1. Зная хорошо английский язык, он мог переводить газетные статьи без словаря. 2. Он не мог присутствовать на собрании, так как был болен. 3. Они не остановились поговорить с приятелями, так как уних было мало свободного времени. 4. Имея массу свободного времени, мы решили идти на станцию пешком. 5. Не получая писем от своего отца, она послала ему телеграмму. 6. Не располагая временем, туристы вынуждены были поторопиться. 7. Не располагая временем, я не мог пойти туда. 8. Будучи большим любителем книг, он тратил на них много денег. 9. Очень устав, они отказались идти гулять. 10. Думая, что пойдет дождь, он надел плащ. 11. Будучи очень рассеянным, он сделал несколько ошибок в диктанте. 12. Сжатый льдом, пароход не мог продолжать путешествие. 13. Не зная, как перевести это предложение, я попросил помочь мне. 14. Так как я очень устал, я решил остаться дома.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Knowing English well, he could translate the newspaper article without a dictionary. 2. He could not attend the meeting because he was sick. 3. They have not stopped to talk with buddies, as they had little free time. 4. Having a lot of free time, we decided to go to the station on foot. 5. Not receiving letters from her father, she sent him a telegram. 6. without time, the tourists were forced to hurry up. 7. Do not have the time, I could not go there. 8. Being a great lover of books, he spent a lot of money on them. 9. Very Charter, they refused to go for a walk. 10. Thinking that it rains, he donned a cloak. 11. Being very diffused, he made some mistakes in the dictation. 12. Compressed ice, Steamboat was unable to continue the journey. 13. Not knowing how to translate this sentence, I asked to help me. 14. As I am very tired, I decided to stay home.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Knowing English well, he could translate newspaper articles without a dictionary. 2. He could not attend the meeting because he was ill. 3. They did not stop to talk with friends, as unih had little free time. 4. Having a lot of free time, we decided to go to the station on foot. 5. Not receiving emails from her father, she sent him a telegram. 6. Not having time, tourists were forced to hurry. 7. Not having the time, I could not go there. 8. Being a great lover of books, he spent a lot of money on them. 9. very tired, they refused to go for a walk. 10. Thinking that it starts to rain, he put on his coat. 11. Being a very absent-minded, he made a few mistakes in the dictation. 12. The compressed ice, the ship could not continue the journey. 13. Not knowing how to translate this sentence, I asked to help me. 14. Since I am very tired, I decided to stay home.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. knowing english well, he could translate newspaper articles without a dictionary. 2. he could not attend the meeting because he was ill. 3. they stopped to talk with friends, as had some little free time. 4. with a lot of free time, we decided to go to the station on foot. 5. not receiving letters from her father, she sent him a telegram. 6. with time, the tourists were forced to hurry up. 7. with time, i couldn"t go there. 8. as a big fan of the books, he spent a lot of money. 9. a charter, they refused to go for a walk. 10. thinking that it"s going to rain, he put on the coat. 11. being absentminded, he made some mistakes in the диктанте. 12. the compressed ice boat couldn"t go on the trip. 13. not knowing how to translate this sentence, i asked him to help me. 14. so as i"m very tired, i decided to stay at home.
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