1. У нас поставили телефон, и нам теперь не нужно ходить к соседям. 2. перевод - 1. У нас поставили телефон, и нам теперь не нужно ходить к соседям. 2. английский как сказать

1. У нас поставили телефон, и нам т

1. У нас поставили телефон, и нам теперь не нужно ходить к соседям. 2. Вам незачем идти на улицу: у соседей есть телефон. 3. У нас теперь построили стадион, и детям не приходится ездить далеко. 4. Им незачем ездить так далеко, можно заниматься в нашем читальном зале. 5. Можешь не отвечать на этот вопрос, если не хочешь. 6. Не обязательно вам приходить самому. Можете прислать кого-нибудь. 7. Ему незачем беспокоиться. Все будет в порядке. 8. Нам не нужно было ходить в библиотеку. У нас были все необходимые книги. 9. К вечеру зуб перестал болеть, и он решил, что ему не надо идти к врачу. 10. Много ли вам пришлось потратить времени на эту работу? 11. Преподаватель сказал, что нам не надо делать это задание письменно. 12. Оказалось, что у меня есть этот словарь, так что мне не пришлось покупать новый. 13. Вам не нужно было покупать этот словарь, у меня есть лишний экземпляр, и я с удовольствием дал бы его вам, если бы вы только попросили. 14. Разговор наш продолжался недолго, все было достаточно ясно, и нам не к чему было вдаваться в излишние подробности. 15. Ему не к чему было вдаваться в подробности; это все равно не помогло. 16. Все слова в тексте были знакомы, и им незачем было пользоваться словарем; это только отняло у них больше времени. 17. Все слова в тексте были настолько хорошо знакомы, что мне даже незачем было пользоваться словарем.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. we have put phone and we don't need to go to the neighbors. 2. you don't have to go out on the street: the neighbors have a telephone. 3. we have now built a stadium, and children do not have to travel far. 4. they don't ride so far, you can indulge in our reading room. 5. Can not answer this question unless you want to. 6. Not necessarily you come by yourself. Can send someone. 7. he need not worry. Everything will be OK. 8. we do not need to go to the library. We had all the necessary books. 9. By the evening of the tooth root and stopped he decided that he didn't need to go to the doctor. 10. How much do you have to spend time on this job? 11. The teacher said that we don't have to do this job in writing. 12. It turned out that I have this dictionary, so I didn't have to buy a new one. 13. you don't need to buy this dictionary, I have an extra copy, and I'll gladly give it to you, if only you have asked. 14. Our conversation lasted for a short time, everything was clear enough, and we had to go into too much detail. 15. It was to go into the details; It still did not help. 16. All the words in the text were familiar, and they don't have to use a dictionary; It only took them more time. 17. All the words in the text were so familiar that I don't even use a dictionary.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. We put the phone, and we no longer need to go to the neighbors. 2. You do not have to go into the street at the neighbors have a phone. 3. Now we have built a stadium, and children do not have to travel far. 4. They do not need to travel so far, you can do in our reading room. 5. You do not have to answer this question, if you do not want. 6. You do not have to come to you. Can you send someone. 7. He need not worry. Everything will be alright. 8. We do not need to walk to the library. We had all the necessary books. 9. By the evening of the tooth stopped hurting, and he decided that he should not go to the doctor. 10. How much do you have to spend time on the job? 11. The teacher said we should not do the job in writing. 12. It turned out that I have this dictionary, so I did not have to buy a new one. 13. You do not have to buy the dictionary, I have an extra copy, and I gladly would have given it to you if you just asked. 14. Our conversation did not last long, it was clear enough, and we had nothing to go into too much detail. 15. He was not what it was to go into details; it still did not help. 16. All the words in the text are familiar, and they did not have to use a dictionary; it is only taken from them more time. 17. All the words in the text were so familiar that I even did not have to use a dictionary.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. we have made a phone, and now we don't need to go to the neighbors. 2. you don't have to go on the street: the neighbors have a phone. 3. we have now built a stadium, and children do not have to go far. 4. they don't have to go that far.we can do in our reading room. 5. you can not answer this question if you don't want to. 6. no need for you to come to. can you send somebody. 7. he doesn't need to worry about. everything will be all right. 8.we don't have to go to the library. we had all the necessary books. 9. in the evening it was sick, and he decided that he didn't have to go to the doctor. 10. if you had to spend a lot of time for this job? 11.the teacher said that we don't have to do this in writing. 12. it turns out that i have a dictionary, so i don't have to buy a new one. 13. you don't have to buy me a dictionaryi have an extra copy, and i would love to give it to you if you just ask. 14. our conversation was short, it was quite clear, and we don't need to be going into too much detail. 15.he's not what was going into details; it still didn't work. 16. all the words in the text were known, and they don't have to use the dictionary; it only took one more time. 17.all the words in the text were so familiar that i even didn't need to use the dictionary.
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