Аудиторы особо отмечают, что группе компаний ****** за 11 месяцев 2008 перевод - Аудиторы особо отмечают, что группе компаний ****** за 11 месяцев 2008 английский как сказать

Аудиторы особо отмечают, что группе

Аудиторы особо отмечают, что группе компаний ****** за 11 месяцев 2008 года в целом удалось сохранить объемы кредитования на высоком уровне (падение показателя к началу 2008 года составило около 3%), не допустить просрочек платежей по кредитным договорам. Наличие ликвидного имущества у аудируемых предприятий и других предприятий из группы компаний ********, положительная кредитная история, безусловно, поддерживает кредитную привлекательность предприятий группы компаний *******.
Проведенный анализ также показал, что в условиях финансового кризиса предприятия используют все доступные возможности увеличения объема оборотных средств для завершения начатых проектов. Это, прежде всего, участие заинтересованных лиц в финансировании предприятий путем прямого заимствования (сумма привлеченных средств по договорам займа в октябре 2008 года составила 254 млн. руб., что на 9% больше общей суммы кредитования предприятий по договорам с банковскими организациями) и опосредованно – через наращивание кредиторской задолженности предприятий.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Auditors emphasized that group companies * * for 11 months of the year 2008 as a whole managed to keep lending at a high level (drop indicator to the beginning of the year 2008 represented around 3%), avoid arrears payments on credit agreements. the availability of liquid assets of audited businesses and other enterprises of Group of companies * *, a positive credit history certainly supports credit attractiveness enterprises group of companies * *.The analysis also showed that in the conditions of financial crisis the enterprise use all available options to increase working capital to complete projects initiated. It is, above all, the involvement of stakeholders in the financing of businesses through direct borrowing (amount of attracted funds on loan agreements in October 2008 year amounted to 254 million rubles, which is 9% of the total lending companies under contracts with banking organizations) and indirectly through the build-up of Payables enterprises.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Auditors emphasize that the group of companies ****** for 11 months of 2008 as a whole managed to keep lending at a high level (fall in the beginning of 2008 amounted to about 3%), to prevent delinquencies on credit agreements. The presence of liquid assets from the audited companies and other enterprises of the group of companies ********, positive credit history, certainly supports the attractiveness of credit enterprises Group *******.
The analysis also showed that in terms of financial crisis, companies use all available options to increase working capital for the completion of ongoing projects. This, above all, the participation of stakeholders in the financing of companies through direct loans (the amount of funds raised by the loan agreements in October 2008 amounted to 254 million. Rub., Which is 9% more than the total amount of lending to enterprises under agreements with banking institutions) and indirectly - through the build-up of accounts payable.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the stress that the group of companies * * * * * * in the first 11 months of 2008 has been to keep lending at a high level (the target by the beginning of 2008 amounted to about 3%).prevent the arrears of payments on credit contracts. the availability of liquid assets are аудируемых enterprises and other enterprises of the group of companies * * * * *, * * * a positive credit history coursesupports the credit a enterprises group of companies * * * * * * *.
analysis also showedin the face of the financial crisis, enterprises are using all available options to increase working capital funds for the completion of projects. it is first of allstakeholder participation in the financing of enterprises through direct borrowing (the amount of attracted funds under the loan in october 2008 amounted to $254 million. 2.2a 9% more than the total amount of credit business contracts with banking organizations), and indirectly, through building the payable enterprises. "
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