В свою очередь, хотел бы коротко остановиться на следующем.Во-первых,  перевод - В свою очередь, хотел бы коротко остановиться на следующем.Во-первых,  английский как сказать

В свою очередь, хотел бы коротко ос

В свою очередь, хотел бы коротко остановиться на следующем.
Во-первых, программа не должна, как у нас говорят, зацикливаться только на сугубо производственных аспектах агроотрасли. Важно сформировать современные подходы к организации сельской жизни в целом. Необходимо сохранить сельский образ жизни, но в новом, современном его виде, развивая там инфраструктуру, дороги, транспорт, газовое обеспечение, в том числе за счет реализации на селе национальных проектов. Кроме того, следует максимально стимулировать появление на селе новых рабочих мест. И, учитывая развитие интенсивных технологий, особое внимание обратить также на несельскохозяйственные виды деятельности.
Второе, что хотел бы отметить, – это поддержка малых форм хозяйствования: их вклад в общий объем сельхозпроизводства может быть очень весомым. Подчеркну, их рентабельность и производительность может быть даже выше, чем у крупных сельхозпредприятий. Кроме того, эти малые хозяйства решают большую социальную задачу, обеспечивая занятость на селе. Государство заинтересовано и обязано создавать условия, чтобы в сельхозпроизводстве, на земле, в сельской местности появлялось все больше крепких хозяев. Однако очень многие проблемы здесь все еще решаются крайне медленно. Сейчас не буду говорить о том, что людям делать с этими абстрактными паями, как реализовать их в конкретные наделы и как это использовать, но эта проблема до сих пор административно так и не решена.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In turn, I would like to touch briefly on the following.Firstly, the program should not be, as we say, focus solely on purely industrial aspects of agriculture. It is important to create modern approaches to rural life in General. You must save the rural way of life, but in a new, modern form, developing there infrastructure, roads, transport, gas supply, including through the implementation of national projects in the village. In addition, it should be maximally stimulate the emergence of new jobs in rural areas. And, given the development of intensive technologies, special attention should be paid also to non-farm activities.The second thing I would like to mention is the support of small farming: their contribution to the total volume of agricultural production can be very significant. I would emphasize, their profitability and performance could be even higher than that of large farms. In addition, these small farms solve great social task, providing employment in the village. The State has an interest and a duty to create conditions so that the force on the ground in rural areas appear increasingly strong masters. However, very many of the problems here are still hesitant to extremely slow. Now is not going to talk about what people do with these abstract units, how to implement them into concrete holdings and how to use it, but the problem is still not resolved administratively.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In turn, I would like to briefly touch on the following.
First, the program should not, as we say, to dwell only on the purely industrial aspects agrootrasli. It is important to form the modern approaches to the organization of rural life in general. It is necessary to preserve the rural way of life, but in a new, modern form of it, there is developing infrastructure, roads, transportation, gas security, including through the implementation of rural national projects. In addition, it should be maximally stimulate the emergence of rural jobs. And, given the development of intensive technologies, special attention should be paid also to non-agricultural activities.
The second thing I would like to point out - is to support small farms: their contribution to the total volume of agricultural production can be very significant. Emphasize their profitability and performance can be even higher than that of large agricultural enterprises. In addition, these small farms solve the big social problem, providing employment in rural areas. The state is interested and is obliged to create conditions so that in agriculture, on the ground, more and more strong owners appeared in the countryside. However, many problems are still resolved very slowly. Now I will not talk about what people do with these abstract units of how to implement them into concrete plots and how to use it, but the problem is still an administrative and not solved.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in turn, i would like to refer briefly to the next.first, the programme should, as we say, focusing only on highly productive aspects of агроотрасли. it is important to form the modern approaches to the rural life in general. to retain the rural way of life but in a new, modern sense, developing it infrastructure, roads, transport, gas security, including through the implementation of national projects in the rural areas. in addition, it should be possible to stimulate the emergence of the village of new jobs. and, given the development of intensive technology, special attention to the non farm activities.the second thing i would note is that small forms of management, their contribution to the total agricultural production may be very significant. i mean, their profitability and productivity may be even higher than large farms. in addition, these small farms are more social challenge, providing employment in rural areas. the state's interest and to create conditions that сельхозпроизводстве, on earth, in the rural areas has been more and more strong masters. however, many problems still are very slow. now i'm not talking about what people do with these abstract shares, how to implement them in specific plots and how to use it, but the problem still not resolved and so.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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