Рассуждая на тему благочестия я просмотрел несколько сайтов, несколько видео из ютуба. Но больше всех мне понравилась лекция Шейха Хабиба Джифри. Его примеры и то как он объясняет тему соей лекции поразили меня. Одной из этих тем была благочестие. Он говорил много хороших слов об этом. Больше всего запомнилось это высказывание. “Благочестие появляется в нравах тех, кто это ищет. Когда ты попадаешь в ситуацию где не будешь знать, что выбрать, какую из сторон. и каждая будет говорить, мы за истину, то сравни их нравы. Там, где представители имеют добрый нрав там и присутствует истинная религия. И там, где нрав отсутствует, отсутствует и религия, и знания. И нет пути к благочестию и богобоязненности без хорошего нрава.” (Шейх Хабиб Джифри, 2013) Тема благочестия напрямую связана с темой религии. И хочу привести свой собственный пример. На протяжении всей жизни у человека возникают разные проблемы. И я не исключение. Эта ситуация произошла в то время, когда я жил в России. Я с друзьями решили съездить в поход в горы. Во время пути мы решили, что деньги на обратную дорогу будут у одного человека. И вот когда мы решили вернуться обратно домой то оказалось человек который был ответственный за эти деньги потерял их. И вот на пришлось искать людей которые смогли бы нам помочь. Но сколько бы мы не искали не могли никого найти. К счастью неподалеку был ларек в котором работал мужчина тоже азиатской национальности. Он сразу же решил нам оказать помощь. И мы благополучно добрались домой. Оказалось, что он сильно верующий человек, совершает пятикратную молитву, делает благотворительность. Что я хотел сказать этим примером. К сожалению люди смотрят не на внутренне состояние человека, а на его наружную внешность. Я считаю эта очень грубая ошибка. чаще бывает, что люди, у которых ничего нет, имеют более благородное сердце чем богатые люди.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Arguing on the subject of women in Islam I browsed several sites, several videos from YouTube. But most of all I liked the lecture by Sheikh Habib Džifri. His examples and then as he explains the topic of soy lectures struck me. One of these themes was piety. He said a lot of good words about it. Most of all remember this statement. "Piety appears in the mores of those who is looking for. When you get into a situation where you don't know what to choose, which one of the parties. and each would say, we are for truth, then compare their manners. Where representatives have good luck out there and present the true religion. And where there is no temper, no religion and knowledge. And there's no way to piety and piety without good morals. " (Sheikh Habib Džifri, 2013) topic of piety is directly related to the topic of religion. And I want to bring your own example. Throughout the life cycle in humans raises different issues. And I'm no exception. This situation occurred at the time when I lived in Russia. I have friends and I decided to go hiking in the mountains. During the journey, we decided that the money on the way back will be one person. And that's when we decided to go back home it was the man who was responsible for the money they lost. It is had to find people who could help us. But no matter how much we are looking for could not find anyone. Luckily it was near the stall where the man worked, too, the Asian nationality. He immediately decided to assist us. And we made it safely home. It turned out that it is very believer, commits five times prayer does charity. What I wanted to say this example. Unfortunately people look not at the internal state of a person, and on its outer appearance. I find this very mistake. more often it happens that people who have nothing, have a noble heart than rich people.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Speaking on the subject of piety, I looked at several sites, some videos from youtube. But most of all I liked the lecture by Sheikh Habib Dzhifri. His examples and how he explains the topic soy lecture impressed me. One of these topics was piety. He said a lot of good words about it. Most of all remember this statement. "Piety appears in the manners of those who is looking for. When you get into a situation where you will not know what to choose, which one of the parties. and each will tell us the truth, then compare their habits. Where members have good character out there and true religion is present. And where there is no character, there is no religion, and knowledge. And there is no way to piety and piety without a good character. "(Sheikh Habib Dzhifri 2013) Subject piety is directly related to the topic of religion. And I want to bring your own example. Throughout his life, a person has different problems. And I am no exception. This situation occurred at a time when I lived in Russia. I'm with my friends decided to go hiking in the mountains. On the way we decided that the money for the trip will be one person. And that's when we decided to go back home, it turned out the man who was responsible for the money they lost. And so on we had to find people who could help us. But no matter how much we were looking for could not find anyone. Luckily nearby I was a stall where a man worked, too, Asian ethnicity. He immediately decided to help us. And we made it safely home. It turned out that he was very religious person, commits five times prayer does charity. What I mean by this example. Unfortunately, people do not look at the internal state of man, and his external appearance. I consider this a very grave error. often it happens that people who have nothing, have a more generous heart than rich people.
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