Кем я вижу себя через 10 лет

Кем я вижу себя через 10 лет" ...96

Кем я вижу себя через 10 лет"
...96..97..98..99..100! - "Молодец, сынок, ты отжимался сто раз! Я горжусь тобой. Ты заслужил мороженное".
- "Джеб - джеб, левый прямой - правый крюк. Сильнее! Еще сильнее! Ты бьешь как твоя младшая сестра!"
- "Беги быстрее, что значит устал?! Осталось всего 6 км!"
- " Уже шесть утра! Упор лежа, 100 отжиманий и собирайся на утреннюю пробежку"
... "По единогласному решению судьей в турнире, посвященному дню народного единства, первое место занимает... Айдаралиев Султан!" Слезы радости - " Я горжусь тобой малыш!"
Так меня воспитывал мой отец. Момент, когда его не стало, был крайне внезапным. Он любил меня так, как никого больше, и делал все, чтобы я вырос хорошим человеком. Он дал мне пример для подражания. С уходом отца на хрупкие материнские плечи повесилась огромная ответственность за жизнь пятерых детей. Ей пришлось устроиться на вторую работу и проводить на ней все свое время, работать целые сутки, не покладая рук. Когда мама приходит домой с работы, то ей только и хватает сил чтобы покушать и лечь спать, а на следующий день, не выспавшись, снова идти на работу . У меня есть все то, о чем только можно мечтать: мощный компьютер, модный телефон, который мама подарила мне на новый год, одежда от ведущих брендов. Мама балует меня, говоря что это все мелочи, но я то знаю каких усилий ей это стоило. Мама возлагает на меня большие надежды и очень огорчается, когда я получаю плохую оценку.
Когда меня спросили в первом классе кем я хочу стать когда вырасту, то я без раздумий громко выкрикивал: " Солдатам! Чтобы защищать сестер и маму!"
С тех пор мои цели остались неизменными. Меня всегда привлекала доблесть и отвага могучих солдатов, ставивших свою грудь на защиту родины.
Я презираю воров и мошенников существующих за счет других людей и по этому хочу поступить в военный институт внутренних войск МВД России. Сейчас мне 15 лет, я увлекаюсь боксом и веду здоровый образ жизни. Учусь хорошо и у меня все для того, чтобы поступить туда.
Я уже представляю, как через 10 лет иду в красивом белом мундире, с золотистыми пуговицами и погонами на плечах. Как моя мама гордится мной. Как дома ждет любящая жена.
Не стоит гнаться за деньгами, ведь деньги озлобляют людей. Я считаю, что главное в жизни - найти свое место. Найти занятие, которое будет тебе по душе и тогда работа будет в удовольствие.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Who do I see myself in 10 years " ...96.. 97.98... 99.100.! -"Well done, son, you otžimalsâ a hundred times! I'm proud of you. You deserve an ice cream ".....-"JAB-JAB, straight right-left hook. Stronger! Even stronger! You strike like your little sister! " ....-"Run faster, which means tired?! There are only 6 km away! "...-"Six in the morning! Stop lying, 100 push ups and get ready for the morning jog " ....... "The unanimous decision of the judge in the tournament on the day of people's unity, the first place goes to ... Aidaraliev Sultan! "tears of joy," I'm proud of you baby! " So I was raised by my father. When he is gone, he was extremely sudden. He loved me as much as no one else, and did all that I grew up as a good person. He gave me an example to follow. With the departure of the father's brittle mother shoulders hung herself a huge responsibility for the life of five children. She had to get a second job and spending all my time on it, work all day, tirelessly. When mom comes home from work, she just enough strength to eat and go to sleep, and the next day without sleep, then go to work. I have everything you could want: a powerful computer, stylish phone that my mom gave me for the new year, clothing from leading brands. Mom spoils me, saying that it's all the little things, but I know what effort it is worth it. Mom looked at me very displeasing with high expectations and when I get a bad grade. When I was asked in the first grade who I want to be when they grow up, that I thought out loud shouted: "soldiers! To protect sisters and mom! " Since then, my goals have not changed. I was always attracted to the Valor and courage of the mighty soldiers, putting his chest to defend the homeland.I despise thieves and scam existing at the expense of other people and want to enroll in the military Institute of internal troops of Russia. Now I'm 15 years old, I enjoy boxing, and lead a healthy lifestyle. I am well and I have all to do there. I already know how through 10 years go in a beautiful white uniform, with Golden buttons and epaulettes on the shoulders. As my mom was proud of me. At home waiting for a loving wife. Not worth the money to chase after, because the money is ozloblâût people. I believe that the important thing in life is to find its place. Find an activity that you like and then work into pleasure.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Who do I see myself in 10 years "
