АлькатрасСамая известная тюрьма Соединённых Штатов да и, пожалуй, всег перевод - АлькатрасСамая известная тюрьма Соединённых Штатов да и, пожалуй, всег английский как сказать

АлькатрасСамая известная тюрьма Сое

Самая известная тюрьма Соединённых Штатов да и, пожалуй, всего мира, Алькатрас — это не только исправительное учреждение (к слову, вот уже более 30 лет функционирующее лишь как музей), но и небольшой живописный остров в 15 минутах морского хода от пристани Сан-Франциско. Моторные суда резво курсируют между «материком» и островом, исправно доставляя в тюрьму-музей многочисленных туристов. Посмотреть здесь действительно есть на что: на протяжении почти ста лет Алькатрас был синонимом ада для тех заключённых, которым не повезло отбывать срок именно здесь. Тесные «одиночки», мрачные карцеры и узкие зарешеченные проходы — увидев всё это, как нельзя лучше начинаешь ценить свободу.
История Алькатраса началась в конце 18 века, когда островок открыл испанский мореплаватель и нарёк его именем Пеликаний (именно так переводится «алькатрас» с испанского). Столетием позже во времена Золотой лихорадки здесь появился маяк, а чуть позже началось строительство форта для защиты золотоносных территорий, который позже был оснащён 110 дальнобойными орудиями. Золото иссякло, и форт перестал быть нужен — так в начале 20 века здесь появилась первая тюрьма, сначала для военнопленных, а затем и для особо опасных федеральных преступников. За всю историю Алькатраса отсюда не было совершено ни одного удачного побега — совершенная система охраны и естественная изоляция бурными водами залива Сан-Франциско не оставляли беглецам никаких шансов. Самый известный заключённый Алькатраса — легендарный Аль Капоне, проведший в тюрьме семь лет.

Аллея звезд Голливуда
Лос-Анджелес ассоциируется прежде всего с Голливудом, а Голливуд — со звёздами, так что нет ничего удивительного в том, что Аллея звёзд по праву считается самой популярной достопримечательностью города. Ежегодно более 10 миллионов туристов прогуливаются по Аллее звёзд, с восторгом и третепом читая имена кумиров, увековеченные в каменных плитах тротуара во славу индустрии развлечений. Как и положено любой достопримечательности «с именем», у Аллеи звёзд — длинная, разнообразная и весьма интересная история, продолжающая твориться и по сей день: новые «звёзды» закладываются здесь примерно дважды в месяц.
Аллея звёзд возникла вовсе не спонтанно: идея создания новой достопримечательности принадлежала Голливудской торговой палате — и как средство поддержания общественной славы знаменитостей, и как способ обеспечить бюджет города дополнительными вливаниями. Первоначально планировалось использовать не форму звезды с написанным в ней именем актёра, а латунную карикатуру, однако их выполнение оказалось довольно сложным и затратным. Поэтому мэрия Голливуда решила не мудрствовать лукаво, а взяла за образец обычную пятиконечную звезду, «срисовав» её с потолка гостиницы «Голливуд».
Первая памятная плита появилась на Аллее звёзд в 1958 году. Точнее, это были восемь первых плит из выбранных членами Торговой палаты 1550 знаменитостей, которые в будущем должны были удостоиться своей «звезды». С 1960 года началась регулярная закладка плит, продолжающаяся и поныне. Впрочем, история Аллеи знает и немало поражений: в 60-70-х годах был почти пятнадцатилетний застой, осложнённый судебными разбирательствами, а затем вновь начался расцвет. Сегодня Аллея звёзд насчитывает более 2500 именных плит.
екоторые особо выдающиеся представители индустрии развлечений имеют по две звезды на Аллее звёзд: например, Джон Леннон, Ринго Стар и Джордж Харрисон увековечены как участники The Beatles и как сольные исполнители. А в исключительных случаях на Аллее отметились и звёзды, не подпадающие ни под одну из категорий шоу-бизнеса — к примеру, Мохаммед Али (в его случае Комитет приравнял боксёрские поединки выдающегося спортсмена к театральному искусству).
