dublin (college of st. trinity).trinity college (1871 - 1874) античную wilde studied history and culture, where again with light show their abilities in ancient languages. here for the first time, he listened to the lectures on aesthetics, and through close interaction with the curator, professor of ancient history, j. p. ma
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