... 96..97..98..99..100! - "Well done, my son, you wrung a hundred times! I'm proud of you. You deserve ice cream. "
- "Jeb - jab, straight left - right hook. Harder! Even stronger! As you hit your little sister! "
- "Run faster, which means tired ?! There are only 6 km away! "
- "For six in the morning! Emphasis lying, 100 push-ups and get ready for a morning jog "
... "According to the unanimous decision of the judge in the tournament devoted to the Day of National Unity, the first place is ... Aidaraliev Sultan!" Tears of joy - "I'm proud of you baby! "
So I was brought up by my father. The moment he was gone, was very sudden. He loved me as much as anyone else, and did everything that I grew up a good man. He gave me an example to follow. With the departure of his father's fragile mother shoulders hung a huge responsibility for the lives of five children. She had to get a second job and spend it on all of their time to work the whole day, very hard. When she comes home from work, she just enough strength to eat and sleep, and the next day, not enough sleep, again go to work. I have everything what can only dream of: a powerful computer, fashionable phone that my mother gave me for the new year, clothing from leading brands. My mother spoils me, saying that all this stuff, but I do know how much effort it cost her. Mom puts me high hopes and very upset when I get a bad grade.
When I was asked in the first grade who I want to be when I grow up, I will without hesitation loudly shouted: "Soldiers! To protect sisters and mother!"
Since then, my goals remain unchanged. I have always been attracted to the valor and courage of mighty soldiers, puts his chest to defend the homeland.
I despise thieves and swindlers existing expense of other people and want to do this in the Military Institute of Internal Troops of Russia. Now I am 15 years old, I am fond of boxing and lead a healthy lifestyle. I study well and I have everything to do there.
I already imagine how after 10 years of going to the beautiful white uniform with gold buttons and epaulets on the shoulders. My mom is proud of me. At home waiting for a loving wife.
Do not chase money, because money enrage people. I think the main thing in life - to find their place. Find something that will appeal to you and then the work will be a pleasure.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
By whom i see themselves 10 years.
... 96..97..98..99.. 100! - "Hey, joke, you отжимался hundred times! I am proud you. You've earned мороженное".
- "Jeb Brugman - Jeb Brugman, left straight - right hook. Stronger! Even stronger! You are just kicking as your sister! "
- "ran faster, that means tired?! There are a total of 6 км!"
- " Already six morning! Stop lying, 100 your triceps and Sao Paolo German shepherd"
... "In a unanimous decision by a judge in a tournament,On the day of the people's unity, was the first ... By Aidaraliyev Sultan!" tears joy - " I am proud you baby! "
so why didn't I have my father. Now, when it is not, it has been an extremely sudden. He loved me so,As no more, and did all that I grew up a good man. He gave me an example to be emulated. With the care his father on fragile parent shoulders first lady a huge responsibility for the life five children.It had to get employment at the second work and to hold on it all the time, to work whole day, not dessert wines. When mom comes home from work, it only and enough force to Tenerife and go to bed,And on the next day, not after a restful night of sleep, then go to work. I have all the you can only dream about: a powerful computer and a trendy phone, which mom talked me for the new year, clothing from leading brands.Mom pampers me, let alone that it is all things like this, but I know what efforts it is worth it. Mom holds the me great hopes and very whom Christ died, when I get bad evaluation.
When I was asked in the first-class whom I would like to become when grow up, then i without thinking out loud or symbols: " soldiers! To protect nurses and dearest! "
since my goal has remained unchanged.I've always been attracted valor and bravery powerful soldiers, stiffer its chest to protect homeland.
I belly thieves and scam artists existing at the expense of other people and on this i do in the military institute of internal troops of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Now I am 15 years old, I am enthusiastic about professional boxing and am a healthy way of life.Am well and I am all for it, to do there.
I have already represent, as well as 10 years going in a beautiful white forgotten, with its golden buttons and take photographs on the shoulders. As my mum is proud me.As at home dad is waiting for his wife.
Is Not easy for the money, but money you trying people. I believe it is, that the main thing in life is to find its place. Find a lesson, which will get you in and out of the shower then the work will be a pleasure.
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