Sport has played an important part in our lives for manycenturies. For перевод - Sport has played an important part in our lives for manycenturies. For английский как сказать

Sport has played an important part

Sport has played an important part in our lives for many
centuries. For some it seems as necessary and natural as eating and
sleeping, for others it’s just entertainment on television. Today it is easy
to forget that sport is supposed to be for enjoyment, for the good feeling
that is produced when the body has done some physical work. Many
people nowadays work in offices where they have to sit at desks for six
or eight hours a day. For this reason we feel the need for exercise at the
end of the day and turn to sport.
2. There has probably never been such an emphasis on the
importance of fitness and exercise as there is today. The message is
clear: keep fit, stay healthy. Various activities can help one keep fit:9
from running marathons to climbing mountains. Usually people keep fit
by dancing, going to the gym and jogging. Fitness comes not from some
exercises done here and there but from the way you live. Taking
exercise can be time-consuming but the feeling of being fit and healthy
makes up for the few minutes a day it takes.
3. For an average non-sporting person without much time to spare,
activities like these are not very practical and, to be frank, they are a
waste of time. It is much better to devote no more than half an hour
every day to doing exercises. The important thing is to stick to a routine
so that you don’t say to yourself, “I won’t bother today!” or “I’ll do it
4. If you haven’t got the willpower to establish a routine like this, a
sport like tennis might suit you better. Your partner will help you
remember to play regularly and you’ll be able to get your exercise
outdoors, too. Many like to play tennis as it needs mobility, liveliness
and much energy. It gives a real joy taking parts in competitions or
simply playing with friends on tennis courts.
5. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They practise
skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body￾building, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums,
sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football
6. To sum up, sport at an amateur level should be for enjoyment
and fitness, and should provide an outlet for surplus energy.Sport has played an important part in our lives for many
centuries. For some it seems as necessary and natural as eating and
sleeping, for others it’s just entertainment on television. Today it is easy
to forget that sport is supposed to be for enjoyment, for the good feeling
that is produced when the body has done some physical work. Many
people nowadays work in offices where they have to sit at desks for six
or eight hours a day. For this reason we feel the need for exercise at the
end of the day and turn to sport.
2. There has probably never been such an emphasis on the
importance of fitness and exercise as there is today. The message is
clear: keep fit, stay healthy. Various activities can help one keep fit:9
from running marathons to climbing mountains. Usually people keep fit
by dancing, going to the gym and jogging. Fitness comes not from some
exercises done here and there but from the way you live. Taking
exercise can be time-consuming but the feeling of being fit and healthy
makes up for the few minutes a day it takes.
3. For an average non-sporting person without much time to spare,
activities like these are not very practical and, to be frank, they are a
waste of time. It is much better to devote no more than half an hour
every day to doing exercises. The important thing is to stick to a routine
so that you don’t say to yourself, “I won’t bother today!” or “I’ll do it
4. If you haven’t got the willpower to establish a routine like this, a
sport like tennis might suit you better. Your partner will help you
remember to play regularly and you’ll be able to get your exercise
outdoors, too. Many like to play tennis as it needs mobility, liveliness
and much energy. It gives a real joy taking parts in competitions or
simply playing with friends on tennis courts.
5. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They practise
skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body￾building, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums,
sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, football
6. To sum up, sport at an amateur level should be for enjoyment
and fitness, and should provide an outlet for surplus energy.At the same time we have to say that professional sport seems to have lost these aims and is now being used by some purely as a way of making money
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sport has played an important part in our lives for manycenturies. For some it seems as necessary and natural as eating andsleeping, for others it's just entertainment on television. Today it is easyto forget that the sport is supposed to be for enjoyment, for the good feelingthat is mass-produced when the body has done some physical work. Manypeople nowadays work in offices where they have to sit at desks for sixor eight hours a day. For this reason we feel the need for exercise at theend of the day and turn to sport.2. There has probably never been such an emphasis on thethe importance of fitness and exercise as there is today. The message isclear: keep fit, stay healthy. Various activities can help one keep fit: 9from running marathons to climbing mountains. People usually keep fitby dancing, going to the gym and jogging. Fitness comes not from someexercises done here and there but from the way you live. Takingexercise can be time-consuming but the feeling of being fit and healthymakes up for the few minutes a day it takes.3. For an average non-sporting person without much time to spare,activities like these are not very practical and, to be frank, they are awaste of time. It is much better to devote no more than half an hourevery day to doing exercises. The important thing is to stick to a routineso that you don't say to yourself, "I won't bother today!" or "I'll do itlater! "4. If you haven’t got the willpower to establish a routine like this, asport like tennis might suit you better. Your partner will help youremember to play regularly and you’ll be able to get your exerciseoutdoors, too. Many like to play tennis as it needs mobility, livelinessand much energy. It gives a real joy taking parts in competitions orsimply playing with friends on tennis courts.5. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They practiseskiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body￾building, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums,sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, footballfields.6. To sum up, sport at an amateur level should be for enjoymentand fitness, and should provide an outlet for surplus energy.Sport has played an important part in our lives for manycenturies. For some it seems as necessary and natural as eating andsleeping, for others it’s just entertainment on television. Today it is easyto forget that sport is supposed to be for enjoyment, for the good feelingthat is produced when the body has done some physical work. Manypeople nowadays work in offices where they have to sit at desks for sixor eight hours a day. For this reason we feel the need for exercise at theend of the day and turn to sport.2. There has probably never been such an emphasis on theimportance of fitness and exercise as there is today. The message isclear: keep fit, stay healthy. Various activities can help one keep fit:9from running marathons to climbing mountains. Usually people keep fitby dancing, going to the gym and jogging. Fitness comes not from someexercises done here and there but from the way you live. Takingexercise can be time-consuming but the feeling of being fit and healthymakes up for the few minutes a day it takes.3. For an average non-sporting person without much time to spare,activities like these are not very practical and, to be frank, they are awaste of time. It is much better to devote no more than half an hourevery day to doing exercises. The important thing is to stick to a routineso that you don’t say to yourself, “I won’t bother today!” or “I’ll do itlater!”4. If you haven’t got the willpower to establish a routine like this, asport like tennis might suit you better. Your partner will help youremember to play regularly and you’ll be able to get your exerciseoutdoors, too. Many like to play tennis as it needs mobility, livelinessand much energy. It gives a real joy taking parts in competitions orsimply playing with friends on tennis courts.5. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They practiseskiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body￾building, etc. All necessary facilities are provided for them: stadiums,sport grounds, swimming pools, skating rinks, skiing stations, footballfields.6. To sum up, sport at an amateur level should be for enjoymentand fitness, and should provide an outlet for surplus energy.At the same time we have to say that professional sport seems to have lost these aims and is now being used by some purely as a way of making money
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Played an has the Sport by important part in the lives for Our MANY
Centuries. Seems some IT For as with Necessary and natural as with eating and
was sleeping, for: others IT's just entertainment on television. IT is the easy the Today
to forget That sport is the supposed to the BE for enjoyment, for the good feeling
That is Produced the when the body has done The Physical some work. Many
people nowadays work in offices where clause for They have the sit to AT desks for a six
or an eight hours a day. The this reason we For feel the need for exercise Other AT the
end of the day and turn to sport.
