From The Rational Edge series of articles, .UML basics, on the essenti перевод - From The Rational Edge series of articles, .UML basics, on the essenti английский как сказать

From The Rational Edge series of ar

From The Rational Edge series of articles, .UML basics, on the essential diagrams in the Unified Modeling Language, this article offers a detailed introduction to the sequence diagram. It also introduces several new notation elements in the recent UML 2.0 specification.
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It's February, and by now you've probably read about, or heard people talk about, making the change to UML 2.0--the new specification for UML that contains a number of improvements. Given the importance of the new spec, we are changing the basis of this article series, too, shifting our attention from OMG's UML 1.4 Specification to OMG's Adopted 2.0 Draft Specification of UML (a.k.a. UML 2). I hate to change emphasis from 1.4 to 2.0 in the middle of a series of articles, but the UML 2.0 Draft Specification is an important step forward, and I feel the need to spread the word.
There were a couple of reasons that the OMG improved UML. The main reason was that they wanted UML models to be capable of delivering Model Driven Architecture (MDA), which meant that the UML had to function as a more model driven notation. Also, the UML 1.x notation set was at times difficult to apply to larger applications. Furthermore, the notation elements needed to be improved in order to make diagrams more readable. (For example, modeling logical flow in UML 1.x was complicated and at times impossible. Changes to the sequence diagram's notation set in UML 2 have made vast improvements in modeling logic in sequences.)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
From The Rational Edge series of articles,.UML basics, on the essential diagrams in the Unified Modeling Language, this article offers a detailed introduction to the sequence diagram. It also introduces several new elements in the recent notation, UML 2.0 specification.Start building for freeIt's February, and by now you've probably read or heard about, people talked about, making the change to the UML 2.0-the new specification for UML that contains a number of the date. Given the importance of the new spec, we are changing the basis of this article series, too, shifting our attention from the UML 1.4 Specification OMG's to OMG's Adopted 2.0 Draft Specification of UML (a.k.a. UML 2). I hate to change emphasis from 1.4 to 2.0 in the middle of a series of articles, but the UML 2.0 Draft Specification is an important step forward, and I feel the need to spread the word.There were a couple of reasons that the OMG UML improved. The main reason was that they wanted the UML models to be capable of delivering the Model Driven Architecture (MDA), which meant that the UML had to function as a more model driven notation. Also, the UML 1. x notation set was at times difficult to apply to larger applications. Furthermore, the notation elements needed to be improved in order to make diagrams more readable. (For example, logical flow modeling in UML 1. x was complicated and at times impossible. Changes to the sequence diagram's set in UML 2 notation have made vast date in modeling logic in sequences.)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
From The Rational Edge series of articles, .UML basics, on the essential diagrams in the Unified Modeling Language, this article offers a detailed introduction to the sequence diagram. Also it Introduces Several new Notation Elements in the UML 2.0 specification recent.
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It's February, and by now you've Probably Read About, or people Heard Talk About, making the Change to UML 2.0 - the new specification for UML that contains a number of improvements. Given the importance of the new spec, we are changing the basis of this article series, too, shifting our attention from OMG's UML 1.4 Specification to OMG's Adopted 2.0 Draft Specification of UML (aka UML 2). I hate to Change emphasis from 1.4 to 2.0 in the middle of A series of articles, But the UML 2.0 Draft Specification is an Important Step Forward, and I feel the need to Spread the word.
There Were A Couple of Reasons That the OMG Improved UML. The main reason was that they wanted UML models to be capable of delivering Model Driven Architecture (MDA), which meant that the UML had to function as a more model driven notation. Also, the UML 1.x notation set was at times difficult to apply to larger applications. Furthermore, the notation elements needed to be improved in order to make diagrams more readable. (For example, modeling logical flow in UML 1.x was complicated and at times impossible. Changes to the sequence diagram's notation set in UML 2 have made ​​vast improvements in modeling logic in sequences.)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
From the rational Edge series of articles, .UML basics, on the essential diagrams, in the Unified Modeling Language, this article wide range and a detailed introduction to the sequence an issue by applying. It also subsection intrоduсes responsabilidad solidaria new notation nodes elements in the recent UML 2.0 specification.
start building for free
it's February, and by now alt= 'prоbаbly read about, or heаrd people talk about,Making the change to UML 2.0 --the new specification for UML that contains a number of utilizes. The impоrtаnсe rational of the new spec, we are changing the basis of this article series, too, shifting our attention from OMG's UML 1.4 specification to OMG's Adоpted 2.0 draft Specification of UML (; UML (2). I FOJO institute to change emphasis from 1.4 to 2.0 in the middle of a series of articles,But the UML 2.0 draft Specification is an important step forward, and I feel the need to spread the word.
there and browsed соuple of reasons that the OMG UML improved. The main reason was that they wanted UML models to be integrated of delivering Model driven architecture (MDA), which meаnt that the UML had to function as a more model driven notation nodes. Also, the UML 1.X notation nodes set was at times difficult to apply due to applications. All, the notation nodes elements needed to be improved in order to make diagrams, more readable. (For example, modeling logical flow in UML 1.x'D соmpliсаted and at times impossible. Changes to the sequence an issue by applying's notation nodes set in UML 2 have made have ceased production utilizes in modeling logic in sequences. )
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