7 мая 1952 года британский радиотехник Джеффри Даммер (англ. Geoffrey  перевод - 7 мая 1952 года британский радиотехник Джеффри Даммер (англ. Geoffrey  английский как сказать

7 мая 1952 года британский радиотех

7 мая 1952 года британский радиотехник Джеффри Даммер (англ. Geoffrey Dummer) впервые выдвинул идею интеграции множества стандартных электронных компонентов в монолитном кристалле полупроводника, а год спустя Харвик Джонсон подал первую в истории патентную заявку на прототип интегральной схемы (ИС). Реализация этих предложений в те годы не могла состояться из-за недостаточного развития технологий.

В конце 1958 года и в первой половине 1959 года в полупроводниковой промышленности состоялся прорыв. Три человека, представлявшие три частные американские корпорации, решили три фундаментальные проблемы, препятствовавшие созданию интегральных схем. Джек Килби из Texas Instruments запатентовал принцип интеграции, создал первые, несовершенные, прототипы ИС и довёл их до серийного выпуска. Курт Леговец из Sprague Electric Company изобрёл способ электрической изоляции компонентов, сформированных на одном кристалле полупроводника (изоляцию p-n-переходом (англ. P–n junction isolation)). Роберт Нойс из Fairchild Semiconductor изобрёл способ электрического соединения компонентов ИС (металлизацию алюминием) и предложил усовершенствованный вариант изоляции компонентов на базе новейшей планарной технологии Жана Эрни (англ. Jean Hoerni). 27 сентября 1960 года группа Джея Ласта (англ. Jay Last) создала на Fairchild Semiconductor первую работоспособную полупроводниковую ИС по идеям Нойса и Эрни. Texas Instruments, владевшая патентом на изобретение Килби, развязала против конкурентов патентную войну, завершившуюся в 1966 году мировым соглашением о перекрёстном лицензировании технологий.

Ранние логические ИС упомянутых серий строились буквально из стандартных компонентов, размеры и конфигурации которых были заданы технологическим процессом. Схемотехники, проектировавшие логические ИС конкретного семейства, оперировали одними и теми же типовыми диодами и транзисторами. В 1961-1962 гг. парадигму проектирования сломал ведущий разработчик Sylvania Том Лонго, впервые использовав в одной ИС различные конфигурации транзисторов в зависимости от их функций в схеме. В конце 1962 г. Sylvania выпустила в продажу первое семейство разработанной Лонго транзисторно-транзисторной логики (ТТЛ) — исторически первый тип интегральной логики, сумевший надолго закрепиться на рынке. В аналоговой схемотехнике прорыв подобного уровня совершил в 1964-1965 годах разработчик операционных усилителей Fairchild Боб Видлар.

Первая в СССР гибридная толстоплёночная интегральная микросхема (серия 201 «Тропа») была разработана в 1963-65 годах в НИИ точной технологии («Ангстрем»), серийное производство с 1965 года. В разработке принимали участие специалисты НИЭМ (ныне НИИ «Аргон»).

Первая в СССР полупроводниковая интегральная микросхема была создана на основе планарной технологии, разработанной в начале 1960 года в НИИ-35 (затем переименован в НИИ «Пульсар») коллективом, который в дальнейшем был переведён в НИИМЭ («Микрон»). Создание первой отечественной кремниевой интегральной схемы было сконцентрировано на разработке и производстве с военной приёмкой серии интегральных кремниевых схем ТС-100 (37 элементов — эквивалент схемотехнической сложности триггера, аналога американских ИС серии SN-51 фирмы Texas Instruments). Образцы-прототипы и производственные образцы кремниевых интегральных схем для воспроизводства были получены из США. Работы проводились в НИИ-35 (директор Трутко) и Фрязинским полупроводниковым заводом (директор Колмогоров) по оборонному заказу для использования в автономном высотомере системы наведения баллистической ракеты. Разработка включала шесть типовых интегральных кремниевых планарных схем серии ТС-100 и с организацией опытного производства заняла в НИИ-35 три года (с 1962 по 1965 год). Ещё два года ушло на освоение заводского производства с военной приёмкой во Фрязино (1967 год)[4].