Ну и конечно, не обошлось без мифических персонажей: Микки Маус, Дональд Дак, Белоснежка и гномы, Шрек, Симпсоны и многие другие герои мультфильмов стоят в одном ряду с именами реальных людей.

Мост «Золотые Ворота»
«Золотые Ворота» — самая знаменитая достопримечательность города, символ Сан-Франциско и всего тихоокеанского побережья США. Парящий над заливом красавец успел засветиться в доброй сотне фильмов, обзавестись собственным интернет-сайтом и приобрести, увы, печальную славу, идеального места для сведения счётов с жизнью: 75 метров свободного полёта в воды залива Золотые Ворота и прощальный взгляд на огни большого города. Впрочем, абсолютное большинство туристов посещают мост с куда более позитивным настроем — чему свидетельство популярные экскурсии по «Золотым воротам» и шустро раскупаемые сувениры с силуэтом знаменитых красных арок, соединённых канатами.
Немного истории
Идея строительства моста «Золотые Ворота» возникла в 1933 году, в период большой иммиграции в Сан-Франциско, когда стало очевидно, что существующая транспортная система перестала справляться с перевозкой всё увеличивавшегося населения. Проект возглавили американские архитекторы, однако, как нетрудно догадаться, в деле не обошлось без наших: математическими расчётами руководил выходец из Одессы. Через четыре года состоялось торжественное открытие моста, и первые двенадцать часов он был отдан во власть пешеходов. Далее в права вступили автомобилисты — и по сей день по «Золотым Воротам» можно и пройти, и проехать на авто или велосипеде. До 1964 года мост Сан-Франциско был крупнейшим висячим мостом в мире с длиной почти в два километра (1970 м).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
AlcatrazThe most famous prison in the United States and, perhaps, throughout the world, Alcatraz is not only correctional institution (by the way, for more than 30 years, functioning only as a Museum), but also a small picturesque Island in 15-minute sea stroke from the wharf in San Francisco. Motorboats playfully run between "mainland" and the island, regularly bringing in prison-Museum of many tourists. See here really have to: for nearly one hundred years of Alcatraz was synonymous with hell for those prisoners who are not fortunate to serve his term here. Close the "lone, gloomy cells and narrow barred passages — after seeing all this, you begin to appreciate freedom.Alcatraz history began in the late 18th century, when the islet was opened by Spanish navigator and gave his name as Pelikanij (translated as "Alcatraz" with Spanish). A century later during the time of the gold rush there appeared a lighthouse, and a little later, construction began on the Fort to protect the gold of the territories, which was later equipped with brute force 110 guns. Gold worn thin, and the Fort was no longer needed — at the beginning of the 20 century, there appeared the first prison, first for prisoners of war, and then for high-risk federal offenders. In the history of Alcatraz from here was not committed any successful escape is perfect security system and the natural insulation of stormy San Francisco Bay waters left no chances to the escapees. The most famous prisoner of Alcatraz is the legendary Al Capone, who spent seven years in prison.Avenue of stars of HollywoodLos Angeles is associated primarily with Hollywood, and Hollywood — with the stars, so it is no surprise that the Avenue of stars is considered to be the most popular attraction of the town. Each year more than 10 million tourists stroll along the Avenue of stars, with delight and tretepom reading the names of idols, perpetuated by the stone tablets of the sidewalk to the glory of the entertainment industry. As befits any sights "with the name" Avenue of stars is long, varied and very interesting story that continues to this day going: new "stars" are laid here about twice a month.Avenue of stars occurred does not spontaneously: the idea of creating new attractions