Пилкинз пообещал помочь Джиму. Но дело было в том, что Пилкинз сам был перевод - Пилкинз пообещал помочь Джиму. Но дело было в том, что Пилкинз сам был английский как сказать

Пилкинз пообещал помочь Джиму. Но д

Пилкинз пообещал помочь Джиму. Но дело было в том, что Пилкинз сам был влюблен в Рози. На следующее утро он дал Джиму снотворное. Пилкинз думал: “Как только Рози выпьет порошок, она захочет спать. Она проспит несколько часов и не сможет убежать с Джимом. Она, конечно, не достанется мне, но и Джиму тоже.”
Джим ушел, а Пилкинз пошел к м-ру Ридлу и рассказал ему, что Рози и Джим собираются убежать и пожениться этой ночью. М-р Ридл пришел в ярость. Он сказал, что застрелит Джима, если увидит его под окном Рози. “А моя комната как раз этажом выше,” — добавил м-р Ридл.
Всю ночь Пилкинз ждал новостей, но их не было. Утром он поспешил к дому м-ра Ридла. Он как раз переходил улицу, когда увидел Джима. Джим закричал: “Спасибо, Пилкинз! Ты дал мне прекрасное лекарство! Мы с Рози поженились этой ночью, и теперь я счастливейший человек на свете! Вчера за ужином я хотел положить лекарство Рози в чай. Но потом я решил, что она и так достаточно крепко меня любит. А вот ее папаша... Я взглянул на него и подумал: “Вы ведь не очень-то любите меня, м-р Ридл? Почему бы вам не полюбить меня покрепче?” И я всыпал порошок ему в чай.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Pilkinz promised to help Jim. But the fact was that Pilkinz himself was in love with Rosie. The next morning he gave Jim sleeping. Pilkinz thought: "as soon as Rosie drink powder, she wants to sleep. She would sleep a few hours and won't be able to get away with Jim. She, of course, doesn't get me, but Jim too. "Jim is gone, and Pilkinz went to m-en Ridlu and told him that Rosie and Jim are going to run away and get married that night. Mr Riedl was furious. He said that Jim shoot, if you will see it under the window of Rosie. "My room is just one floor up," added Mr Riedl.Pilkinz all night waiting for news, but they were not. In the morning, he hurried to the House of m-RA Ridla. He just crossing the street when I saw Jim. Jim shouted, "thank you, Pilkinz! You gave me a wonderful medicine! We got married that night with Rosie, and now I'm the happiest man in the world! Yesterday for dinner, I wanted to put the medication into a tea. Rosie But then I decided that it's hard enough loves me. And here is her dad ... I looked at him and thought: "you don't really love me, m-r. Riedl? Why don't you love me stronger? "and I vsypal him tea powder.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Pilkinz promised to help Jim. But it was that Pilkinz he was in love with Rosie. The next morning he gave Jim a sleeping pill. Pilkinz thought: "Once Rosie drink powder, she wants to sleep. She would sleep a few hours and not be able to get away with Jim. Of course, she will not get to me, but also to Jim.
"Jim left, and Pilkinz went to Mr. Ridley and told him that Rosie and Jim are going to run away and get married tonight. Mr. Riedl was furious. He said that he would shoot Jim, if you see him at the window Rosie. "And my room just one floor above," - added Mr. Riedl.
All night Pilkinz waiting for news, but they were not. In the morning he rushed to the house of Mr. Riedel. He was just crossing the street when he saw Jim. Jim shouted, "Thank you, Pilkinz! You gave me a great medicine! We Rosie were married that night, and now I am the happiest man in the world! Yesterday at dinner, I wanted to put a drug Rosie's tea. But then I decided that since she loves me hard enough. But her father ... I looked at him and thought, "You do not really love me, Mr. Riedl? Why do not you love me stronger? "And I he cast the powder into his tea.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
пилкинз promised to help jim. but the point was that пилкинз himself was in love with rosie. the next morning he gave jim a sleeping pill. пилкинз thought: "as soon as rosie drink powder, she wants to sleep.she'll sleep for a few hours and can't get away with jim. she, of course, not just me, but jim. "- jim went, and пилкинз went to mr. ридлу and told himrosie and jim are going to run off and get married that night. mr. riddle was furious. he said he'd shoot jim if he sees him under the window, rosie. "and my room was on the floor above," added mr. riddle. "all night пилкинз waited for news, but they were not. in the morning he rushed to the house, mr. riedel. just as she was crossing the street when he saw jim. jim shouted: "thank you, пилкинз! you gave me a good medicine!me and rosie got married last night, and now i am the happiest person in the world! yesterday, after dinner, i want to put the medicine rosie in the tea. but then i thought it hard enough, she loves me. and here's her father.i looked at him and said, "you don't really love me, mr. riddle? why don't you love me stronger? "and i hit the powder into his tea."
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