Пищеварение — процесс механической и химической обработки пищи. Химическое расщепление
питательных веществ на составляющие их простые компоненты, которые могут пройти сквозь стенки
пищеварительного канала, осуществляется под действием ферментов, входящих в состав соков
пищеварительных желез (слюнных, печени, поджелудочной и т. д.). Процесс пищеварения осуществляется
поэтапно, последовательно. В каждом из отделов пищеварительного тракта своя среда, свои условия,
необходимые для расщепления определенных компонентов пищи (белков, жиров, углеводов).
Пищеварительный канал, общая длина которого составляет 8 – 10 м, состоит из следующих отделов:
1. Ротовая полость — в ней располагаются зубы, язык и слюнные железы. В ротовой полости пища
механически измельчается с помощью зубов, ощущается ее вкус и температура, формируется пищевой
комок с помощью языка. Слюнные железы через протоки выделяют свой секрет — слюну, и уже в ротовой
полости происходит первичное расщепление пищи. Фермент слюны птиалин расщепляет крахмал до
2. Глотка имеет воронковидную форму и соединяет ротовую полость и пищевод. Она состоит из трех
отделов: носовой части (носоглотки), ротоглотки и гортанной части глотки. Глотка участвует в
проглатывании пищи, это происходит рефлекторно.
3. Пищевод — верхняя часть пищеварительного канала, представляет собой трубку длиной 25 см.
Верхняя часть трубки состоит из поперечно-полосатой, а нижняя — из гладкой мышечной ткани. Трубка
выстлана плоским эпителием. Пищевод транспортирует пищу в полость желудка.
4. Желудок — расширенная часть пищеварительного канала, стенки состоят из гладкой мышечной ткани,
выстланы железистым эпителием. Железы вырабатывают желудочный сок. Основная функция желудка —
переваривание пищи.
5. Пищеварительные железы: печень и поджелудочная железа. Печень вырабатывает желчь, которая
поступает в кишечник во время пищеварения. Поджелудочная железа также выделяет ферменты,
расщепляющие белки, жиры, углеводы и вырабатывает гормон инсулин.
6. Кишечник начинается двенадцатиперстной кишкой, в которую открываются протоки поджелудочной
железы и желчного пузыря.
7. Тонкий кишечник — самая длинная часть пищеварительной системы. Слизистая оболочка образует
ворсинки, к которым подходят кровеносные и лимфатические капилляры. Через ворсинки происходит
8. Толстый кишечник имеет длину 1,5 м, он вырабатывает слизь, содержит бактерии, расщепляющие
клетчатку. Конечный отдел — прямая кишка — заканчивается анальным отверстием, через которое
удаляются непереваренные остатки пищи.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Digestion is the mechanical and chemical process, food processing. Chemical breakdown nutrients into their simplest components, that can pass through walls the digestive tract, is carried out under the action of enzymes, forming part of the juices digestive glands (salivary, pancreas, liver, etc.). The process of digestion is carried out gradually, sequentially. In each of the digestive tract has its own Wednesday, their conditions, needed for cleavage of certain food components (protein, fat, carbohydrates). Gut, the total length of which is 8-10 m, consists of the following divisions: 1. Oral cavity-are teeth, tongue and salivary glands. In the mouth the food mechanically crushed with the help of teeth, there is its taste and temperature of an emerging food lump by using language. Salivary gland through ducts emit its secret — saliva and oral cavity occurs primary breakdown of food. Saliva breaks down starch ptialin enzyme to sugar. 2. Sip has the form voronkovidnuû and connects the mouth and esophagus. It consists of three divisions: bow (nasopharynx), Oropharynx and hypopharynx part of the pharynx. Throat participates in food is swallowed, this happens reflexively. 3. The esophagus is the upper part of the digestive tract, is a tube with a length of 25 cm. The upper part of the tube is composed of striated, and the bottom is made of smooth muscle tissue. Tube lined by flat epithelium. The esophagus carries food to the stomach cavity. 4. The stomach — extended part of the digestive tract, the walls are composed of smooth muscle tissue are lined with glandular epithelium. Glands develop gastric juice. The main function of the stomach the digestion of food. 5. Digestive gland: liver and pancreas. The liver produces bile, which enters the intestines during digestion. The pancreas also secretes enzymes Cleave proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and produces the hormone insulin. 6. Intestine duodenum begins, in which open the ducts of the pancreas glands and gallbladder. 7. Small intestine — the longest part of the digestive system. The mucosa forms villi, which are suitable blood and lymphatic capillaries. Through the villi occurs suction. 8. Large intestine has a length of 1.5 m, it produces mucus contains bacteria, decomposing cellulose. The final Division is the rectum — ends the anus through which undigested food residues are removed.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Digestion - the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food. Chemical cleavage of
