Сердце состоит из двух камер, разделенных перегородкой. Правый и левый отделы сердца не связаны между собой паралич означает, что сердце остановилось когда давление на грудную клетку ослабевает.кровь вновь возвращается в сердце
The heart consists of two chambers separated by a partition.Left and right heart divisions are not linked paralysis means that the heart stoppedWhen pressure on the ribcage. blood back to the heart
The heart consists of two chambers separated by a partition. The right and left side of the heart are not linked paralysis means that the heart stopped when the pressure on the chest oslabevaet.krov returns to the heart
the heart consists of two chambers separated by a partition. the right and left divisions hearts linked paralysis means that the heart has stopped when pressure on the chest is weakening.blood returns to the heart again