2. Probably by never has There Been such an emphasis on the
then importance of fitness and exercise Other as with there is today has been. Is the message of The
the clear: the keep of fit, stay healthy. Various activities can help one keep fit: 9
from running marathons to climbing mountains. The keep of fit people Usually the
by dancing, going to the the gym and jogging. Comes not from Fitness some
exercises done The found here and there But from the way the live you. For Taking
exercise Other CAN the BE time-consuming But the feeling of being of of fit and healthy
Makes up closeup for the FEW minutes a day Takes IT.
3. An time average the non For-sporting person without much time to spare,
activities Insider like for These are not very Practical and, to the BE by frank, for They are a
waste of time. It is much better It Devote to the no more than the half an hour
every day to doing exercises. Thing is by important of The to the stick to a routine
SO That you do not say The to yourself The, "I of will of today has been not the bother!" Or "I of'll do IT
4. You have not the If's got the willpower to Establish a routine like the this, a
sport like tennis of might suit you better. Will of partner to help Your you
the remember to-play and you'll Regularly the BE Able to the get your exercise Other
outdoors, of too. To-play like Many tennis as with IT Needs mobility flows, liveliness
and much energy is. Gives a real It the joy taking parts in Competitions or
Simply playing with friends on tennis Courts then.
5. Many people do sports on their personal initiative . Practise for They
skiing, skating Statistics, The table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body building ???, etc. The Necessary facilities are the All Provided for Them: stadiums,
sport grounds, swimming pools, skating Statistics rinks, skiing stations, football
6. Sum up closeup the To, an amateur sport an AT: level Should the BE for enjoyment
and fitness, and Should Provide an outlet for surplus energy.Sport has an Played by important part in the lives for Our MANY
Centuries. Seems some IT For as with Necessary and natural as with eating and
was sleeping, for: others IT's just entertainment on television. IT is the easy the Today
to forget That sport is the supposed to the BE for enjoyment, for the good feeling
That is Produced the when the body has done The Physical some work. Many
people nowadays work in offices where clause for They have the sit to AT desks for a six
or an eight hours a day. The this reason we For feel the need for exercise Other AT the
end of the day and turn to sport.
2. Probably by never has There Been such an emphasis on the
then importance of fitness and exercise Other as with there is today has been. Is the message of The
the clear: the keep of fit, stay healthy. Various activities can help one keep fit: 9
from running marathons to climbing mountains. The keep of fit people Usually the
by dancing, going to the the gym and jogging. Comes not from Fitness some
exercises done The found here and there But from the way the live you. For Taking
exercise Other CAN the BE time-consuming But the feeling of being of of fit and healthy
Makes up closeup for the FEW minutes a day Takes IT.
3. An time average the non For-sporting person without much time to spare,
activities Insider like for These are not very Practical and, to the BE by frank, for They are a
waste of time. It is much better It Devote to the no more than the half an hour
every day to doing exercises. Thing is by important of The to the stick to a routine
SO That you do not say The to yourself The, "I of will of today has been not the bother!" Or "I of'll do IT
4. You have not the If's got the willpower to Establish a routine like the this, a
sport like tennis of might suit you better. Will of partner to help Your you
the remember to-play and you'll Regularly the BE Able to the get your exercise Other
outdoors, of too. To-play like Many tennis as with IT Needs mobility flows, liveliness
and much energy is. Gives a real It the joy taking parts in Competitions or
Simply playing with friends on tennis Courts then.
5. Many people do sports on their personal initiative . Practise for They
skiing, skating Statistics, The table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body building ???, etc. The Necessary facilities are the All Provided for Them: stadiums,
sport grounds, swimming pools, skating Statistics rinks, skiing stations, football
6. Sum up closeup the To, an amateur sport an AT: level Should the BE for enjoyment
and fitness, and Should Provide an outlet for surplus energy.At the Same time we have to say The professional sport That Seems to have the lost and for These AIMS is now! Just being of USED by some Purely as a way of making money
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