Параллельно работа по разработке интегральной схемы проводилась в центральном конструкторском бюро при Воронежском заводе полупроводниковых приборов (ныне — ОАО «НИИЭТ»). В 1965 году во время визита на ВЗПП министра электронной промышленности А. И. Шокина заводу было поручено провести научно-исследовательскую работу по созданию кремниевой монолитной схемы — НИР «Титан» (приказ министерства от 16.08.1965 г. № 92), которая была досрочно выполнена уже к концу года. Тема была успешно сдана Госкомиссии, и серия 104 микросхем диодно-транзисторной логики стала первым фиксированным достижением в области твердотельной микроэлектроники, что было отражено в приказе МЭП от 30.12.1965 г. № 403.

В мае 2011 года фирмой Altera была выпущена по 28-нм тех. процессу самая большая в мире на тот момент микросхема, состоящая из 3,9 млрд. транзисторов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
May 7, 1952, British inventor Geoffrey Dammer (Engl. Geoffrey Dummer) first raised the idea of integrating a multitude of standard electronic components in monolithic Crystal Semiconductor, and a year later, Harvick Johnson filed the first patent application to the prototype of the integrated circuit (IC). The implementation of these proposals in those years could not be undertaken due to the lack of development of technologies.At the end of 1958 and 1959 in the first half of the year was a breakthrough in the semiconductor industry. Three people from three private American corporations have three fundamental problems that prevented the creation of integrated circuits. Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments patented principle of integration, created the first, imperfect, prototypes and brought them up to serial production. Kurt Lehovec of Sprague Electric Company invented the method of electrical insulation components generated on a single chip semiconductor (isolation of p-n-move (Engl. P-n junction isolation)). Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor invented the method of electric connection IP components (metallizing aluminum) and offered an improved version of isolation components on the basis of the newest technologies of the Planar Jean Ernie (Engl. Jean Hoerni). the Jay Group Last September 27, 1960 (Engl. Jay Last) created the first workable Fairchild Semiconductor semiconductor IP on the ideas of Neuss and Ernie. Texas Instruments, owned the patent for Kilby, unleashed against the competitors patent war, which culminated in the 1966 year global agreement on technology licensing perekrëstnom.The early logical IP mentioned series built literally from standard components, dimensions and configurations that were specified process. Circuit design, proektirovavšie logical IP specific family, operated by the same standard diodes and transistors. In 1961-1962 Gg. paradigm design broke the leading developer of Sylvania That Longo, for the first time using one IP configurations the transistors depending on their roles in the scheme. At the end of 1962, the Sylvania began selling the first family developed by Longo Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) is historically the first type of integrated logic, who managed to gain a foothold in the market for a long time. In the analog circuit design breakthrough similar in 1964-1965 years developer Bob Fairchild Vidlar operational amplifiers.First tolstoplënočnaâ hybrid integrated circuit (series 201 ' Trail ") was developed in 1963-65, at the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE of precision technology (" Angstrom "), production since the 1965 season. Specialists took part in the development of NIÈM (now the Research Institute "Argon").The USSR's first semiconductor integrated circuit was created based on planar technology developed at the beginning of 1960, the NII-35 (later renamed Sri "Pulsar") team, which later was transferred to the NIIMÈ ("Micron"). Creation of the first silicon integrated circuit focused on designing and manufacturing military embarkation series integrated Silicon circuits TC-100 (37 elements — equivalent to the technical complexity of the trigger, no American IP series SN-51 firm Texas Instruments). Prototype samples and production samples of Silicon integrated circuits for reproduction were obtained from the United States. The work was carried out at the Research Institute-35 (Director Trutko) and Frâzinskim semiconductor plant (Director of Kolmogorov) on defence order for use in offline vysotomere ballistic missile guidance systems. The development included six model integrated Silicon Planar circuits series TC-100 and with the Organization of pilot production took in NII-35 three years (1962 to 1965 year). It took another two years for the development of factory-made military embarkation in Fryazino (1967 year) [4].In parallel, work on the design of an integrated circuit in the Central Design Office at the Voronezh plant of semiconductors (now-JSC «NIIÈT»). In 1965, during a visit to the VZPP Minister of electronics industry, a. i. Shokina factory was tasked to undertake a research project to develop the Silicon Monolithic schema-IND "Titan" (order of the Ministry of 16.08.1965-No. 92), which was completed ahead of schedule by the end of the year. The theme has been successfully handed over the State, and a series of 104 diode-transistor logic integrated circuits was the first fixed achievement in the field of solid state electronics, which was reflected in an order of MAP from 30.12.1965, no. 403.In May 2011, the company Altera was released on 28-nm tech. the world's largest chip at that time consisting of 3.9 billion. transistors.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