nutrients into their constituent simple components that can pass through the walls of
the alimentary canal, is carried out by enzymes belonging to the juices
of the digestive gland (saliva, liver, pancreas, and so on. D.). The process of digestion is carried out
in stages in series. In each of the gastrointestinal tract has its own environment the conditions,
necessary for digestion of certain food components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
Alimentary canal with a total length of 8 - 10 m, consists of the following departments:
1. Oral cavity - it arranged teeth, tongue and salivary glands. In the mouth the food
is mechanically crushed with the help of the teeth, there is the taste and temperature of food is formed
lump of using language. The salivary glands secrete through ducts of a secret - the saliva, and in the oral
cavity is the primary breakdown of food. Enzyme ptyalin of saliva breaks down starch to
2. The pharynx has a funnel-shaped and connects the mouth and esophagus. It consists of three
divisions: the bow (nasopharynx), the oropharynx and hypopharynx. Throat involved in
swallowing food, this is a reflex.
3. Esophagus - the upper part of the digestive canal is a tube length of 25 cm.
The top of the tube is composed of striated, and the lower - from smooth muscle tissue. The tube
is lined with squamous epithelium. The esophagus carries food to the stomach cavity.
4. Stomach - expanded portion of the alimentary canal, the walls are composed of smooth muscle tissue,
lined by glandular epithelium. The glands produce gastric juices. The main function of the stomach -
the digestion of food.
5. Digestive glands: the liver and the pancreas. The liver produces bile, which
arrives in the intestines during digestion. The pancreas also releases enzymes that
break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates and produces the hormone insulin.
6. The intestine starts duodenum, which opened the pancreatic
cancer and gallbladder.
7. Small intestine - the longest part of the digestive system. The mucous membrane forms
villi, which are suitable to the blood and lymphatic capillaries. Through villi occurs
8. The large intestine has a length of 1.5 m, it produces mucus contains bacteria that break down
cellulose. Front End - the rectum - ends with the anus, through which
removes undigested food residue.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
digestion is the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food. chemical fission
nutrients into their simple components that can pass through the walls of
the digestive canalunder the action of enzymes of the digestive gland (juices
in a salivary, liver, pancreas and so on. d.). the process of digestion is
stages consistently.in each of the divisions of the gastrointestinal tract has its own environment, the conditions required for the fission of certain components of food
(proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
digestive canalthe total length of 8 to 10 m, consists of the following divisions:
1. human mouth - it is the teeth, tongue and salivary glands. in the oral cavity is
mechanically измельчается with teeththere is a taste of it and the temperature, a food
of using language. salivary gland through ducts provided their secret saliva and in the oral cavity is a primary food
split.enzyme in saliva птиалин starch to sugar is
2. sip is воронковидную shape and connects the ротовую cavity and esophagus. it consists of three divisions: the
part (носоглотки)ротоглотки and гортанной of throats. sip is
swallowed food, it's a reflex.
3. the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract is a tube length of 25 cm.
the upper part of the tube consists of a stripe, and the lower half of the smooth muscle tissue. a
выстлана flat эпителием. the transports food in the stomach cavity.
4.the stomach is the extended part of the digestive tract wall is composed of smooth muscle tissue,
выстланы железистым эпителием. glands produce gastric juice. the main function of stomach -
food digestion.
5.digestive gland, liver and pancreas. the liver produces bile, which
is intestines during digestion. the pancreas also secretes enzymes
decomposing fats.carbohydrates and produce the hormone insulin.
6. the intestine begins duodenum duodenum, pancreatic ducts which open
gland and gallbladder.
7.the small intestine is the longest part of the digestive system. the mucosa of the form a
villi, which fit the blood and lymphatic capillaries. through the villi is
8.the large intestine has a total length of 1.5 m, it produces mucus contains bacteria, decomposing
клетчатку. the division - colon - anal ends opening through which.removed непереваренные food.
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