belonged to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce — and as a means of maintaining public fame of celebrities, and as a way to ensure the city budget additional infusions. Originally planned to use does not form stars with the actor's name in it and a brass caricature, but their implementation has proved difficult and costly. So Hollywood City Hall decided not mudrstvovat′ archly, and took the usual five-pointed star, the "srisovav" her from the ceiling of the hotel Hollywood.The first commemorative plate appeared on the Avenue of stars in 1958 year. More precisely, they were eight first plates from selected members of the Chamber of Commerce 1550 celebrities who in the future were to be its "stars". From 1960 onwards started regular bookmark plates, continuing to this day. However, the history of the alley knows and quite a few losses: in 60-70-IES was almost fifteen years of stagnation, complicated trials, and then once again flourished. Today, Alley stars has over 2500 registered plates. some particularly outstanding entertainment industry representatives have two stars on the walk of stars: for example, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison immortalized as The Beatles and as a solo artist. And in exceptional cases in the alley were among the stars that do not fall under any of the categories of show business — for example, Mohammed Ali (in his case, the Committee likens boxing fights outstanding athlete to Theater Arts). And, of course, not without mythical characters: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, snow white and dwarfs, Shrek, the Simpsons and many other cartoon characters stand in one row with the names of real people."Golden Gate Bridge""Golden Gate" is the most famous landmark of the city, a symbol of San Francisco and the entire Pacific coast of the United States. Soaring above the Bay looked good in appearances hundreds managed to movies, get your own Internet site and to buy, unfortunately, notorious, the perfect place for account information with life: 75 meters of free flight into the waters of the Gulf of the Golden Gate and a farewell glance at the lights of the big city. However, the great majority of tourists visit the bridge with a much more positive attitude is what popular excursions on the certificate «Golden Gate» and smartly raskupaemye souvenirs with the silhouette of the famous red arches connected by ropes. A bit of history The idea of building the Golden Gate Bridge originated in the year 1933, during the great immigration to San Francisco when it became apparent that the existing transport system to cope with the movements of all the additional population. The project was led by American architects, however, as you can guess, in fact not without our: mathematical calculations led the native of Odessa. Four years later, a solemn opening of the bridge, and the first twelve hours, he was given the power walkers. Later in law to take motorists — and to this day on the "Golden Goal" you can and pass, and drive by car or bike. Until 1964 the year San Francisco bridge was the largest suspension bridge in the world with a length of nearly two kilometers (1970 m).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Alcatraz's most famous prison of the United States and, perhaps, all over the world, Alcatraz - is not only a penal institution (by the way, for more than 30 years of functioning as a museum only), but also a small picturesque island in the sea 15 minutes travel from the pier S. Francisco.
Motorized vessels briskly ply between "mainland" and the island, regularly delivering to prison museum many tourists. See here really is to that: for almost a hundred years, Alcatraz was synonymous with hell for those prisoners who are not fortunate to serve his sentence here. Close "loner", the dark punishment cells and narrow barred passages - seeing all this, is the best start to appreciate the freedom.
