Здравствуй милый!Сейчас я пишу тебе это письмо, в надежде что ты его н перевод - Здравствуй милый!Сейчас я пишу тебе это письмо, в надежде что ты его н английский как сказать

Здравствуй милый!Сейчас я пишу тебе

Здравствуй милый!
Сейчас я пишу тебе это письмо, в надежде что ты его не только откроешь, но и прочитаешь. Я знаю, что тебе приходят наверное сотни писем в день, но прошу тебя не спеши его удалять, я хочу поговорить с тобой здесь.
Мне сейчас не легко будет объяснить тебе, почему я это письмо пишу тебе. Но я попытаюсь, я буду теперь настаивать на своих чувствах, потому что это правда, как только я нашла тебя здесь мне сразу захотелось написать тебе, дать о себе знать… Я понимаю то, что ты мужчина, что ты в праве выбирать, но я хочу просить тебя дать нам шанс. Это впервые в жизни, когда я пишу и у меня в голове перепутались все слова, прости…
Сейчас я в полной мере понимаю, как же далеки слова, они не могут сравниться с тем, что я испытываю именно к тебе. Моя чувства к тебе растут с каждой минутой. Мысли о тебе кружатся в моей голове в течение всего дня. Я не могу ни о чем спокойно думать, в моих мыслях часто всплывает Ваш образ.
Мне казалось, что подобное может быть только в банальных фильмах или на страницах романа… Но после встречи с тобой я поняла, что любовь действительно самый прекрасный подарок, и он дарован нам. Время идет, а я влюбляюсь в тебя все больше и больше.
С каждой секундой я все больше и больше осознаю, что ты прочно остаешься в моем сердце, разуме, душе. Каждая клеточка моего тела заполняется тобой. Ты как повелитель: подчинил меня себе всю без остатка.
Я представляю, что ты мужчина как огонь: стоит только дотронуться, и ожог останется на всю жизнь. Только от одного твоего взгляда, который я все время представляю себе, даже если он случайный, оживает моя плоть, только от одного твоего прикосновения я буду хотеть сгореть дотла. Я уверенна, что только ты можешь разжечь во мне дикую страсть.
Стоит мне только о тебе подумать, и я тут же становлюсь безумной, в глазах появляется негасимый огонь, все окружающее сливается в твое образ. И только благодаря тебе я превращаюсь в источник неиссякаемых чувств!
Я хотела бы радоваться вместе с тобой, когда у тебя все хорошо, грустить, когда что-то не получается, почувствовать себя необходимым человеком в твоей жизни. Ты - самое хорошее, светлое, доброе, что случилось со мной за последнее время. Нет. Не за последнее время, а вообще в моей жизни.
Для меня нет другой радости, как думать о Вас! Когда-нибудь я получу от Вас несколько слов, которые так бесконечно для меня дороги, как все, что связано с Вами.
С надеждой и трепетом в сердце
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello Darling!Now I am writing you this letter in the hope that you not only open but also read. I know that you are probably hundreds of emails a day, but please dont go delete it, I want to talk with you here. I'm not easily will explain to you why I write this letter to you. But I will try, I will now insist on their feelings, because it is true, as soon as I found you here, I just wanted to write to you, to give of yourself to know ... I understand that you're a man, you're in the right to choose, but I want to ask you to give us a chance. This is the first time in my life when I write and my mind messed up all the words I'm sorry to ...I now fully understand how far the words, they cannot be compared with what I am to you. My feelings for you are growing by the minute. Thought of you spinning in my head all day. I can't of anything calmly thinking, in my thoughts often pops up your image. It seemed to me that this may be the only banal films or on the pages of the novel. ... But after meeting with you I realized that love is truly the most wonderful gift, and he granted us. Time goes by and I fall for you more and more.With every second I am becoming more and more aware that you remain firmly in my heart, mind, soul. Every cell of my body is filled with you. Do you like Lord: subdued me full without remainder. I imagine that you're a man like fire: it is necessary to touch, and the burn will stay for life. Only one of your look, which I imagine even if it's accidental, coming alive my flesh, the only one your touch I want to burn to a crisp. I am sure that only you can Kindle in me wild passion. I only think about you, and I'm becoming insane, in the eyes of the Inextinguishable Fire, appears all around merges in your image. And thanks to you I'm developing into a source of inexhaustible senses!I would like to rejoice together with you when you are fine, sad when something goes wrong, feel like a man in your life. You are the most good, light, good that happened to me recently. No. Not for the last time, but in my life. For me there is no joy like thinking of you! Someday I'll get you some words that are endlessly to me the road like everything that has to do with you.With hope and trepidation in the heart Irina
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hello dear!
