*Ты медленно открываешь подарок и видишь маленькое и тоненькое платье, которое просвечивается когда ты его держишь, оно красное и короткое, на дне коробки ты видишь игрушечные оленьи рога, которые надеваются на голову*
* You slowly open your gift and you see small and thin dress that is illuminated when you hold it, it is red and short, at the bottom of the box you can see toy antlers, which are worn on the head *
You slowly open the gift and see a small and thin dress that shines when you hold it, it's red and short, at the bottom of the box you see toy deer antlers, which are put on your head
*You slowly open the gift, you see a small, delicate dress, you put it, it's red, short, at the bottom of the box, you see the toy antlers, Hope on the head*<br>