The history of Alcatraz began in the late 18th century, when the island was opened by Spanish explorer and narёk his name pelicans (which is translated "Alcatraz" with the Spanish ). A century later, during the gold rush there appeared lighthouse, and later construction began on the fort to protect the territory of gold, which was later equipped with 110 long-range guns. The gold ran out, and the fort is no longer necessary - as in the early 20th century, there appeared the first prison, first for the prisoners and then for dangerous federal offenders. In the history of Alcatraz from here was not committed any successful escape - the perfect system of protection and isolation of natural rough waters of San Francisco Bay not leave any chances to the fugitives. The most famous prisoner of Alcatraz - the legendary Al Capone, who spent seven years in prison. Avenue Hollywood Los Angeles is primarily associated with Hollywood and Hollywood - with the stars, so it is not surprising that the Alley of stars is considered to be the most popular attraction cities. Every year more than 10 million tourists stroll along the Avenue of Stars, with enthusiasm and tretepom reading the names of heroes, immortalized in the stone slabs of the pavement to the glory of the entertainment industry. As befits any attractions "named" at the Avenue of Stars - a long, varied and very interesting history, continues to work to this day: the new "stars" are laid here about twice a month. Alley stars arose not spontaneously: the idea of creating a new Sights owned Hollywood Chamber of Commerce - and as a means of maintaining public fame of celebrities, and as a way to ensure that the city budget with additional injections. Originally it was planned to use not the shape of a star with her ​​name written in the actor and brass caricature, but their implementation was quite complicated and expensive. Therefore, the Hollywood City Hall decided not to philosophize sly and took a sample of the usual five-pointed star, "sketched" her from the ceiling of the hotel "Hollywood". The first memorial plaque appeared on the Avenue of Stars in 1958. More precisely, it was the first eight boards of the selected members of the Chamber of Commerce in 1550 celebrities, which in the future should have been awarded their "stars". Since 1960 began regular tab plates continues to this day. However, the history of the Alley knows many defeats: in 60-70s was almost fifteen years of stagnation complicated by litigation, then began to flourish again. Today Alley stars has more than 2,500 registered plates. Ome particularly outstanding representatives of the entertainment industry have two stars on the Walk of Stars, for example, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison immortalized as members of The Beatles and as a solo artist. In exceptional cases, on the Mall were noted and the stars, do not fall under any of the categories of show business - for example, Muhammad Ali (in his case, the Committee has equated boxing match outstanding athlete in theater arts). And of course, not without mythical characters Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and the dwarves, Shrek, The Simpsons, and many other cartoon characters are on a par with the names of real people. Bridge "Golden Gate", "Golden Gate" - the most famous landmark of the city, a symbol of San Francisco and the entire Pacific US coast. Soaring above the bay handsome managed to light up in hundreds of good films to get own Internet site and to purchase, alas, the sad glory, the perfect place for the information of life scores with 75 meters of free flight in the waters of the bay and the Golden Gate last look at the lights of the big city. However, the vast majority of tourists visit the bridge with a much more positive attitude - what evidence the popular tour of the "Golden Gate" and smartly snapping up souvenirs with the silhouette of the famous red arches, connected by ropes. A bit of history The idea of building a bridge "Golden Gate" appeared in 1933, in period of high immigration in San Francisco, when it became apparent that the existing transport system is no longer cope with the ever increasing population of the carriage. The project is headed by American architects, but, you guessed it, in the case has not been without our: mathematical calculations led the native of Odessa. Four years later, the grand opening of the bridge, and the first twelve hours, he was given the power of pedestrians. Further, the right to take motorists - and to this day on the "Golden Gate" and you can go and drive a car or bicycle. Until 1964, the San Francisco Bridge was the largest suspension bridge in the world with a length of almost two kilometers (1970 m).

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the most famous prison of alcatraz. the united states and perhaps the world, alcatraz is not only correctional facility (by the way, for more than 30 years of functioning only as a museum)but a 15 minute scenic island in the sea of the wharf san francisco. motor boats fast runs between "материком» and island, diligently delivering prison museum, tourists.here really have, for almost 100 years, alcatraz was synonymous with hell for those prisoners who are serving time in here. close "одиночки»,the gloomy and narrow passages are not зарешеченные saw all of this, you better start to value freedom.
history of alcatraz began in the late 18 centurywhen the island was opened by the spanish navigator and нарёк his name пеликаний (that means "алькатрас» from spanish). a century later, in the days of the gold rush is a beaconand a little later began construction of the fort to protect the золотоносных territories, which was later provided with 110 дальнобойными tools. gold is used.and the fort ceased to be a - in the early 20th century there appeared the first prison, the first for the prisoners of war, and then for the high-risk federal offenders.in the history of alcatraz out had not been committed a successful getaway - perfect security system and the natural isolation of the rough waters of san francisco bay escaped prisoners have no chance.
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