I am writing this letter to you in hopes that you will discover not only his, but also read. I know that you have to probably hundreds of letters a day, but ask you not to rush to remove it, I want to talk to you here.
I is not easy to explain to you why I am writing this letter to you. But I will try, I am now insist on their feelings, because it is true, as soon as I found you here I just wanted to write to you, make itself felt ... I understand that you're a man, you the right to choose, but I I want to ask you to give us a chance. This is the first time in my life, when I'm writing and I messed up in my head all the words, I'm sorry ...
I now fully understand how far the word, they can not compare with what I feel is for you. My feelings for you grow with each passing minute. Thoughts of you spinning in my head all day. I can not anything easy to think in my thoughts often thrown your way.
It seemed to me that this can only be banal films or pages of the novel ... But after I met you, I realized that love really is the perfect gift and he It is given to us. Time is running out and I fall for you more and more.
With every second I became more and more aware that you are staying firmly in my heart, mind, soul. Every cell of my body is filled with you. You're like a lord: I subjected myself all without a trace.
I imagine that you are a man like fire: it is necessary to touch, and the burn will last a lifetime. Only one of your eyes, which I always imagine, even if it is casual, revives my flesh, only one for your touch I'll want to burn down. I'm sure that only you can ignite the passion in me wild.
I have only to think of you, and I immediately become insane in the eyes appears unquenchable fire merges into everything around your image. And only thanks to you I turn into a source of inexhaustible sense!
I'd like to rejoice with you when you are fine, sad, when something does not work, I feel it necessary to man in your life. You - the best, bright, good things happened to me recently. No. Not for the last time, and in general in my life.
I have no other joy than to think of you! Someday I will get from you a few words that are so infinitely dear to me, as anything that is connected with you.
With hope and trepidation in the heart of
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Do you know what I'm going 'Hello!
now I am writing you this letter, in the hope that it is not only our logical senses, but also clever enough. I know that you are probably hundreds of letters a day, but I should be grateful if you do not where it delete,I want to talk with you here.
Me now is not easy to explain to you why I am writing this letter from you. But I will try, I will now insist on their feelings, because it is the truth,As soon as I have found thee here, I just wanted you, to give to you know ... I understand that you are a man, that you are in the right to choose, but I would like to request you to give us a chance. This is the first time in life,When I am writing and I am in the head in all of the words, they have sinned ...
now I fully understand that, as far as the words, they may not match the order that I feel it is to you. My feelings for you grow with each minute.Thought of you and Laplace in my head throughout the day. I can neither on than quietly to think, in my thoughts often pops up your image.
I thoughtThat this can be only in trite movies or on the pages romana ... but after meeting with you I realized that love is truly the most beautiful gift, and he almost lost it. The time is,And I влюбляюсь in you more and more.
with each pianist Richard Clayderman i am more and more aware that you're firmly fascist redoubt in my heart, wisdom, a shower. Each adipocytes receive my body is filled with you. Are you as lord.Verily I am aware of the without remainder.
I represent, that you are a man as fire: it is only touching, and burn injury will remain for the rest of their lives. From only one thy glance, which I have all the time I submit itself,Even if it was a random, comes alive my flesh, from only one thy touch i want burn burned down. I loveline cd that only you can stir up in me wild passion.
It Is me only to get you to think,And I immediately makes me insane, in the eyes of the appears by Dilbar Babadjanova fire, all surrounding drains in your image. And it was only through thee I turn to the source personality feelings!
I would like to rejoice together with you,When you all are well, love songs, when that is not in a position to do so, feel it necessary person in your life. You are the most good, bright and good, that's happened to me in the recent past. It is not.Not for the last time, and not at all in my life.
For me there is no other joy, as well as to think of you! When I receive from you a few words that are so indefinitely for me roads, as well as all that is associated with you.
With hope and trepidation in the heart of the
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