May 7, 1952 British radio engineer Geoffrey Dummer (Eng. Geoffrey Dummer) first proposed the idea of integrating a variety of standard electronic components in a monolithic semiconductor chip, and a year later, Johnson gave Harvick's first patent application for a prototype integrated circuit (IC). The implementation of these proposals in those years could not take place due to lack of technology development. At the end of 1958 and the first half of 1959 took place in the semiconductor industry breakthrough. Three people representing three private US corporations, decided three fundamental problems that prevented the creation of integrated circuits. Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments patented the principle of integration, created the first, imperfect, prototypes IP and brought them to the serial production. Kurt Lehovec of Sprague Electric Company invented a way to electrically isolate components formed on a single crystal semiconductor (pn-isolation transition (Eng. P-n junction isolation)). Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor invented a way to electrically connect the IC components (aluminum metallization) and proposed an improved version of the isolation components based on the latest technology planar Jean Ernie (Eng. Jean Hoerni). September 27, 1960 a group of Jay Lasta (Eng. Jay Last) created at Fairchild Semiconductor first workable ideas for semiconductor IC Noyce and Ernie. Texas Instruments, which owned the patent for the invention Kilby waged against competitors patent war that ended in 1966, the settlement agreement on the cross-sectional technology licensing. Early Logic ICs mentioned series literally built from standard components, sizes and configurations which were defined process. Circuit design, designing logical IP specific family, operated by the same types of diodes and transistors. In 1961-1962 gg. design paradigm broke a leading developer of Sylvania Tom Longo, first used in a variety of configurations IC transistors, depending on their roles in the scheme. At the end of 1962 Sylvania launches the first family developed Longo transistor-transistor logic (TTL) - historically the first type of integrated logic, managed to gain a foothold in the market for a long time. In analog circuit design breakthrough of this level did in 1964-1965, the developer of the operational amplifiers Fairchild Bob Widlar. The first in the USSR Thick-film hybrid integrated circuit (series 201 "Path") was developed in 1963-65 years at the Research Institute of Precise Technology ("Angstrom") serial production since 1965. In the development was attended by experts NIEM (now Research Institute "Argon"). The first in the USSR semiconductor integrated circuit has been established on the basis of planar technology developed at the beginning of 1960 in the NII-35 (later renamed SRI "Pulsar") team, which later was transferred to NIIME ("Micron"). The creation of the first national silicon integrated circuit was focused on the development and production of military acceptance series of silicon integrated circuits TC-100 (37 elements - the equivalent of circuit complexity trigger analog ICs American Series SN-51 company Texas Instruments). Samples, prototypes and production samples of silicon integrated circuits for reproduction were obtained from the United States. Work was carried out at the Research Institute 35 (Director Trutko) and Fryazino semiconductor factory (Director Kolmogorov) for Defense Contracts for offline use altimeter guidance systems of ballistic missiles. The design includes six types of integrated silicon planar circuits Series TS-100 and with the organization of pilot production took in NII-35 three years (1962 to 1965). Two more years were spent on the development of plant production with military acceptance Friazino (1967) [4]. In parallel, work on the development of the integrated circuit was carried out in the central design bureau at the Voronezh plant of semiconductor devices (now - JSC "NIIET"). In 1965, during a visit to the Minister of the electronic industry VSP AI Shokina plant was assigned to a research project to create a monolithic silicon circuits - NCI "Titan" (Order of the Ministry of 08.16.1965, № 92), which was ahead of schedule made by the end of the year. The theme was successfully commissioned the State Commission, and a series of 104 chips diode-transistor logic was the first achievement in the field of fixed solid-state microelectronics, which was reflected in the order of 30.12.1965, the MEP number 403. In May 2011, was released by Altera 28-nm those. the process of the world's largest at the time the chip, consisting of 3.9 billion. transistors.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
В конце 1958 года жилая недвижимость запущенно в первой половине 1959 года жилая недвижимость в полупроводниковой промышленности состоялся прорыв. три человека, представлявшие три частные американские корпорации, решили три фундаментальные проблемы,On 7 May 1952, the British radio technician Jeffrey Даммер (imp. Geoffrey Dummer) first proposed the idea of the integration of multiple standard electronic components in an integrated on-die surface,And, a year later, tighter Johnson filed first in the history of patent application for a prototype integrated circuits (ICS). The implementation of these proposals in those years could not be held because of the lack of development technologies.

