Будь Она моей сестрой, я бы нежно ее любила. Правда? 2 Если бы она уме перевод - Будь Она моей сестрой, я бы нежно ее любила. Правда? 2 Если бы она уме английский как сказать

Будь Она моей сестрой, я бы нежно е

Будь Она моей сестрой, я бы нежно ее любила. Правда? 2 Если бы она умела хорошо ГОТОВИТЬ, то ее Муж был бы счастлив. 3 Если бы я жил в Африке, TO ел бы одни фрукты: бананы апельсины, финики. 4 Будь он более энергичным, то давно мог бы сделать отличную карьеру. 5. Мы были бы Очень признательны, если бы Вы! извинились. 6 Если ты будешь стирать свою майку в Горячей воде, TO Она сядет и полиня- ет. 7. Розы стояли бы гораздо дольше, если бы ты добавила В воду две столовые ложки сахара. 8 Если бы она носила ко сие юбки, то выглядела бы моложе. 9 Если бы ему были нужны! деньги, то Он мог бы! обратиться К нам. 10 Не будь дело таким серьезным, давид не нанял бы частного сыщика 11 Когда Она узнает результат To не поверит, что ей так по везло. 12 Если бы не запутанные обстоятельства, детектив сумел бы найти преступника намного раньше. 13 Если все пойдет нормально, то мебель доставят сегодня. 14 Если бы бы неделю на Они не перепутали адрес, TO мебель доставили зад. 15. если бы не внешность и талант, он никогда бы не стал суперзвездой голливуда
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Whether she's my sister, I would gently loved it. The truth? 2 if she knew how to cook well, then her husband would be happy. 3 if I lived in Africa, TO be eaten some fruits: bananas, oranges, dates. 4 whether he's more energetic, long could make an excellent career. 5. We would very much appreciate it if you would! apologized. 6 If thou shalt wash your t-shirt in hot water, She will sit down and polinâ-EM. 7. Roses would stand much longer if you'd added into the water two tablespoons of sugar. 8 if she wore to these skirts, would look younger. 9 if he needed! the money, he could! contact us. 10 do not be such a serious case, David hired private detective would be 11 when she learns the result To not believe that she is so lucky. 12 if not convoluted circumstances, Detective managed to find the perpetrator much earlier. 13 if all goes well, the furniture will be delivered today. 14 if the week they are not mixed up the address TO furniture delivered. 15. If it were not for the looks and talent, he would have never became a superstar in Hollywood
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Whether she my sister, I would have dearly loved her. True? 2 If she knew how to cook well, her husband would have been happy. 3 If I lived in Africa, TO would eat some fruit: bananas, oranges, figs. 4 If he were more energetic, a time could make an excellent career. 5. We would be very grateful if you could! Sorry. 6 If you're going to wash his shirt in hot water, TO polinya- She sits and is. 7. Rose would stand much longer, if you add to the water two tablespoons of sugar. 8 If she wore a skirt to these things, it would look younger. 9 If he needed! money, he could! please contact us. 10 Do not be such a serious case, David would not have hired a private detective 11 when she learned To result does not believe that she was so lucky on. 12 If it was not confusing circumstances, the detective would be able to find the culprit much earlier. 13 If all goes well, the furniture delivered today. 14 If there were the week They were not mistaken address, TO furniture brought back. 15. if not for looks and talent, he would never become a Hollywood superstar
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
if she were my sister, i would have dearly loved her. really? 2 if she knew how to cook, her husband would be happy. 3 if i lived in africa, it would eat some fruit: bananas, oranges, dates. 4 if he was more energetic, it would make a great career. 5. we would be very grateful if you! they apologized. 6 if you wash your shirt in hot water, to her to sit down and полиня - et. 7. roses stand for much longer if you put in the water, two tablespoons of sugar. 8 if she wore for this skirt, it would look younger. 9 if he needed. the money, he could. to contact us. 10 don"t be cause so serious, david wouldn"t hire a private investigator to 11 when she finds out the result that does not believe that she is lucky. 12 if not complicated circumstances, the detective has managed to find a much earlier. 13 if all goes well, the furniture delivered today. 14 if a week for they mistook the address that the furniture was brought back. 15. if is not good looks and talent, he would never become a superstar in hollywood
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