ему напомнили, что он не хотел идти на концерт. им объяснили, что цена на билеты слишком велика. у них спросили, где лучше разместить лагерь? она поинтересовалась, что они знают о решении комиссии.
He was reminded that he did not want to go to the concert. They explained that the price of tickets is too great. They asked where the best place to camp? She asked what they know about the Commission's decision.
he was reminded that he did not want to go to a concert. they were told that the price of the tickets is too high. they asked where to place the camp? she asked what they know about the decision of the commission.
he was reminded that he didn't want to go to the concert. they explained that the price of tickets is too great. they have asked, where is the best place to camp? she asked what they know about the decision of the commission.