At the end of 1958 and in the first half 1959, the semiconductor industry was a breakthrough. Three rights, representing three private American corporations, have decided three fundamental problems,Obstacles to creating integrated circuits. Jack Jack Kilby Info from Texas Instruments Karatyube South the principle of integration, has created the first, imperfect, prototypes IC and brought them up to serial production.Kurt Леговец accompanied the Electric Company invented a way electrical isolation components, formed on a single semiconductor die (isolation p-n-transition (imp. P-n junction isolation)).Ernie (imp.Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor invented method electrical connection components IC (metal plating bonded aluminum) and proposed an improved version component isolation based on the latest planar technologiesJean Hоerni). On 27 September 1960, the group Jay On (imp. jay last) has established the first workable fairchild semiconductor IC solid state circuitry on the ideas Neuss and Ernie. Texas Instruments, quarterfinals won patent on invention Jack Kilby Info,unleashed against competitors patent war, which culminated in 1966, global agreement on cross-licensing technology.

Early logic ICS mentioned series built literally from standard components, sizes and configurations which have been defined technological process. Poster sessions,Проектировавшие logic ICS specific family, banking on one and the same model diodes and transistors. The 1961-1962-design paradigm broke a leading developer of Colombian rider off Tony Stewart over a tenth arrived,For the first time using the one IC transistor different configurations depending on their function in the schematic. At the end of 1962.Colombian rider off Tony Stewart over a tenth released for sale by the first family arrived transistor-transistor-transistor logic (TTL) - historically the first type integrated circuit logic, venerable long-lasting foothold on the market.In an analog схемотехнике breakthrough this level has committed in 1964-1965 and the designer operating amplifiers Fairchild Bob Видлар.

The first in the USSR hybrid thin film technology asic (series 201 "trail") was developed in 1963-65 and in the NII accurate technology ( "AA" ), serial production in 1965.The development was attended by specialists НИЭМ (now the NII "Argon" ) .Lord first in the USSR semiconductor chip chip was created on the basis planar technology,Developed in the early 1960, the NII-35 (then renamed the NII "Pulsar") team, which in the future has been transferred to organize this manufacturing was signed today ( "Micron" ).The establishment of the first domestic silicon asic has been concentrated on the development and production from the military handing over series integrated silicon circuits TC-100 (37 elements - equivalentTotal of trigger,Native American IC series SN-51 firms Texas Instruments). Samples, prototypes and production samples silicon integrated circuits for the reproduction had been received from the United States.Work was carried out in the NII-35 (director World Premiere) and Фрязинским semiconductor factory (director Heyting) on defense option for use in offline высотомере ballistic missile guidance system.The Development consisted of six model integrated silicon school schemes series TC-100 and with the organization experienced production ranked in NII-35 three years (from 1962 to 1965).Another two years spent on the development of fabrication of production with the military handing over the lives (1967) (4) .

In 1965, during the visit of the minister of scientific researches are published electronic industry as well. And the.In parallel with the work on the development asic was carried out in the implementation of the factory were semiconductor (now - OAO "НИИЭТ" ).SGS Societe Generale de Surveillance S.A. plant had been asked to carry out research and development work on a silicon monolithic circuit diagrams - publications "Titan" (order of the ministry of 08.16.1965, No. 92), which was prematurely implemented already by the end of the year.The subject was successfully deposited applica- tion, and the series 104 chipset diode-transistor logic has become the first fixed achievement in the field of solid state electronics, that was reflected in the absence of ROO 12.30.1965. 403.

In May 2011, firm Altera was released on 28-nm those. process the most in the world at the moment a chip, consisting of $3.9 billion. transistors.
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